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Everything posted by Garpocalypse

  1. Try kicking up the highs on your guitar track. The guitar should pop out a bit more. I like it. Got someone in mind to do the growling? Now get back to work
  2. Sega hasnt quite been able to get back the feel of the old Genesis Sonic. As much as I loved playing 2d sonic I thought it was extremely disorienting and strainful on the eyes. After playing Sonic Gens go back and try playing Sonic 1. The smooth scrolling was very soothing on my bloodshot eyes.
  3. Hey emunator, I'm working on polishing up one of my remixes and was just wondering what else I should be worried about before submitting. If you could take a listen and give a quick critique I'd appreciate it. Thanks in advance.


  4. I can't believe I only recently knew this was on the forums. Really really good stuff. What did you use for the bass in the final version? That's not a soundfont is it? Looking forward to its posting on OCR
  5. I love the look English-guy is giving Dutch-guy throughout the video. Roots run deep eh? Very good information though.
  6. That's a very big woman he's shaping by the way. Though at least she has some curves... I guess BGC likes 'em... straight?
  7. Thanks for the comments. Is there anything specific you would do to it? I'm going to try to get some of the leads to stick out a bit more but anything else come to mind?

  8. Four and only four. No bash to prince but 6's seems kinda gimmicky to me and to non bassists make it look like the bass just wants to become a guitar. Alot of people look at four strings and think "that's easy to play! It only has four strings!" I've dealt with stringcism my whole life across different genres and it's time for a little BASS POWER!
  9. No multiband compressor. Some compression on the bass tracks and guitar. The guitar and bass are part of a sample library

  10. Prince and I are on a collision course for a bass duel.
  11. Thanks for the suggestions on my SOR remix. What is a good way to move something to the front of the mix without it affecting the other parts?

  12. Hey mak, can you give me some feedback on my SOR remix? http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336 I just posted the latest and hopefully last update before submissal.

  13. Hey Sonic, Would you be able to check out my Streets of Rage remix? You have some well produced material on the OCR forums and I would love any feedback you could give. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32336

  14. This should be close to my final update before I submit. I know the judges are busy and I need to secure my place in line! Made a few minor fixes notewise then remixed the whole piece...again.
  15. I think it's the problem that all platformers have had going into this generation. Gamers don't want to die anymore as part of trial and error to get through a stage. To be fair my first run through on about every level resulted in an S rank and i may have died twice the whole time. Compare that to the Ocean level in Unleashed where i burned through hundreds of lives drowning sonic as he tried to run across water. I think SEGA gave generations a perfectly fun level of difficulty though I don't think i'll be playing through planet wisp again ^^ Now that ending boss on the other hand... "That looks like a homing shot!" "Press Y and go after it!"
  16. Casino Night zone was probably my favorite stage in all of Sonic-dom. You can get a remade version of it on the 3DS version of Sonic Generations but it doesn't quite look right to me.
  17. Well, looks like the outline is done I like the demo but I would like to do less generic metal (1&2&3&4&) phrasing you know? However the section starting around 2:25 i'd like to keep in. I'll play around with what's here and see if I can get an idea across. Are those empty sections in the demo open for soloing? Seeing as how the original tune had a few solos I think we should stick a few in there. Thanks mak for getting the ball rolling ^^
  18. Here are some groove elements i played around with on the first section of the theme. If anything sounds Twisted Metally to anyone i'll develop it further. I didn't bother working on mixing any of these clips so it sounds pretty muddy but if anyone wants to take one of these grooves further then please do. I know my ric sounds awful. I'm using a DI box straight into my daw and the signal is really weak so I have to amp the schmidt out of it with Sonar's plugins. I have Guitar Rig 4, which has some bass amp sims, but I can't record with it until i get a newer version of Sonar. http://www.mediafire.com/?6o0767g72p82j7x We're past the audition period right?
  19. That's right. You can peck away at a full beethoven sonata one note at a time with one finger then go back and fix it up. It will just be very time consuming to get it to sound like anything. The ability to go back and fix the midi data is a life saver for me as I had a hand injury in college. Now getting that perfect take is less of an issue.
  20. I'm taking tonight to work on some riffs. I've been listening to the whole ost between TM1 and TM2 (id rather forget tm3 and tm4). My goal is a metal/funk hybrid and i should have some idea as to an outline as well. If I get anywhere i'll post something tonight or tommarow.
  21. I'm looking at that shot of Nobuo Uematsu, nice job with the animation i can't stop looking at it, and i realize i have no idea what members of OCR are standing next to him. Who are those two?
  22. I picked this up on tuesday and it has killed any productivity I was hoping to have this week. Then again, it's the best gamegasm I've had in years. Only thing is that I can't believe that Star Light zone didn't make it in and out of all of those awesome Sonic CD levels they could have done they only gave us a really easy mini boss. On the other hand playing as Snowboardin' Sonic with playable controls was a real treat. It's kind of like Sega was saying "Hey guys! we are sorry for the last decade of Sonic but this is how it could have been!" If only Yuji was let go from the company earlier... Part of me just died saying that... And why is classic Sonic a mute but classic Tails is just as annoyingly talkative as ever? Time to play through Chemical Plant about 50 more times tonight!
  23. When listening to parts of the TM soundtrack I always got this touch of Pantera vibe back in the day. Must be the southern influences. Here is an idea that I like for the style we could go for. I think it'll fit well with the TM theme.
  24. Nostalgia plays a huge roll in the non musical side of VGM but it only lasts so long. How many times can you listen to Ice Cap zone before it ceases to be nostalgic? Hearing remixes helps to keep that nostalgia new and fresh, if that makes any sense. Part of why I love ocremix is that you can share your love of playing games and music without the games getting in the way of the music. So this is one of the few places that celebrates the sound team of a development studio at least as equally as the rest of the programmers and designers. And how many times have you heard this? "That's pretty neat what is that you're playing?" "oh it's from (a game)" "oh, well it's crap then." VGM is perpetually in need of an esteem boost and Ocremix helps to fix that.
  25. Wow another Orion user? That was my first "sequencer" as well. What version do you have? My impression is that's its really a pretty decent step sequencer if you want to experiment with dance grooves but that's about it. I don't know how much Synapse has changed it over the years but I found it to be horribly limiting and not much fun to use. How limiting? Well I couldn't subdivide a beat beyond 16ths, Velocity couldn't be adjusted, Only a piano roll to work with unless you imported midi from other programs like Finale or Anvil Studio, and even though it did support my midi keyboard I couldn't record anything with it which meant everything had to be moused in. I didn't really get going until I took a class on Sonar which seemed loads more flexible than Orion, but that added flexibility meant there was more to learn before you started to create anything decent. If you have a very limited budget you can do alot with Orion and it's friendlier to new users in it's ease of setting up projects and getting something that sounds like music faster. Eventually though, if you really get serious about it, you are going to need something along the lines of Sonar, Cubase, Reason etc. These DAWs aren't standalone software and they force you to think about your digital studio as a whole.
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