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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Truth. Now you just need to add to it, my friend.
  2. Sonic Team didn't really split. Sonic Team worked on the PS3/XBox game while an entirely different developer within SEGA worked on Secret Rings.
  3. What, you think I know everything about everyone? Okay, SSH is one dude. And a pretty awesome dude, at that.
  4. Yeah, SSH is entirely different. They're composing original tracks for games now, like the Lost Child soundtrack. I like 'em.
  5. Ragtime Simian Acres, anyone? I'm lookin' at you, Rexy.
  6. That would be Rubbler's version of FotS, called "Spirit in Metal" (Rubbler was actually slated to be on the project for awhile, but had to back down for personal reasons). It was on VGMix, but since that's down, I'll host and link to it for you, here. If you think that's good though, wait until you hear SnappleMan's version for this project. In other news: Joker's Cold Memory is already on the panel to be judged. That was pretty damn quick. I just uploaded it yesterday!
  7. I got in a car accident on Tuesday. 'sup with you, Hale?
  8. Ladies and gentlemen, the State of the ReMix...is good.
  9. And again I will tell you to look at the work of AM2 and Amusement Vision. Some divisions of SEGA still knows what they're doing.
  10. This one has been submitted. http://boosherd.googlepages.com/EarthwormJimAcrophobiaOCRemix.mp3
  11. No, Jun is not the music director for Sonic 2k6 or Secret Rings. His band Crush 40 did contribute covers of "All Hail Shadow" and "His World" for 2k6, though. He only composed maybe one or two songs for Sonic 3 (I know he did the Act 2 Boss theme). It was his very first project for SEGA. Actually, Naka is the one who originally took the Sonic series in the direction it's currently going in. Not that the games are getting any better without him, but he certainly did not help in the least and probably wouldn't be of any help now.
  12. Mr. Roboto: As far as has been revealed, Tails and Knuckles make non-playable appearances in the main game. The rest of the characters are relegated to the multiplayer section. So this time it's all about Sonic, which is a good thing. No, the Wii version is by an entirely different development team. Sure, it's within SEGA, but not everything to come out of them lately has been terrible (See: Outrun 2 SP, or anything else by AM2 or Amusement Vision). Sonic Team is the problem with Sonic lately: Not SEGA itself. I personally loved Sonic Heroes. After the atrocious wasted hours of treasure-hunting in SA2, it was nice to go back to a game that was pretty much just about the speed, even if the team aspect was a little convoluted and camera problems were still there. Not perfect, but I certainly thought it was an improvement. I thought Shadow was pretty boring, but not necessarily bad. At least the music was pretty good (as has been the case with all of the 3D titles up until the new StH, when they got someone other than Jun Senoue. Stupid Sonic Team).
  13. I have to be honest: I like the first one much better.
  14. You mean Digital Coma and Liontamer.
  15. This is common practice in all forms of business. For example, I work in a small machine shop here in Phoenix. Honeywell, one of the largest aerospace and computing manufacturers in the world, outsources machining jobs to many other large outfits, like say Jet Products. Now, Jet (which is large, but not nearly the size of Honeywell) take the job, but either may not have enough machines or manpower to get it done (or only wants the profits without the labor required), so they send it to a local, small-time shop like ours. We run the job, send it back, and Jet pays us for the work. Honeywell is pretty much oblivious to our involvement, and we're never officially acknowledged. To them, it was Jet all along. Things like that happen all the time.
  16. Progress has slowed to a crawl. Of course, this is pretty much my fault, since I have been ridiculously busy with 10-hour workdays as of late (if 8 hours wasn't bad enough, 10 is suicide) and don't have the time I wish I did to keep up with the remaining remixers. I'm really curious about klm09: He seems to have vanished. If anyone talks to him, let him know we need an update. I wish I could say we are close to done, and while the status may make it look like we are, we're really not. Sit tight, folks.
  17. Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh man, that's a good one. You almost had me there, right up until you said "VIII". Ahahaha!
  18. I remember this song fondly. I'm glad you went back and reworked it; sounds great, NutS.
  19. Yes, Space Cowboys' IMC9 track was an entry. I remember the judges slamming it for lacking percussion. Mae says that the Turtlemix is LOOOOOONG gone, unless somebody else has it. I'm pretty sure I don't.
  20. I have no clue how that happened: I don't remember preemptively adding your name to the list or anything, (why would I bother to do that, anyway? Haha) so I can only assume the forum did it automatically. Why? Who knows? It's fixed now though, and you should have access to the private areas. Joker: You'll always be banned, in my heart. Dhsu: Blowing minds, or blowing...Oh never mind.
  21. Mods: Thanks for changing the topic. Others: Don't complain. You're not helping. Remixers: Where the fuck are you?
  22. Try looking up Preludio: They did a good rock cover of Battle 1.
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