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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. you don't get more predictable then that. :)

  2. Tell you what, i'll do one of those if you do

  3. There's a joke in here somewhere. Still looking for it... It's always easy to blame the voice actors but i think people should be quicker to blame the voice acting directors.
  4. You know Snow was Troy Baker right? Baker was really the only voice actor I could stand in FFXIII. Well, him and the guy who did Sazh. I thought the chicks were awful for the most part. If SE really wants to do this game right they are going to need Troy for every voice for every character in the game. Including the women...
  5. There is a ton of great information in this thread already so I doubt I can add much of anything but one thing I have been trying is mixing with pink noise. You can read up on it here. http://mixingtips.org/forum/mixing-tips-(general)/mixing-with-pink-noise/ Instead of setting your tracks to each other you set it to pink noise one at a time. Solo the instrument you want to set, bring the volume up until you just barely here a peak come above the noise, then move on. I''ve noticed that my drums sound alot better than they did and any EQ'ing you do after is alot more sensitive which could make your snare more prominent. I don't have any examples up just yet but in my few attempts doing it this way it seems to really have changed the way I work for the better.
  6. Really awesome tattoo. yea you're right! that is the best part!
  7. 1. Indonesia 2. United States 3. Mexico 4. Belize ...still hoping to break into that Lithuanian market.
  8. After seeing how some of this game looks like Sonic Xtreme I guess I have to get it now! Just have to figure out how to justify getting a Wii u...
  9. Happy Birthdays! Here have the most overrated local sandwhich on the planet, a spiedie.
  10. I have some absynth collections that came with my budget version of Komplete Elements. They are only unalterable presets that play through Kore Player but many times I stick them in the background to make things feel bigger without them being too noticeable. Counter melodies are easier to do than some would have you think. I remember reading books on counterpoint when I was in college and getting almost nothing from them. If you are not used to looking at music vertically (note against note from a given moment in the piece) then just loop a small section and improvise on a midi keyboard until you get something that fits with what you have. good luck!
  11. I've picked up a few things from East West and I haven't seen a deal from them that is any better than 50% outside of their composer's collection. Symphonic Orchestra comes with a really good Steinway sample so if you don't already have a decent string library i'd go for that. I have so many different piano patches and samples just from what I've bought over the years that i've never been hurting for a dedicated piano library. Unless there was something specific you really wanted that the library can do well I don't think it's really that necessary to spend the money when there are some really great things from East West you could get for the same price. Like RA Stay the hell away from ministry of rock I &II too. just sayin'. You could pick up Dimension Pro for about 100 bucks and go nuts with all the piano presets on there then go nuts again making your own. It's not as realistic as a piano library like EW's but you can do a heck of alot more with it especially if you are working with the electronic styles. I wouldn't do that if I was programming my own accompaniment for a concerto, but that's about the only thing i wouldn't use it for.
  12. Oh man I completely forgot how much I loved this intro music back in the day. I'll probably get something in, just hope that it won't suck.
  13. That's all I got out of it. I don't see how she could attack parts of games that no one would have enjoyed unless they were really messed up. Putting the player in positions where they can only make one tough choice, one that they aren't going to be happy with either way, shows how people don't think the way she's saying they do. I'm probably going to get flack for this but extremists are supposed to be bad people remember? Extremists aren't about bringing people together but about splitting them up. I have nothing against her personally but she is inviting all the negativity she is getting. That fake laugh towards Bionic Commando isn't going to help either. If she's wikipedia'ing half this stuff anyway she needs to look this up ..... well wikipedia doesnt have it but here is something just as good http://www.nakasendoway.com/?page_id=1442 Over half the stuff she was attacking was Japanese, so she needs to know some things about them before attacking them. Though I was glad to see her shoot down any sexist attitudes that people think fighting games have. Especially her own. Guess there is no point in watching her poorly named anti-fighting game video now.
  14. Some nice sounds you are working with. Well, not that crash. Might not be a crash actually. Whatever has that crash-like sound around 0:37 is not quite there with the rest of the mix. So anyway that crash doesn't blend is the gist of what i think i'm trying to say. The middle reminds me of some moments in the Panzer Dragoon Saga soundtrack. It's a nice void but it could use some spacier sounding stuff. Do you have Absynth? It could also use a melody. Actually use that section as a chance to introduce a second melody, then use that second melody as a counter melody to your first one towards the end. voila, mix done. Good start!
  15. Come again? Anyway it's not something I usually go for but i've tried all different types of booster juices. I find they are all watery, thin and they leave a bad taste in your mouth for days. Especially if you get too much at once because you sucked too hard. On the straw. hmm looks like I am on the wrong end of this so i'll finish it off by saying two bucks for a small booster juice is rarely worth the consequences, your friends are bound to think less of you just talking about it. Snappleman incoming.
  16. Do you guys know what booster juice is street for?
  17. Happy birthday to the greatest provider of quality reference tracks! and to geeky stoner as well!
  18. Good thing we are both a school and a business eh? Just pop the name Overclocked University and we should still get the deal.
  19. I just picked up the megadrive soundfont collection last night and i have had VOPM for a long time but I can't seem to get it to work at all. I even found a huge collection of presets that some guy did for it and i keep getting a bell sound no matter what I load up or what buttons i hit. Let me check my finances. 75 is a deal but I have a huge studio upgrade planned just as soon as I finish the tracks I'm working on. I'm upgrading everything but the case. Which I may upgrade anyway if I feel like it.
  20. I'm a chiptune noob, which I hope to remedy soon, but is this only for 8-bit sounds? I'm currently looking for Genesis sound fonts so if it can do any 16-bit stuff i'd be in.
  21. Nice article. I think I should mention though that Ermin has a really nice guide to mixing rock/metal (judging from your original i think that's what you'd be into). I just got through the chapters he did with bass signals and I couldn't believe how far off I was on mixing the low end all this time. http://www.systematicproductions.com/mixing-guide.htm 20 bucks AUS but it's well worth it I think.
  22. My soul dropped when I realized that at the end of the last generation that I was standing in line to buy a gamecube just to play the SEGA games I missed. Most of them I didn't even miss, they were just repackaged for the gamecube and I had to have them! Now I don't know what to think... but i guess i'll be jumping from Xbox one to Wii U. Speaking of that I still haven't picked up a wii to play my copy of Sonic Colors i've had for about two years now....
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