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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Just like to point out that this was Remixing with the Star's Spooky themed month. There are some really good mixes on the first post. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=41556 Voting is still on until the 31st.
  2. I've decided to give this a post as most people in my area are expecting to lose power sometime tonight due to the storm that's coming through right now. 5 days late is better than.... well, it's better than submitting something you had no faith in right? Game: Streets of Rage 2; Alien Power Remix name: Don't Mind The Wandering Rage Monster Soundcloud: http://soundcloud.com/garpocalypse/remixing-with-the-stars-sor2 Download: http://www.mediafire.com/?pkrxr4lqeyatn8r Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgAZCqbhPXU&feature=relmfu VST's used: Ministry of Rock, Dimension Pro, Rapture, Resident Evil 2 Monster Sound Clips. Details: I used the idea of being stalked by some monster (take your pick) while making this remix. Needless to say, It doesn't end well for the nameless victim in this one. I was hoping to end up with a Prototype Raptor type of remix. You'll see i failed miserably. I did however, get out most of my frusterations on how Resident Evil 6 had a complete lack of any type of shock scares. The idea for the ending came from trying to get this thing completed late tuesday night before the deadline. It involved me mashing my keyboard pissed that i probably wasn't going to make the Wednesday deadline. You can be sure rage went into this f*cking track!! Hope you guys enjoy what could have been. The track isn't as loud as i wanted it to be. I had some issue with my multiband where i was pushing it right to 0.1 then upon export i saw that i still had several Db to go. No idea. Should I still have power i'll be remastering this later in the week. Special thanks: Syllix- For the book of mixing advice and telling me to get the F*** back to work. In so many words Happy Halloween.
  3. My only beef with your post. I know how you feel though. Check out Stu Hamm's Fretboard Fitness. Use youtube as a constant source of motivation and inspiration. Read Treble cleff. Chords can be tough since they are so limiting on a bass. Either you get something that ties up your hands or is so full of mud no one can tell it's a chord. Use single/double stops to represent chords just to get some kind of tonality and record that to play over top of. If you are proficient at all of the techniques of bass playing then you can mix Rhythm, Harmony and Melody between your two hands. I would strongly encourage investing in a midi keyboard for learning because chords are so much easier to deal with when you can drop your hand and get exactly what you want then look at the shape and the notes you use to better get a feel for it. Not having screwed around with apps myself i don't know if any really help. Seems like a waste of money when there are free lessons on youtube.
  4. Ohh is that what you were supposed to be?! I thought that was your Chaz Bono going on a weekend bender almost costume. Sorry, couldnt resist.
  5. haha. that's a very very good thing to incorporate, and a great way to think about familiar elements to add to your mix but i'm afraid such a small detail will be lost on nearly all of your listeners. Alot of times it's very tricky to balance details like that. On one hand you might think it's just subtle enough to be noticed, and it's not. Or try to hide something in your mix that you think no one will notice right away, and it's so overt it lacks mystery. Keep messing around with that and you'll start to figure out just how much to use. There is definitely alot of regressing from those damn bumpers. Try to think of ways you can also communicate that with what you know. Ain't that the truth. I thought i was the only one then years later i find out that nearly everyone had that problem. When i first got Sonic The Hedgehog i was only capable of making it to Marble Garden Zone. If I beat the boss to that stage it was a rare thing for me. Then when i eventually made it to Labyrinth I drowned sonic and had trouble playing that zone for years. that drowning music...
  6. I thought those vocals stuck out. So that was why. Bonus points for a Find Your Way remix!
  7. Oh my god i glossed over this thread because i didn't know "m/s" was mid side processing. Derp. Thanks for the free plugins! EDIT: I think there was a thread where various free plugins were posted but for the life of me i can't find it. Does anyone remember where this thread was?
  8. Straight to DVD. Working on it. Competition timing turned out to be at the worst part of the month for me and i apologize for caving in. I know It's not going to count but I hope to have something in time for Halloween anyway.
  9. Where is the friggen customer service these days?! ^^ You pay all this money just to have some teacher push you around? The teacher that is having his salary paid by you?! The system is broken i tells ya. No really, i'm back in school for a second time around myself and i'm not buying this crap anymore like i did back in the day. So far it seems to be working, i have straight A's. If this is your first degree Flex i should warn you. There's BS coming down the road! Lots of it! Back on topic: I'd like to go as Axel but I can only afford three out of the four items i need. A blue headband, a pair of gloves, Shirt, and pants. I guess I could buy the necessities and go as "Topless Axel", which might not work since i'm more buff n' stuff. But chicks like that kinda thing. Gotta have the gloves, and the headband. The other things are negotiable.
  10. Aww hell yea! Spring Yard Lovins! When i was in first grade and i made it to this stage you have no idea the sense of accomplishment that came with this music. I like it so far just a few suggs for you. The repetition is still a little too much. Each time you restate the theme change one small element, maybe something in the groove or give something else a lead. Repeat it no more than twice then open it up into something else. Maybe some free form improv or something like that. Then you can close it off just as you did. This remix details more of what i'm talking about: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR00985/ It's good, it just needs something different to keep the listener engaged and to squeeze another minute or two out of it. The other thing is I thought the tempo was a few beats too slow. This was my thought at first but after awhile it didn't really get to me. I think you slowed it down too much but if you like it the way it is then ignore this comment.
