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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Thanks guys. I still have alot of work to do to it since it's no where near the finished sound I wanted but I am glad that you thought well enough of it. I didn't want to skew the results with sympathy votes so I didn't put this in the description but the remix is based on both a hopeful sequel to mirror's edge and an inspirational send off to a family member that died before the competition from a very short battle with cancer. I hope no one gets tired of metal crossovers because more are coming! I'm not working on a different style until I get a 1st place metal mix on PRC!
  2. Everything this guy does cracks me up. It seems so obviously edited that why people would even discuss whether he uses correction or not is surprising. Especially the whistling. Still pretty awesome though.
  3. what the.... Some people really get into their games. On a somewhat related note, if you like stories that depress you to no end try this one. Lost Odysee's White Flowers.
  4. subbed. Good to see everyone again! I'm going to get back into checking for PRC sources on time now. A note about my description, when I said "finished" I meant it very very loosely.
  5. I know that feeling. Just remember that everytime you break something down it will always come back better when you try to do it again. Keep a tight system of backing up your project and it's files just to get over that fear of loss then play around with it! I guess one of the pieces of information i was given and have since taken completely for granted is freezing synths and quick bouncing recordings. Not only did I have a big problem wasting system power but I used to spend hours just recording my audio. It was a huge waste of time and forget it if there were any notes I wanted to change later on.
  6. I don't know if this is what you are looking for exactly but I keep a notebook of everything I know and want to try production wise. If i'm studying and I suddenly think of a good way to process something differently in the notebook it goes. I also take notes from youtube videos or any time I'm watching someone else work. Writing things down helps me to remember what I want to do or try and it's more efficient than just staring at my DAW until something comes to me. Can't go wrong with short mixes either. I've been doing a weekly thing with trying different styles out but bumping it down to a shorter daily might be better for a change. Also for ten minutes before I work on anything I have a very active listening session where I play a professional track, or an OCremix and I try to think of everything that could have been done to it to make it sound the way it did.
  7. Congrats XPRT! Make sure to brush up on the classics so you can pass them on. Sonic the Hedgehog, Golden Axe, Mario...
  8. Hey I remember this one from awhile ago. Some really nice improvements! Sounds awesome. Cheers to updating old work. It's not easy. I take a few of the ones I want to update at a time and I am almost never happy with how they sound no matter what I change.
  9. Wouldjya look at that... Now I don't have to pay to free up space like I thought. Thanks!
  10. I would only upgrade my soundcloud for a month if it let me delete some of those garbage WIPS i put on there. Is there a way to do that? I haven't figured out how to do it yet.
  11. Isn't that the same bass you had at magfest? I'm thinking of adding another bass to my family but honestly I really can't stand the headless models. Any work done to it?
  12. My absolute favorite track from Star Ocean 2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_8vgQS3do0 -Moderate I count the first section as 7/6, 5/6, 8/6, 6/6, 8/6 5/6, 5/6, 6/6, 6/6 with each measure being a slightly different time sig before landing in 3/4 in the next section. Had a remix of this years ago but my love of the original kept me from finishing it.
  13. My mistake. Stardust Present was what I was listening for which is my favorite track on Sonic CD. The guitar and bass is definitely Bad Future at the start but outside of that I didn't recognize any of the other stardust tracks. At first I was hoping that elements from each Stardust source were used but beyond the Bad Future groove which runs through most of the mix I wasn't hearing anything. Of course i'm no judge but when it's just a background to improvise over what's the take on the usage? Not much re interpretation of the source and quite a bit of original material taking the spotlight. I'd be interested in hearing what the judges would say about it. Far from easy sources to remix by the way. The tone of the mix nailed the mood of the original track I think. The guitar gets a little piercing though and it's a little too repetitive but i'd very interested in any future updates should they be coming. Sonic CD needs alot more attention on OCR.
  14. I know this source well and honestly I'm not hearing much of it in this mix. Some things stand out that kind of sound like it but it's faint at best. Beyond the really repetitive drums there are some things I really like about this but since the connection to stardust speedway is so thin I think it might be better received on it's own. I'm also working on a Sonic CD remix and I did try some improvised melodies in earlier versions but that's where I really lost the source pretty much completely. Props for the attempt!
  15. I can vouch for that. Also, pick any well known OCremixer, anyone that is waaaayy above your level. In fact the further the better, and just rip on them non stop. Not only is it a great way to draw attention to yourself but it might help you progress faster too! That's what I did to BS over at DoD and look where it got me! I actually beat him one month last year!! Seriously though just keep a steady flow of work in the WIP forums and show up at MAGfest at the start of each year. There are also a few competitions that are run within the forums here like Remixing with the stars and the PRC. Check them out and good luck with your remixing!
  16. yea xeno is a little science fictiony. Too much for my tastes. Blood of the outsider sounds much much more awesome than what i thought your name was. Outer blood. Covered in blood. something like that anyway.

