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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Didn't even have to click the link to know you meant Neptunia fyi.

    I've never heard of that but it doesn't seem so bad. Though trailers are meant to be as misleading as possible.

    I got back into watching anime with Dog Days about a year ago as part of my recommitment to attaining Japanese fluency. The first season I thought was cliche but great. The second season....well, that creeped me the hell out. Specifically this scene.

    Which I think went way too far over the line. I didn't know what I was watching at that point. I always thought the whole transformation thing in animes was sleazy but this one... i've never been able to watch this episode again because of it.

    I still hope for a third season but not in the way they did the second.

    Though they say the Japanese are doomed if they don't increase their fertility rate. I guess that makes it ok. Sort of.

  2. That's generally the case whether you write linearly or not. Obviously, if you don't know what to do next, the mix is going nowhere.

    To a degree this is true but what I meant was if you got stuck around 2:30 and didn't work through the block then that's half of the mix you could have been working on but weren't able to. Now, rather than having a small section giving you some problems in a completed mix you have half of the thing unfinished. Many times when I get stuck I work on another part of it and suddenly the block breaks and the writing is done before I know it.

    Not to say linear writing is wrong or anything. Many people do it very well but I am getting used to the flexibility of working on DAWs.

  3. I used to be linear. Start left and keep going right until it's done. Don't know what to do next? Well then the whole mix is on hold until you do. :<

    Now I work on whatever I currently feel like working on in a given mix. I usually get done alot faster now but I think my older stuff is more interesting to me. I doubt i'll go back given how much time I wasted staring at my DAW.

  4. Battlefront III being cancelled is probably the nail in the coffin. I didn't even know it had been started / cancelled. I kept mentioning it as a joke not knowing it had a history. That's really sad. I think The Force Unleashed, the first one, was not bad at all. It had its infuriating moments, but for a company to be "liquidated" (if that's the right term here) is pretty harsh considering that there WAS a spark of quality in some of the work.

    I thought Pandemic made those battlefront games. Now that was a studio that was closed for a reason! That Lord of the Rings Battlefront like game they made was terrible.

  5. Oh my god, I had completely forgotten about that! I'm so ashamed that I still have a copy of that game somewhere.

    Hey you're not the only one. :) I only have my copy because one of my friends picked it up and didn't want anyone to know he had it. So he gave it to me for free. You just can't turn away from a friend in trouble you know?

    I can't give any of my Final Fantasy games away. Unless you are talking about FFXIII. I couldn't run that one back to the store fast enough.

  6. Occasionally this happens to me in Sonar when I load too much into a project. The midi signals somehow get really confused and trigger everything at one time but usually only once i hit play.

    Keep a limiter on your master track, and make sure everything is routed to the master, to avoid damage. You can also play with the buffer to see if that helps. Sometimes it works but I haven't found much for a solution to this.

    EDIT: The best solution is probably to limit the amount of vsts you have running at a time. Freeze your synths to audio if you are not currently working on them and thaw them once you have something you want to change. Assuming it's a midi issue.

  7. do you guys usually automate during or after tracking? I've had some messy situations with automation before I'm done , like if I have to add new segments or move them around I have pretty much undo all my automation

    You're going to have to delete your automation a lot. It's a pain but if you don't it limits you from doing the changes you need to make. Keep mental notes of what you want to do and save it for the end of your session. Each time you draw them they are going to be a little different and you will get better faster at making them.

    Nice improvements in such a small amount of time!

  8. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=7835033&sku=B69-0824

    This seems like a pretty ridiculous deal - $280 with the rebate? I don't NEED to upgrade my tower, but at this price I am seriously considering it. I could probably re-sell the computer I have now for about $200, and it's only a 4 core with 8GB DDR2.

    Would really love some experts' opinions on this before I pull the trigger.

    Once I finish up a few things I am working on I am pulling the trigger for my long awaited studio PC upgrade. That 2.7ghz isnt a great deal. The max RAM is only 8GB. I made my studio pc in 2006 with a 2.4Ghz quad core with the max of 4GB RAM so what BS is suggesting is more along the lines of a decent upgrade.

    Then again it's probably best to do whatever Bstrades says. 8-)

  9. Awesome. Can I quote you?

    If you are serious sure. :) I didn't think my drivel was quoteable. Quotable? Able to be kwoted... There we go. Another garpocalyptic moment by that...guy with....Gar, in his...name.


    So anyway, didn't Marty Friedman move to Japan? Started playing with Japanese bands? Something like that? If you could get lessons from that guy it would look great on a musical resume. :)

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