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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Huh? All of the boss themes are covered there.
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions
  3. Well, another unsuccessful due date. Lots of technical issues right now with some songs. I'm not setting any more due dates, but I will be on the remaining remixers' cases until they finish up. This still isn't ready: Sorry to disappoint, again.
  4. R:tS was founded by Ramaniscence and other members of the VG ReMix community news site ThaSauce, and was originally an April Fool's Joke, but became legit later. It's pretty similar to OCR, with the most major difference being the loosened restrictions on quality control. kwed.org is a site which specializes in remixes from Commodore 64 games. Pretty sure it was around before OCR.
  5. Boom. http://www.kylejcrb.com/mirrors/IronMixChallenge/IMC/
  6. This song includes a bit of Battle 1. There's also an arrangement of the same song on the Chrono Symphonic Site Project.
  7. Also, FFS = For Fuck's Sake. Pretty self-explanatory.
  8. I'm currently uploading the entire collection of IMC songs (including the ones Mae sent to me) to a mirror folder on my server, for easy archiving, and so everything is in one place. It's about 650 megs, so it won't be up for awhile.
  9. I always thought it was "In My Honest Opinion", which would be more truthful. typing anything in all small letters using no punctuation - Usually means the person is being sarcastic or facetious. Or doesn't know how to type properly.
  10. You guys should kill some time by going to listen to the newest batch of DoD entries. That's what I'm doing.
  11. Nice work on being a mature, diplomatic example of a representative of this website. You are certainly above the level of any of UnMod regular. Bravo to you.
  12. No no: I meant that the tracks will be remastered, to a degree. But PriZm beat me to it.
  13. Yes, I know. That issue will be worked on in post-production. You'll see.
  14. DOUBLE KILL Some of you may remember back when I released a small teaser featuring a pretty good number of the guitar-based songs on the project (and there's a lot, because we're more like the Summoning of Rock Spirits over here ) called "HAWT LIXX", which I made just for fun. As an apology for the numerous delays, and to keep the public interested, I whipped up another preview in the same vein, featuring new songs that have been completed since the release of the last teaser, as well as reworkings of older stuff you might've heard before. This is almost all of the songs that feature omfg geetar wankery: There'll be a couple more not featured here, though! May I present: The SoS SHREDDIN' RIFFZ Preview! Also, if you missed the first one: SoS HAWT LIXX Preview Note: The lack of crossfading on these intentional.
  15. Whoa, weird. This thread's on the bottom, yet it's showing as having the newest post. Straaaange. Anyway, since Darkey's left us, can I get another mod to take the due date out of the thread title? Thanks. EDIT: I guess Feedback and History threads got stickied or something. Huh. EDIT 2: Oops! Looks like my thread sorting options were changed. Carry on as normal, nothing important or worthwhile in this post (except what I've bolded)!
  16. Rama made a blue skin, but it hasn't been updated to work with vB yet.
  17. Not sure if Stage 2 is here, but CarboHydroM recently released a remix medley that covers 3 tracks from ZW (Yeah, it includes AYB. But it's still damn good. ): http://carbohydrom.free.fr/music/CarboHydroM_-_Open_Future.ogg
  18. I'm guessing Larry. See ya around, Sharky. Don't be a stranger.
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