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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Hey Rama, how does the image replacement in the code work? I want to change the forum images that mark new posts in threads and the like back to the ones used in phpbb, but I'm not exactly sure how to go about doing that. I figured out how to change the New Post and Reply buttons, since the code was already there, but I don't know how to add new ones. Any ideas?
  2. Oh yeah: Every song featured in the Super Radio X special was the winner of their respective contest.
  3. Well, we're closing in on the due date, and things are coming along. Regretfully, a few songs will not be finished by the time the due date rolls around; I've already talked to the remixers and we've reached an agreement. SO, that means we probably won't see release in January. I personally am probably just as disappointed as anyone else anticipating this project, but there are certain guidelines to how Lea and I originally envisioned SoS, and I would like to see those guidelines met before we release it. Believe me: If I felt this was ready for release right now, it'd be out: But it's not. I'm also disappointed in some arrangers that feel unnecessary short-term obligations take precedence over a project that's been in development for over a year and a half. I understand that there is no reimbursement and not much satisfaction that comes from doing this sort of thing (depending on the type of person you are), but I'm depending on people to help do their part for this project that they have dedicated themselves to, and to find out that their obligations here get pushed out of the way to do other things instead, especially after promising that SoS would take precedence, reflects badly on themselves as well as on the project as a whole. It causes unneeded delays, unkempt promises, and huge disappointment. Please, PLEASE do not make me jump through hoops just to get you to do what you agreed to do. It's not fun. Oover and oot.
  4. I would also disagree with that notion. A remix that has none of the original source material isn't a remix, is it? But a remix that branches off and changes up the source material on a very liberal level, and changes the entire feel of the song, but still contains some elements, is still a remix. That's what I was getting at. Because people have different views and ideas on how a certain video game songs can and should sound, and sometimes that vision may include radical departures from what's there to begin with. Certain songs strike people in different ways, so how you think a song should sound when remixed may be completely different from what I think. To me, remixing is only partially nostalgia: Over my years of listening to this stuff, I've come to appreciate the artists themselves more so than the game factor, and I enjoy a lot of remixes from games I've never even touched. Good way to discover new, fun games to play.
  5. As someone that loves Sonic and played this game as much as you claim to, Sweedumz, I can understand your desire for the nostalgia. But, staying "true" to the original is not necessarily the point of a remix (or at least not on OCR): It's to get musically creative with a pre-existing song and whip it up into something that is your own interpretation. Whether that interpretation invokes the feel of nostalgia is completely up to the remixer, and is only optional, and isn't required for a good remix. I don't necessarily think that an arrangement needs to sound like the original to be good and listenable, because it's often the remixes that don't resemble the original in every aspect that are most interesting. After all, if I wanted to hear the original, I would just listen to the original. You also have to remember that each person has different views, and the way you might interpret a song and how it should sound could vary WILDLY from someone else's view of the same thing. So there you go. IceCap and Lava Reef aren't a big deal, anyway. There's better levels.
  6. Alright, that makes me feel better. Just PM or email the link. Carry on! Sorry to disturb.
  7. It's probably less related to overall horsepower and more based on the DS' unique features (two screens, touch screen, mic). Although from what I hear, Portrait of Ruin doesn't use the touch screen anyway (not sure on the mic), so I don't know.
  8. Great. Do you have some information about the winners of the IMC Rounds. The only thing I know is that Suzumebachi won the 11th round. I believe analoq won every round he participated in.
  9. Well, Rexy coughed up a remix of Forest of the Treant (if Reuben shows up again and sends a finished song, we'll put it on the Symphonia side), and EgM is nearing completion of his remix of the Symphonia title screen, so we're finally moving along. Still waiting on hearing from SnappleMan and Mythril (and, as already mentioned, Reuben Kee) about their tracks. Chop chop, boys! Only a couple weeks remaining.
  10. Believe me, I'd like it done just as much as you would. *glares at certain other people*
  11. IMC Lite in my zip is complete. I think 18 and 17 were too, but I'm not sure...
  12. Updates of ANY sort would be nice, actually. The lack of activity on the forums and in this thread is not exactly a good sign.
  13. The far from complete IMC collection My apologies for the pitiful number of entries that I saved from IMC10: I think I'm missing about 30 songs from that contest alone.
  14. I have a pretty decent collection of songs from all of the competitions, but it is by no means complete. I can still upload them somewhere, if the demand is there.
  15. M-M-M-M-MONSTER POSTS I sent out a reminder email. I will be sending one of these emails out regularly (probably at least once a week) until the deadline, so if you find them annoying, FINISH YOUR FREAKIN' SONG!
  16. It's from the Dwelling of Duels remix competition. http://dod.vgmix.com
  17. New bonus song up on the website. Also going to send a reminder email out soon.
  18. Ah, okay. Not as far along as I was thinking (judging by the track remixing contest). Cool, then.
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