    Are there any resources(books articles magazines) you would recommend when you mentioned what you stay up on? I have my resources but as you mentioned they are kinda for dumbshits. :) No ill will or anything. Feel free to tear me up in that thread all you want.

  17. nyuk nyuk nyuk.:razz: I was in my medical terminology class the other day and we just started going over blood. Lots of ~emias in the that chapter and I was thinking who does that sound like....

  18. I just found this earlier in the thread. Good Ol' Charlie James. When you get over her screen name you're not going to find a better source of fitness information.... and entertainment. I was surprised she couldn't do those actually. I do them all the time. The really tough ones are these: Try a few of these variations. Edit: Bruce and Jack were among the first to think about what they were doing and why they should or shouldn't have been doing it. It was more of an academic approach to fitness that put them over the top for their times but they were also workers. At some point you have to get out of your head, put down the book and start doing. Going deep into what is happening is great though, you stand to benefit alot of people with your life's work but on a personal level such detail is unnecessary to me. Especially when so much of it is bound to change once I figured out how to incorporate it.
  19. No big, for the most part it's stuff people already know. That's great if you are currently working in the health field. I am going for a backup degree in Physical Therapy right now but whether I decide to take it to doctorate level or just work as a PTA is still up for decision. Right now i'm thinking i'll work wherever I can get the most free time. You clearly have an approach to fitness that's different and more thought out than most but keep in mind that many fitness fanatics like Bruce Lee and Jack LaLane wouldn't have a clue as to what you are talking about. Nor would they care to get into such specifics. They found what works and they do it. If you check out OA's post from Arnold, he expresses everything in extremely simple terms. You really don't need more than that.
  20. lol, I just tried one of those again this year for the first time in 17 or 18 years. I made it through half of one and couldn't bear to finish it. It's sweet enough to kill and revive an elephant. I used to love them when I was a kid too. Getting older sucks. Moderation is going to be different to everyone. To me, one cadbury egg every 17 years is moderation. The important thing is you don't use "moderation" as an excuse to keep cheating yourself. Have a pop tart in moderation and also have some green beans in moderation too.
  21. Hey no problem. A little conflict drives life afterall. Judging by your name, and that shot of you on the forums, you probably know something about blood. Which is great. Keep using that as a tool! Hope to see you at MAG 2014. I'll be a little more animated next time around. :)

  22. I'm not a trained nutritionalist nor do I work in the health field... Yet. So i'll just post a few things that anyone could have googled. http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/features/fiber-how-much-do-you-need Moderate fiber intake is around 30 grams with the suggested amount being around 38 if you are a male. Log all of the fiber you have in a day and see how close you are. If you are under then there is a good chance that red meat will stay in your system where it will really start messing you up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_meat http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/2012/mar/12/red-meat-death-heart-cancer Balance is always key. I keep my protein sources varied and make sure it doesn't just come from animals. Plant proteins aren't complete but they don't have cholesterol. Cholesterol is necessary for muscle gain but over the long run a high cholesterol diet isn't sustainable. It's good to get used to a varied diet over the course of your life than to think you need to limit it. http://www.livestrong.com/article/525283-red-meat-fiber/ High fiber intake is just as bad as low fiber intake. In both cases you get plugged up. However if you are suggesting that 30 grams is high i'd have to call you on that. Within 1 cup of beans and 5 cups of fibrous vegetables you've already hit all you'll need for the day. By the time of your death those studies will have provided contrasting answers several times over. Remember when eggs were good. then they were bad. then they were kind of ok but should be avoided. then it turned out that they had the good kind of cholesterol. Then they said that too much good cholesterol is also a problem... and so on until people just went back to doing what they felt was right. Eating red meat every single day for a short period is fine say when you are bulking up but over a long period of time you are just limiting yourself. Red meat in small amounts and from good sources is a nutritional powerhouse but too much of anything has it's downsides. There is a difference between no carbs and no processed carbs. A zero carb diet is crap and impossible to actually attain. You need to have carbs for energy and to keep your body from using protein for anything other than muscle repair. Strategic eating of carbohydrates throughout the day will help you achieve your goals without feeling like you are killing yourself. Which too many people think they have to do in order to see any results. People have been harping about mercury for a long time but it's worth some consideration. Japan has a high fish diet and they have among the highest amount in cases of stomach cancer in the world. (They also rely heavily on processed foods which contributes to it) Fish is great but since I can't get freshly caught fish through my supermarket I don't make it a point to eat it constantly. Plus it's expensive enough frozen.
  23. Hey joining fitocracy and entering a bunch of information ate into my studio time tonight. I'd be glad to discuss this with you further though. Just not right this second. :)

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