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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Crap ACO you just ruined my night completely.

    I grew out of Slayer what seems like a lifetime ago now but I was big into thrash when I was in highschool. Early Slayer had some of my favorite childhood metal moments.

    Still, I'm kinda surprised he made it as long as he did. I mean look at that picture of him.

  2. On the other hand, Amnesia was so scary I stopped playing it pretty early on.

    It's strange that Slender got to me a lot worse than Amnesia did. Though I really enjoyed playing amnesia whereas slender was just torture. Especially that bathroom.

    Did anyone else have a problem getting through that last Ecco game as much as I did? I don't think anything has ever scared the crap out of me as much as Ecco on Dreamcast. (Defender of the future was it?) Something about being trapped under water with a bunch of sharks that you couldn't see until they were on top of you. Coming out of that blue haze.

    ...must have been a fish in a former life.

  3. I was obsessive with making multiple saves of Final Fantasy games, especially on PS1 and PS2. I went nuts with FF7 and FF10. The issue I ran into was that my brother and I would accidentally save over each other's files. This wasn't a problem with Xbox, thanks to having different profiles.

    The first time I played through FFVII I switched to a new memory card midway through the game. It was one of those POS's that compressed the data so you had 30 memory cards for the price of one. Well I was on disc 3 and about to beat the game when the thing corrupted and the last save I had on my old memory card was all the way back in Cosmo Canyon on disc 1. Had to replay somewhere around 50 hours of the game and breed another damn gold chocobo...

  4. This is the one only thing that is both Sonic and something I am avoiding like the plague. I've almost given in several times and bought the game then I remembered that just playing the demo on XBL was bad enough of an experience. What I have heard from the soundtrack I like but my connection to it has been very limited.

    As far as Sonic's modern soundtracks I'd have to go with Sonic Unleashed as my favorite.

  5. I have a lot of self-discipline, but after several long months those Doritos Locos taco commercials are starting to get to me..:grin:

    I think those would have to be pretty easy to make. Get a bag of Doritos, put some fish or whatever on it and melt some cheese on top. It's going to be more than 2 bucks but it would have to be better for you. After taking a quick look at Taco Bell's ingredient list I was surprised to see Silicon Dioxide in some of the main ingredients. Processing Aid?! Who are they trying to fool here. The best part is they tried to deny it and say they never put sand in their food, then they listed it on the ingredients list!! If you are going to lie you have to commit to it!


    There, that should help you! Read some of that and see if you still want anything from them.

  6. Haven't done this in awhile but ever since my first one I can only finish a JRPG on a 4+ hour play session late at night on saturday. Usually that's closing any side quests+ the final dungeon+ the ending+ the credits

    Sometimes followed by a midnight run to the grocery store for a victory donut. .

  7. Wowzers! What an honour!!

    No need to get into details or anything, I'm sure you'll be flooded with responses soon.

    Honor. Skryp. Honor. You guys were supposed to be the creators of this language remember?

    Spending time to possibly get my name as a credit sounds pretty cool but it depends on a few things.

    1. How long is said credit list

    2. What is the font of said credit list mentioned in #1

    3. How fast are these credits scrolling

    These should be at the top of everyone's credit negotiation concerns as suggested to me by Zircon. Or actually it might have been a fortune cookie I just had.

  8. Studies show artificial crab causes mutations in vitro, and research performed in animal models suggests that imitation crab may be linked to high cholesterol. I would really stick to grass-fed, grass-FINISHED crab.

    I went fishing for crabs with hunks of chicken when I was a kid. Somehow I caught two crabs. I still think it's amazing because when was the last time you saw a roaming pack of crabs running down a chicken?

    Soul, Blame Strader for hijacking the thread. Though I think he opened up on a poignant issue. Proof reading your posts. :)!!

  9. Ok guys, I lost 9 pounds in 6 days. The next 6 days I've lost 0. I haven't changed my diet at all. I'm eating nothing but salads, vegetables, chicken, fish, and atkins protein shakes. Does it always only work this much?

    Alot of health programs and fad diets and whatever bank on you losing a few lbs in a week in order to convince you their program works.

    Most likely you lost 9 lbs of water and that was about it. When I first tried to bulk up one month I got up to about 197 lbs (and i was really happy with that too) then roughly two weeks of going back to my usual workouts I lost 15lbs like it was nothing.

    Don't give up changes can happen but it takes time and daily commitment. A quick loss of weight shouldn't change your attitude any more than a week of no loss at all. Keep your head in it!

  10. Also, Esperado is absolutely right about the importance of the room you're working in. On a budget it's pretty easy to treat for high frequencies: egg cartons, old rugs, etc can go up on walls. The trick is low end, which really requires you to fill up a lot of space in the corners of the room with thick absorbant material like fiberglass insulation.

    I've been looking at getting a room correction system as I found out that what I have been working in has some pretty severe deficits and near deafening boosts. Does anyone have any opinions when it comes to the KRK ergo? http://www.krksys.com/krk-ergo.html

  11. How can a scale measure body fat?

    It sends electrical signals up through your feet when you stand on it. Doesn't hurt or anything but it might put a pretty big dent in your battery budget. Since it is electrical though it is very dependant on your fluid levels. Weigh yourself once a day at the same time, usually first thing in the morning is a good idea. I read somewhere that there is as much as a five percent error when using these things but as long as you don't get any wild unpredicted results you can still use it to gauge your progress.

  12. Random question, how do you measure body fat? I'd guess those pincher things I remember from high school gym class, but are there other ways as well?

    Calipers work great but there is a curve to using them. You can also get one of these which is what I use. https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7442751482380710246?q=fat%20percentage%20scale&hl=en&sqi=2&bav=on.2,or.r_qf.&bvm=bv.45580626,d.dmQ&biw=1024&bih=570&wrapid=tlif136675838300010&sa=X&ei=FhR3UY-_JqbF0gHF6YC4CQ&ved=0CGMQ8wIwAA

    But like anything else it's not perfect. There is some error involved and you're likely to get different readings at different times during the day depending on your fluid levels.

  13. Yeah I have the ability to make the video, I was just going to use some gameplay footage and whatnot. It's more a matter of this isn't going to be the "official" album trailer anyway (OCR will make that prior to release), so I'm not sure how important having a video is for right now. Hearing a preview of the music is what's going to be important. We'll see what I have time to come up with!

    Might I suggest something along these lines?

  14. Pretty sure that'll be covered in the Fighting Fuck Toy video.

    There is nothing even remotely sexist about any fighting game. period. Fighting games are about true equality. They are about the most basic skills and tools for survival that humans have. They are about taking your clothes off and beating things up. (

    ) Not sexist in the least.

    I'll be very very interested in hearing anyone's reasoning on a forthcoming youtube video, should one be made, as to why fighting games are sexist.

    Besides, anyone who thinks DOA is sexist hasn't fought Alpha who is ridiculously OP.

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