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Posts posted by Garpocalypse

  1. And Japan is much more overtly discriminatory in general when you look at their works of fiction than North America.

    Chiming in. I have no idea where this thread is in on or off topic relations but here goes.

    The Japanese have a philosophy that is sort of like ying/yang but more uniquely Japanese It's called Omote and Ura. To make it quick it's the relationship between what is on the surface and what is hidden. The military that is supported by spying or a ceiling that is held up by a series of pillars. The Japanese also use this to explain the relationship between men's and women's role in society. However this line is getting blurred today but it still is a staple of Japanese culture and it at least partly explains women's slow progress when compared to the rest of the developed world.

    Sorry had to interject. Please resume. :)

  2. Hmm, interesting. I've only played Skies of Arcadia for Gamecube, but I gave it up after awhile anyway cuz it didn't hold my interest.

    If you love airships (and who doesn't?) Skies of Arcadia was a dream game. What really bums me out though was that it was among the last of SEGA's truly creative efforts. SEGA games kinda stopped being SEGA games for the most part after that. :(

    Still hoping for a sequel...

  3. Another crappy port that really bugged me is Skies of Arcadia: Legends. The added material was not worth the terrible sound and graphic quality. Everything was compressed all to hell, so when the characters would have that stupid little "yeah!" or "uh-huh!" babble they'd say in cut scenes, it would be super-loud. The cham minigame with cupil was ruined without a UMV, and there was no Pinta's Quest at all (not that it was all that useful to begin with).

    Then the worst thing: the music. Skies of Arcadia had fantastic music, and the Dreamcast's on-board sound was great. When they ported it to Gamecube, they killed any level variance and all the instruments were loud and muddy. It sounded terrible, especially on tracks like The Dark Rift or Little Jack. I tried to find an example of it on YouTube, but all the "Legends" soundtracks up there are from the original Dreamcast OST.

    I mean, I guess the Gamecube version is better than no Skies of Arcadia at all, but it's nowhere near as awesome as the original.

    whhaaaaaaaaaaaat?! How dare you attack any Skies of Arcadia! :)

    I havent been able to do any side by side comparisons and when I got my gamecube, at the end of it's life, i moved all of my consoles to VGA that I could. So since I was forced to play Legends on an old crappy mono TV I didn't think to make any judgement about the music.

    But the additions of the really really tough bosses, Piastol, and a few collection mini quests I thought were great.

    Skies of Arcadia was the best game for ladder enthusiasts.

  4. As one of OCR's most vocal resident Saturn-whores, I humbly endorse this product and/or service.

    I challenge you to a Saturn whore-down Level!

    HAH! You listed Iron Storm!!! Probably my favorite game on the Saturn. I had a remix medley for that planned but decided to abort it until my skillz got better. I realized not everyone wants to listen to a 14+ minute remix of my GARbage.

    I'd like to add Wing Arms to that list but for the life of me I can't find the sources on youtube. I have the game so I might try to record them myself.

    All in favor of Steveo directing this? yay.

  5. Thanks Syllix i'll take anything I can get!

    I guess I made some bad kick EQ choices. This mix started out as a hybrid of trance and metal, because I wanted to make an electronic mix i could actually listen to, but as it went it got more and more metal. I wanted the kick to sound closer to a sub heavy trance kick but i think i'll redo that.

    Recording new guitar parts and i hope to get a fresh mixing done this weekend.

  6. I was going to bring up FFT War of the Lions but despite the corny Shakespearean dialogue and spell slowdown I still really enjoyed the game. It is one of my favorite games ever created afterall. :)

    It's not always the voice actors themselves who botch the part. Alot of times it's the friggen' directors. Though yea I didn't like FFX english yuna at all.

  7. Hey mak, actually those tips you gave me almost a year ago about reverb really stuck with me. I may have taken it to the other extreme because I only used two delay plugins on this whole mix. I stripped all reverb and delay settings from every instrument and I ran some delay on a buss that grouped the orchestra, choir, bass and guitars and then a slightly different delay setting for a few of the leads on a seperate FX buss.

    I really want an epic sound, yea i know that word is overused, but I can't believe how light the settings seem to need to be to achieve it. :( Next time i'm going to try to organize depth with a few more tiers of lighter delay and see if that can convey space between the sounds a little better.

    Thanks esperado!

  8. Thanks for the comments. It does kinda suck that after a night where you think you had your best mix session ever you get up the next day and realize it wasn't quite as awesome as you thought it was...

    I'm going to try mastering it differently tonight and see if that does anything. Otherwise rebuild it from the ground up...again.

    One thing i really can't stand is artificial vibrato. Maybe i'm not programming it right but anything more than a small amount of expression never comes off well.

