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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Itagaki was a blessing and a curse on DOA. Personally I think Itagaki calling DOA4 the pinnacle of fighting games was a joke as the guy clearly lost his motivation at the beginning of this generation of consoles. The only thing DOA had over every other Japanese arcade fighter was the femme-factor. Hitomi in a swimsuit and punching someone? Here's my 60 bucks now go away. Still waiting for that Virtua Fighter 6 announcement.
  2. Space Harrier. In a Sonic remix? Well the main character does have blue pants...
  3. Jesus Brandon, It's not nice to insult the OCR community like that. To that I could say, "That's why i've never listened to one of yours!" but that would be a lie. I've listened to all of yours. No matter the title. The game. or the fact I don't like you. Of course I'm kidding. Really though, I was vainly trying to make light on many of the biases that can deprive a great mix of potential listeners. And come on! OVERCLOOKED REMIXES? 4 pages and no one thought of that yet?
  4. What if each remix received a hit counter and each week we would give special honors to a mix that had a minority of hits. Then we could call it the Weekly "Overclooked Remix". but I may be missing the point here... I'm always combing through the site to look for hidden gems that I might have Overclooked myself mostly due to: An unattractive title A really stupid title A clever title that makes me feel stupid and unattractive A game I didn't like A game I didn't play A remixer I never heard of A remixer I don't like Anything related to Mario (Dec. DoD SEGA vs NINTENDON'T! LET'S THROW DOWN!) Bro-out to follow
  5. I'm a fan of the zero wing soundtrack as well and one thing I can say is that for subtitling the mix as "2011 remake" this sounds far too retro. As far as the remixing part of things go one thing to try would be to reinterpret the source in a different style of music. Pick something that interests you and listen to a bunch of songs/pieces in that genre then give this mix another shot. If you are proficient at an instrument of some sort, play the source on that then get creative with it. Take it far enough out of it's original style/rhythm/mode so that the source becomes unrecognizable then work your way back in. Too close to the source is practically a midi rip, too far away and no one recognizes it. My first serious remix was based on Zero Wing's Natols. While I have long since lost interest in it mostly due to the general crapiness of Ministry of Rock here is what I went for. http://tindeck.com/listen/kvwb Awful wasn't it? Now, if you want perfect examples of what you need to do go through all of the music on this site (especially post 2009 when the standards made a huge jump imo) and compare them to the original sources via youtube. Good luck.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeLT-kKkVZI This is such a great remix of Skyrim uhhhh music, I guess. I really hope whoever did this submits it. The creator of this shouldn't be starving the world of his/her, probably his, talent any longer...
  7. I like the chilled feeling you were going for with this one. I'm not much of a fan of the DK series so i am unfamiliar with the source. One small piece of advice I can give is that the piano needs to sit on top of the rest of the mix. Not plow through it. If you work from the drums up, making sure everything is audible as you go you should be able to get a good balance. For example, pick a spot in the mix where everything is playing and loop it, zero out the faders, then bring up Drums>Rhythm Section>Leads. (rhythm being the background glass piano in this case) Also make sure to watch the Master and make sure nothing pushes it into the red.
  8. I think we need to petition WR to finish his version. I'm a big fan of his mostly for his Sonic remixes. Though I'm not going to admit that here...
  9. Personally I am really bummed over the treatment Wesker got in RE5. One of the best villains (though horribly voiced) from psx's early days had a human element to him that got completely lost as the series went down hill. However I think Douglas nailed the voice that Wesker should have had the whole time. and it was supposed to be SHERRY! NOT JILL FOR THE TWIST!!!! GOD!!!!!! GET THE DYE OUT OF YOUR HAIR!!! WESKERJILL?! WHAT SENSE DOES THAT MAKE?!!!!!SHERRY WAS GOING TO BE ALL GROWN UP AND HAWWT AND YOU GAVE US THAT GARBAGE!!!!!??? I'll admit that at that point I kind of lost it. Nevermind that I beat the game at least 7 times... but now wesker is dead anyway. Unless they bring him back. Like they did before. Probably a cyborg now...
  10. just finished up and submitted one of my other remixes. looking forward to getting back on this one. Good news is I can now use the version of Guitar Rig 4 I had. From now on i'm making a point to upgrade my sequencer and not go over 5 years on one
  11. UN owen was her became a strange obessesion of mine. Back a little while ago I didn't go a day without listening/playing the song repeatedly across everything I had. I had planned a remix for it but to be honest I'm completely sick of hearing it right now ^^ Plus it doesn't help that there several thousand remixes of various quality all over youtube dedicated to that one song.
  12. Thanks Level! I was shelving it yet again but I think i'll bite hard and make this my first submission. Maybe I'll make my goal of having one approved remix before 2012 afterall.
  13. I support this. Well both statements really. Who's garoad?
  14. On a more positive note, once you get Skyrim you will have no more outside situations to worry about... The box should come with a warning: Play Skyrim and be homeless within a month! Plus it has dragons n' sheeeeeit! Anyways, back to the dichotomy of Skyrim time versus Music time. I could work on some Skyrim inspired music! or I could play Skyrim to get inspiration for music! hmm.
  15. http://www.morroblivion.com it was a real nightmare for me to get this mod running but it is alot of fun. I agree with the Strades. If you can't afford skyrim yet put that money in the bank and collect interest. Within a couple of years you may be able to almost buy it when it hits the bargain bin. Just skip a few lunches and voila! instant skyrim fund!
  16. I was punching this woman who was calling me her fiance (well, a hargraven to be precise) then I nearly $%!T myself when i heard a dragon scream. As fire was spewing all around me my instinct was to run to the closest town and get some help. So two guards myself and a bear all ended up taking down this POS that interrupted my attempt at marriage counseling! Kerplaaah!
  17. It took maybe 5 minutes for my first two Dragon kills yet I spent a solid 20 min. killing the final draugr deathlord(Shoot, Shout, Run) in the wolfskull, skullwolf cave whatever quest from Solitude. The balance isn't perfect but it never stops being fun. Try not to think too much Such as when an npc gives me a task he expects me to die on yet he gives me an item and says "Now don't lose this!"
  18. I'm loving this game. Forget the dragons, Solving problems by punching people, or watching salmon jump upstream, my favorite part of this game was when an NPC asked me if it was ok to take a piece of armor I just dropped. Finally Nords are human and not big dumb softies.
  19. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36913
  20. http://www.widisoft.com/english/widi-audio-to-midi-vst.html I've never used this as I've always tried to use my ears but this might be cool if you have a piece of audio you'd like to break down into midi then reassign to different synths. A problem I've had with newscool. If it works it might actually be pretty cool to use newscool to come up with new grooves then break it down into midi then build it back up with my other vst's Why am I giving this information out? -gar
  21. No midnight release for it here since the store said it could only do one a week and they had to go with MW3. Damn CoD. I'm taking a half day tommarow and running home to play it. I can't wait to hear more of Soule's ES work.
  22. What's coming before it? really however you work the modulations is how you work them. Dmin traditionally has been used as a funeral key. If something deals with or is to be used for something related to death then Dmin is used. Which can make it a great key for metal. F#min is the best minor key anyway! and now the fighting begins...
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