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Status Updates posted by Garpocalypse

  1. awww please? Tell you what. Give it a listen and it'll redeem you for setting off that powder keg in the Community forums. :)

  2. Hey Syllix, it's been awhile! Any chance you could check out my current mix on the wip forums? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?p=908530#post908530 Hoping to get this one off to the judges as soon as I can!

  3. Just a brat who is trying to act like something he isn't. :)

  4. I freaking love you! :)

    thanks for the vote!

  5. Thanks tim! I didn't think that my crappy vibrato was going to stand out to anyone but you have a great ear for detail.

  6. thanks! it's been great to go up you directly for once. I know I cheezed out of FFCC but congrats on winning that one!

    (your PM box is full!)

  7. Hey Rexy,

    Just wondering if you could do us a HUGE favor for the Streets of Rage album that is being brought out of limbo. Would you be able to give us a bump on your radio show and say that we are looking for people to fill out the album? We have roughly half the album to get claimed before we can get back on the ball.



  8. I get that alot. Really. People tend to think i'm either Swedish, Irish, Bavarian, Finnish or whatever but I just talk kind of funny for an upstate New Yorker. Most people think of New Yorkers as having a Long Island or NYC accent but nope. not me. Though I just wish more, you know, women brought this to my attention, that a few sentences I said to them stayed in their minds for half a year. :)

    It was cool meeting you too! Going to be at MAG 2014?

  9. No problem! have a great holiday!

  10. Hey thanks for the crits but really that mix sounds awful. I've hit some walls with that mix over the past few months but I think it's finally coming together. Any chance for a preview of yours so I know what i'm up against? :)

  11. Tornados, Tornadoes? Anyway, Tornados can suck.

  12. Congrats on whomping me! Now you better win this competition!!


  13. Hey kruai your Collision Chaos JP is really freaking nice. I haven't been into alot of the electronic stuff but is there an effect suite you'd recommend for working in the genre? I only have Sonitus and am looking to expand ASAP.

  14. what is with the midi guitars?? THEY AREN'T!! i'm just a badass editor. :)

  15. it's alot of things! :)

  16. So far everyone with really good sounding stuff has been telling me to get Massive. Blind included. That means it's now my next purchase. Thanks!

  17. Hey DS, is there going to be a WCRG 2014? :)

  18. Happy Birthday Darke. So close to my age yet so much more talent. :)

  19. no problem boss! It seems like I can no longer get the vst outside of Komplete so it might be a little while until I am able to get it.

  20. Hey congrats on the mixpost!

  21. Hey, thanks for posting your thoughts on my SOR remix. Reworking the drums are on the top of my list.

  22. Hey Zircon if you have SC5 for XBL look me up sometime. My XBL ID is gar1283.

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