    And ACO, I like to think my mixes are a lesson in guitarist humility. :) In the back, where they belong! Just kidding, i think most people are the same but i freaking love background delayed guitars. So that's where they are staying. :)

  9. I've finally gotten around to updating my most garpocalyptic remix to date. What started out as a quick remixing of Supremacy for the PRC crowd ended up becoming one of my favorite mixes to work on so far. Mostly because I am closer than ever to the sound I wanted... Two years ago.


    Remix: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/supremacy-cosmic-cataclysm-1 (updated 6-20-13)


    Guitars Redone

    VST's used:

    Dimension Pro


    Le Pou Amp and Cab sims



    Steven Slate Drums

    If it's passable I'm hoping this will be my debut mixpost so please, tastefully, reem this one out.

  10. What did it 'say about us' back in the '80s when our movies and video-games often starred machine-gun toting musclemen who spouted one-liners at every given opportunity?

    Clearly we've lost something valuable to our collective conscious over the last 30 years.

    Expendables 2! Awesome movie! I never thought i'd miss that stuff but these days in our Steve Carell, Seth Rogan, Angry Video Game Nerd society. Yea, i kinda do. :)


    Crap I just remembered i've been meaning to remix this source for awhile.

    Drums are sort of apart from the rest of the mix, like the orchestra is playing on a stage but the drummer is right in the middle of the audience for some reason. Not blended as well as it could be. The highhats are distracting too.

    Try taking the piano out of stereo for most of the mix. At least until the solo at the end. It's muddying up the rest of the instruments and it's a little awkward sounding.

    The mix as it is is still pleasant sounding. Not abrasive or painful to listen to which is great. I think the swells come out too much and take shift the listeners attention in a bad way though. Clean up the piano and tone down the swells and this would be a fantastic mix!

  12. I hear something really weird in the intro, and it sounds like it's majorly clipping. Intro is really muddy. Some sort of low end drone is cluttering things up like crazy.

    Not sure what that is at the start but if it's intentional it's great. On my earbuds it sounds like it's coming from the back of my head. If it just wasn't panned slightly to the right...

    The bass sounds like one long note. Can't hear the plucks at all. Some neat wide swells but they don't come off in a pleasing way. The alto sax has a few notes that had my ears hurting as well.

    Most of the playing is too mechanical. Was it all moused in? If you can get a midi keyboard and try to play a few things then it would sound a lot more natural. Overall probably not quite ready for Mod Review just yet but this would be very enjoyable with some more development.

  13. Congrats on winning the round MW. Pretty sweet mix for the most part.

    Off the bat I think there is too much reverb on the horn call. If it's EWQLSO then I know you can't really get rid of all the reverb on the samples and it's probably stacking with the master reverb.

    The harp is really really mechanical. I would take the plucks no more than four notes at a time and make sure that each one is humanized and varies appropriately in velocity. A little rubato here and there just to widen the downbeats. If you watch live orchestra players, especially the plucking ones, there is a really really long moment in preparation of a pluck on a downbeat. It's tough to explain but next time you see an orchestra watch the basses.

    The bells are a little too piercing against the lush strings. Maybe filter off the highs or readjust the EQ. The fake vibrato kind of takes away alot of this mix's greatness especially around 3:13. I don't think this is EWQLSO.

    Overall I really liked it, it reminds me of Star Ocean 2 in a good way, but some of the instruments don't seem to match each other.

    The starting call sounds very very different from the rest of the mix and this becomes extremely apparent right around 3:13. After mixing different sections I always do a few long mixes where I just listen to it from start to finish and do some final tweeking as I listen. This helps with uniformity in the sound.

    Great work for only a week's amount of time!

  14. I think that's incredibly debatable. If we go to muscle biology, it all depends on so many variables.
    Women are more physically efficient. Men have much higher peak power output.
    Is it sexist to say that males, when compared to females, are more physically efficient and muscular, and thus are more suitable, for example, as sword-wielding heroes in rpg's?

    Where the heck did this thread go since last night? This is just getting weird now guys. BS opened a pandoras box that no one can...really seem to deal with actually. :banghead:

  15. The Genesis port of Zombies Ate My Neighbors always seemed crappy to me.

    I loved that game! Having never played any other version i can't say any more than that...

    The dreamcast port of Omicron was pretty awful but then again the dreamcast had a lot of terrible ports. ABXY for 1st person movement my ass!

    Outside of that the Genesis version of Galaxy Force II was horrible. I still loved the game but I wish they would publish the original arcade version on a system I own! I'm hoping to see a cabinet of Galaxy Force II at a future magfest. The one that had a moving cockpit.

    Played this one time at Ocean City MD when I was a kid and it was life changing. For a kid.
  16. I dont want to start anything here but I was looking at the description for Tomb Raider on steam and for some reason this description of something in the game made me think of this thread.

    Croft's Crest (for all classes) - "This badge lets your enemies know you're as brave as a shivering, weeping, blood-stained 17-year-old British girl

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