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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Lately my tendonitis has been flaring up alot and it's really been killing my studio time. I was wondering if anyone has been using any alternate means to control their DAW that would be easier on the wrist. I've tried using control MK and a gamepad but the lack of precision is extremely frusterating when i'm trying to operate in Sonar. Right now i am looking into something like these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=9SIA1KT0EB8019 but still have yet to hear some good things about them. Plus i'm worried that the excessive thumb movements would still aggrevate the injury. Does anyone have any setup suggs that would limit the need for using a mouse? Thanks!
  2. You're getting whomped BS. Freaking whomped! ...and you won't know when it's coming. Wait, what expectations?
  3. Just two weeks to go. Looking forward to finally meeting those of you i've been on the forums with for these last few years.
  4. When I was in college i read a lot of biographies from various composers. My favorite ones were probably Holst and Mendelssohn. Seeing how they lived was fascinating back then and if only the cost of living weren't so high these days i'd be doing the same thing. But i gotta have my DAW. Which needs a house. Which i'm renting, Which needs electricity too. Gotta have some software. To replace the musicians that are no longer needed. Stick my food budget in there somewhere. and since i have gone this far why not play some games too? Steam wintersale you say? Looks like i'm set. . Before i forget, Brahms was and still is, the friggen' man.
  5. Happy Birthday to two people that I respect greatly and who also probably didn't know that.
  6. God I miss the PSX days of this series. Think i'll play a little FFIX and forget about this. At least the fans have stopped calling for a FFVII remake. See, there's always something positive. Sometime you just have to really really look for it.
  7. Could i ask what you did to get your rhythm guitar sound? I've been messing around with Guitar Rig 4 and Boogex but i haven't been able to get anything near listenable.
  8. Flattered BS but if you thought this year was good wait until garpocalypse 2013!
  9. Sorry Darke, sig is now fixed.

  10. I liked Phantasy Star 3 the most. Only because I played it first out of all the games in the series. Good thing too otherwise i'm sure i would have hated it like most other PS players. I played through the first one a long time ago and was so scarred from it i don't think i have the courage to load it up again. Not only was it extremely difficult but i would get stuck in those caves for hours on end. I had to graph every single cave as i strolled through them just to figure out how to get through. Then there was dark falz...
  11. SEGA called out OCR awhile back over the lack of Picovision support so i think it would be fair for OCR to call out SEGA over the lack of a remix competition for Phantasy Star. Tekken did it. Halo did it. Some other crap did it i'm sure. So why not Phantasy Star? It's only BALANCING OUT THE UNIVERSE. Nothing personal or anything. Unless you want to talk about not finishing Shenmue or not giving Sonic Generations more recreated levels, or the banning of all foreigners from Phantasy Star Online 2, even the japanese speaking ones, for a victimless hack that could have come from anywhere. Then it's personal. But let's not focus on the negative stuff. Let's do something for the Phantasy Star Anniversary anyway.
  12. http://phantasystar.sega.jp/psportal/25thanniversary/illustfestival/ So it seems the good people at Sega O' J are having an art festival for Phantasy Star in celebration of the series 25 years (with roughly 17 of those years without a main entry in the series). If you can draw that's great, go ahead and enter, but as for those of us that can't i think the exclusion of a music option is a glaring one. Please someone from OCR run with an idea for this anniversary! Maybe we can mix flood SOJ somewhere around 1-16-13 which is the deadline for the art-of-the-drawing-kind submissions.
  13. I haven't played Megaman since elementary school and damn this game is hard! I couldn't get above the second screen on Ryu's stage and Chun Li thoroughly whomped my ass. (though that was because the dpad on my controller is broken and i only successfully slid under her half the time. Who would buy a $15 controller with the name of THRUSTMASTER anyway?) I'm excited to show my support for Darkstalkers but I am seriously thinking of boycotting this stupid capcom crap of rereleasing everything. I already bought the collection for my PSP I think that should count!
  14. I'm getting it just to show some support even though i was never the biggest mega man fan in the world. Good chance that Megaman will become just another one of Capcom's beloved games that they decided to kill off for no reason. Darkstalkers, Cyberbots, Star Gladiator (Plasma Sword).... Resident Evil
  15. you know what the sad part of this is? All of the people using google to figure out what's being said.
  16. My resolution: Finish all of my damn remixes and get them submitted.
  17. そうでござる :) 日本語は何年べんきょうしていますか? 私が八年ぐらいべんきょうしていました。 まい日がんばります! Temporal Distortions/Divide is more conflict oriented. Which means i like it. but i'm open to anything.
  18. My vote is for Temporal Divide. Last week of classes then finals for me. Can't wait until it's all over then i can just focus on work and music. I'll try to get you an update of mine before MAGfest though due to it being the holidays i can't make a guarantee on that.
  19. Can anyone tell me about the jam space? What do i need to bring, what is setup already and what not?
  20. Yeeeeesh, well it's a letdown but there is good news! At least they are not remaking FF7!! OP, well you got the "Star" part right so i guess i can't hate you as much as i want to right now. kidding.
  21. SO4's dubbing was better than SO3's. Far better. The only character that was decent was that chicklet. I forgot her name, Who was the same person who did tachikoma on ghost in the shell. At 0:00 and... nothing. yet. damn you SE you gotta know the rules for these kinds of things!
  22. Still not back on topic yet? I'll save this... I always wondered why Tri Ace killed off Star Ocean while the Tales series keeps going. For those that didn't know Tri Ace made the first Tales game then were stripped of the IP which Namco gave to another studio. In response Tri Ace made Star Ocean which by Star Ocean 2 was the superior RPG. IMO. (gotta keep it internet PC right?) Maybe i'm overplaying the rivalry but I wish Star Ocean kept going. 45 min to go i guess we'll find out.
  23. Happy birthday to my favorite site with the best community on the internets. And now that VG music is a well respected form of art now i think you can say Mission Accomplished.
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