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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Once I finish up a few things I am working on I am pulling the trigger for my long awaited studio PC upgrade. That 2.7ghz isnt a great deal. The max RAM is only 8GB. I made my studio pc in 2006 with a 2.4Ghz quad core with the max of 4GB RAM so what BS is suggesting is more along the lines of a decent upgrade. Then again it's probably best to do whatever Bstrades says.
  2. Yes, that cake couldn't have been more fitting. :)

  3. If you are serious sure. I didn't think my drivel was quoteable. Quotable? Able to be kwoted... There we go. Another garpocalyptic moment by that...guy with....Gar, in his...name. So anyway, didn't Marty Friedman move to Japan? Started playing with Japanese bands? Something like that? If you could get lessons from that guy it would look great on a musical resume.
  4. Happy Birthday snapps! That's nice Mirby but Snappleman drew a bigger one in my Magfest 2013 book. A hat i mean...
  5. Everyone starts out with dreams and ambition, a few make it and reality crushes the spirits of the ones that don't.
  6. I have a first generation PS2 that despite heavy use still runs perfectly. Unlike the original PSX that had to be tilted on its side to use. My ps2 is now my dedicated DVD player.
  7. My idea of mastering: Anything that's in my master chain+boosting to 0.0 This thread helped me to realize some more that I need to be doing but finding any information on mastering is incredibly difficult. It's like those engineers are trying to protect their jobs or something...
  8. This, except for that last statement. Everyone I have known that was involved in music when I was a student, and that wasn't a college professor, was dirt poor. Barely able to get the money together to keep playing and certainly not enough to develop a home studio. My highschool music teachers especially were far better teachers than what they were paid to be. The non-traditional music teachers if you want to call them that bounced around from day job to night job to playing live as often as possible and taking as many students as they could fit into their schedule. It's not as free as you might think, especially once the a$$holes want to start taking lessons from you. Remember though that you have youtube and living room studio musicians to compete with now so any potential to earn a living through music, which there wasn't much of, is dwindling further. When I was in school I attended a few guest composer lectures and they all said that they were living at a deficit no matter how many commissions they earned. They made all the money they could working like crazy earlier in there lives and now they sit at home and write music and lose money. And that was before the recession. If you can make it work go for it but know that nothing sucks quite as bad as getting up one morning and realizing how tired you are of living like this. Kind of like those people with jobs except they have money.
  9. Oh man why does my youth always come back to haunt me like this?! Please let me grow up!! Such awesomeness could only be surpassed by a remake of Talespin or Biker Mice from Mars.
  10. Where are you working in Japan and can you please put me down as your replacement!
  11. I have the same fear. Once I start seeing any gain reduction on the limiter my mind automatically assumes it's sounding bad and because i think it is, it does. Just a slight reduction with no unintentional pumping is what i have been told to look for. If you hit that then back it off but i'm curious as to what other people think too.
  12. I don't know anything about those sites myself but I just read an article about people that sell steam keys using stolen credit card numbers. If the card gets disputed the developer has to pay it back while the 3rd party gets the money that should have gone to the developer. Also not a specific deal. nyuk nyuk nyuk. I plan on picking up a few indie games during the current indie game sale on steam though!
  13. yep, same. I put 30 bucks into the last steam sale and I still have more to play than what I have time for. Hopefully by the time i get around to beating The Witcher 2, Tomb Raider will be on sale.
  14. I am so freaking tempted to make that Sonic Spinball one my ringtone.
  15. I'll assume you are talking about me here. I'm not really a big fan of the one mix per series rule. I think it's going to encourage multi sourced remixes that go between too many games in some cases. One mix per game would give everyone a chance to do something from the series they wanted to do and open the ground for more than one remix per remixer. I feel kind of bad taking the whole Virtua Cop series when I know I am only going to be working with the music from Virtua Cop 2 and I would love to get in on some Panzer Dragoon. I think the addition of a Sonic Xtreme remix would be more fanservice than anything but the people who are going to be downloading the album will know that the remixers who worked on it knew their Saturn stuff if they see Sonic Xtreme on there. Especially the ones who are more Sega cultists like me. Segata Sanshiro is a great icon but I, like most NA's at the time, had no idea he existed until I was able to watch those commercials on youtube. However I did know about Sonic Xtreme from all the previews to the eventual cancellation notice of the game in my Ultra Game Players mags so Sonic Xtreme was more a part of the Saturn experience than Segata Sanshiro was at the time for me and many others. No big though if we can't do it, i'd be up for a collab on it for sure.
  16. Putting in my claim for the Virtua Cop series. It's all mine!!!
  17. and if you play them all back to back you are going to hear the word "survive" around 40 times. actually it might end up being more than that.
  18. Guess I kind of jinxed the whole thing there. Sorry. I have to agree with G-mixer that the people who will be most interested in this album will be expecting some mentioning of Sonic Xtreme as it was the biggest shock as far as cancellations went. Alot of people have been arguing for an independent release of the game but due to Sega of J's retraction of their IPs from the west it probably wont ever happen. Also given how Sega dominated the arcades back in the day and that being able to play their Arcade games at home was a huge selling point for the Saturn, I think you are going to have to allow all first party arcade ports. Those were AM2's glory days for sure.
  19. I was kind of hoping for a definite no just to help me narrow down what I want to do. If the album's release is 2014 I think it should have double the amount of tracks it currently has planned by that time.
  20. I'll get a few wips together and pick something but is famous Sega Saturn Vaporware ok? Sonic Xtreme was the most anticipated Sonic game that got cancelled but alot of people seem to really like the music that was supposed to be in it.
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