  11. NEW AVARIS MIX POSTED!! IT'S A FREAKING BLUE MOON! or at least as good as one. I really like what's now going to be the most played remix on my mp3 player. This guy's work always makes me want to get better. *will post more meaningful review/comments after careful 2 year analysis*
  12. The remixes sound really good. I'm humbled that they came together so well over the course of two weeks.
  13. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenics Just in case anyone is a little loose on the title of this game. Eugenicism was seen throughout many parts of the world in the 1930's-1940's. Sadly it still continues to this day but we rarely hear about it in other parts of the world that still have this way of thinking. I haven't seen anything about gameplay but I can surmise quite a bit. Pass. (yes i'm aware that i'm judging this game based on the title alone, which is a rarely seen form of Video Game Eugenics, so don't bother pointing that out.) Nazi Kittens are nothing to glorify.
  14. Iron&Blood. Big time. How could go wrong with a title like that right? Rented that one (back when it renting a game on a weekend as a kid was a big deal) played it for about 20 minutes then begged my dad to run me back to the store to return it. No way was I wasting my weekend on that POS and I LOVE fighting games.
  15. I sent you my request with an audition mix that represents what i would be doing with Collision Chaos (US). The other finished remixes i have don't really fit what i think would be good for Sonic CD but did you want more from me? If I don't make the cut i'm up for a collab on Tidal or Stardust (US)
  16. Appreciated... ...But i've decided to pull out of this competition. I think RwTS is still a great idea but under the current amount of time that's given to work on a remix I don't think this can reach it's full potential. Roughly 1.5 weeks is hardly enough time to both write a remix and be able to learn some new things from your star. Honestly a format closer to DoD's monthly competition would be just what this competition needs to achieve what it was created for which was to allow for under experienced remixers to better understand what it takes to get a remix up to OCR standards, and to learn a few new techniques for music production. Something that can't be done if you are scraping for free time over the course of not quite two full weeks. Sorry to have to do this but when I signed up I thought the competition's end date was going to be later in the month than it ended up being. Good luck everyone. I'll be listening to the results for sure, which by then should be a slower part of the month for me i hope. Apologies to Syllix who i was looking forward to learning from.
  17. Just take the East/West out of the title entirely. Not everyone is going to understand it's refering to the two different soundtracks the game has and that one soundtrack was exclusively for the NA version. Not to mention that the JP soundtrack was the standard in the EU version and that's pretty West too. Maybe something that's organic life/synthetic machine. Original/Imitation. Might be better to finalize it after some mixes start coming together.
  18. Oh man I really want to do something for this but I have a thing about claiming tracks. "what if i screw it up!?" As soon as i am able i'll get a wip together for the track I want to do so you can tell me if i should be a part of this. As much as i love Sonic's music in his other games, I'm running to Spencer's side for this one.
  19. Really sorry, I can't believe it's the 20th already. This month has been a huge kicker for me. Is there any way I can beg for an extension? The following Monday would be great. On top of working I am also back to being a full time student as well and with exams being as heavy as they've been this past week and the next if I don't finish what i'm working on tommarow then i'm not going to make the deadline.
  20. To me East meets West is good considering how polarizing the two soundtracks are. Usually the player prefers whatever soundtrack was part of the game when they first played it. However I think NA Vs. JP works better in the spirit of Sonic CD. Well, not really versus. Just a significant style change regarding the remixes on that part of the album. You see what i'm saying though. Similar, but completely different. But there are more ways to work this idea than one. Past vs. Future/Bad vs. Good/Sky Blue Vs. Metallic Blue and what have you. Whatever it ends up being i would really like to see a nice contrast between the two parts of the album. Since rivalry was a part of Sonic CD I think it should be a part of the remix project as well.
  21. Wait... they killed Tails in the opening minute of the show?! This just ruined my weekend... Better than I was expecting actually. Though I spent most of the show trying to figure out who Opal was based on. You know, the chick that spends most of the episode half naked for no apparent reason. The one with the bow, and the drastic change in attitude after she doesn't really lose her fight against Gear. She was the only character i couldn't place. If you haven't watched it yet this anime is really more based on love than war. At least it seems that way from all the innuendo that's in this thing. I was a bit shocked at how overt it was then i remembered the argument that in a few more decades the Japanese will be underpopulated. Hopefully this will save them. I really can't freaking wait for the Streets of Rage crew to make a cameo in a future episode. Thanks for the link. Keep 'em coming! (sorry, sorry pun not intended. Man that subliminal stuff is powerful)
  22. I was thinking about this and had an idea for the direction of the album. Since Sonic CD was based around rivalry and contained two OST's that could be remixed why not assign Sonic to one (JP/US) and Metal Sonic to the other? The difference would be that the Sonic designated side would contain organic sounding remixes while the Metal Sonic side would contain more electronic/artificial sounding remixes. Increases diversity in the album, increases appeal and gives more opportunity to the remixers. Of course the album cover should reflect this if The Boss decides to do something similar. Maybe Metal Sonic behind turntables with a speaker in his gut and Sonic bashing him over the head with a guitar. That might be loosely interpreted as an attack on DJ's, but that would only be because it is. (just kidding, nothing but love for DJP and those like him) Just a thought.
  23. I like Wintersun and all but really can anything be better than Sagas? That's a tall order as far as Bands/Albums/Marriages/Philly Cheese steaks/The Japanese figuring out how to actually breed real cat-chicks/anything else in life is concerned Looking forward to the release but as far as topping Equib's best. Noggunnahappenne. If i'm wrong we'll throw down at Magfest B.S. If you're wrong i'll imagine a similar result. And don't give me that "difference in sub-genre" BS there B.S. I want that crap to stop. Even if a new genre has to be made. O wait.
  24. Got it. I just wish bandcamp wouldn't guilt you into coughing up a few bucks for an album. That's some effective marketing right there.
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