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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. But then you look to the left side and OMGWTFAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!1111oneone
  2. In 2001? The last remix posted that year was #491. Not that it's a huge issue or anything, I just thought it was funny.
  3. Joke? What joke? There is no true techno on this site. Electronica abound, but techno? Nada.
  4. A few weeks ago I screwed up and accidentally deleted some of the .wavs for the project (I still have all of the songs in MP3 form), so I just sent out a couple PMs to people about it. I also sent out an email to the last few remaining remixers with unfinished songs: If you received that one, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL respond to it! I don't care if you tell me that you completely forgot about the project, hate me, and won't work on it anymore; at least please let me know this so we can get someone else to work on the song, at the very least.
  5. Haha, "over 1000". 500 maybe, at that time, but certainly not 1000!
  6. Did anyone catch this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5j1bMU0tlIw
  7. Come on, Malicious Fingers is probably the best track on here! No offense to Hadyn, of course.
  8. Given Rexy's affinity for it, I wouldn't be surprised if there's some Spyro in her track. She loves sneaking bits of other themes into her remixes like that. The singing in Knuckleduster actually matches the original Marble Garden all the way through. Listen closely. I think they used the Sonic 3 theme to end the main project with because Sonic & Knuckles doesn't have a dedicated ending theme (just a medley of all the S&K zone songs). Isn't Knuckles' S3 theme quoted in "Echidnas Will Eat Your Brain"?
  9. Fixed. That said, I don't think this would work too well, considering OCR typically shunning the generalization of song styles.
  10. They lied; they're still working on it. Mostly because they're implementing an entirely new submission system, and with it I doubt as much junk songs will get on there. I know Virt and Co. are trying to discourage the place from being a "Crap Conservatory" like it has been in the past.
  11. Huh... Never got any email from you, Luiza. Of course I've been swamped with things like work and other shit that I may have overlooked it or it accidentally got filed into junk mail. Sorry about that. It's just been one thing after another here.
  12. Yeah, I've talked to him. Several times. Still waiting.
  13. Pretty sure Sonic Team has said that Super Sonic was inspired by the Super Saiyan transformation of the DBZ anime. Of course now I can't find a source to verify this...
  14. I believe most of them were on the Genesis. Fun, but hard, games.
  15. TV tuner PCI cards use software to render the TV in your operating system, but most consoles don't output video at the same display size as the typical PC video card, so you're pretty much stuck at whatever resolution the console outputs at. Unless you're looking to go the HD route (I'm guessing not since you're talking Nintendo systems) you're probably not going to be able to blow up the image to the resolution of your computer screen and get a quality picture. TV tuning software also has a habit of delaying the video output by about 2-3 seconds, which makes games pretty much unplayable. However, if you went directly from the game console to your monitor (like you do going from console to TV), that would work and you wouldn't lose much in the way of image quality. The drawback is that you couldn't use your computer at the same time.
  16. What, you mean one of these? Pretty expensive, but it'll do the job.
  17. Because it kicks ass, of course. Although a rockin' Boss Theme remix would be great, too.
  18. Holy crap, she lives! I'll do what I can, Arek.
  19. Lea's gone for like a month or something. I'm hardly able to be on, but if I'm around I'll talk to you. Or you could just PM me here.
  20. Only the MIDI tracks are different in the PC version (and then different only for Carnival Night, Ice Cap, and Launch Base): The FM synth tracks are exactly the same as heard on the Genesis.
  21. I actually own that OVA. Sonic must have a thing for human females in white dresses.
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