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Everything posted by KyleJCrb

  1. Honestly, I'm glad to hear it. I mean, why bother? We really don't need these interim games (remember the canceled GT2000?), which Polyphony seems to enjoy wasting time on, instead of developing its main games.
  2. This project seems to be roughly near completion, much like Summoning of Spirits. What is your intended plan for a release date, Zircon? It wouldn't be good for our two projects to release near-simultaneously.
  3. What's wrong with him? LT's got 'bot bias.
  4. Hell, I'll do an interview. "So Kyle, what'd you do for this project?" "I listened to it. It ruled."
  5. Site's down. Transferring everything now, and it should hopefully be back up in an hour or two. EDIT: We're back! Wow, that went through rather painlessly. Surprising. The DNS should be resolved by now too, so check it out and help make sure things are working the way they're supposed to.
  6. Not for any expressly major reason, no. But if you want to...
  7. I have to be honest here, even though those two are friends to me: I'm not really surprised. A break will be a good thing for VGDJ, I think: A fresh start in a month or two may be just the thing to make the show even better. Sure, we're without VGDJ for awhile, but when it returns it'll be almost like a shiny brand-new show!
  8. Alright, still no server set up. I'll be emailing them about this. Also, I need the project directors (that'd be you, Lea and PriZm) to check out the private admin forum: Got some important things to discuss.
  9. KFC, Snappleman, Rexxy, and myself. I might not be a mathematical genius, but isn't that four? It's still three - what are the odds of me flying from the UK to hang out with Pixie and Zircon? o_O I thought they did all of their interviews over Skype...
  10. That sucks. I'm by no means a regular listener, but I do enjoy VGDJ and listen to it when I get the chance. As a (former) radio show host myself, I can certainly understand not wanting to burn out, and trying to live your life around a radio show, which is very difficult to do after awhile. Best of luck to you guys, and hopefully you'll return soon!
  11. The website will be going down for a while (hopefully less than a day, but it may be a little more) while I migrate the site to a new webhost. Don't really have much of a choice, because my current host is closing at the end of the year. Hopefully things will go smoothly! The site should remain up for about 12 more hours, but after that it's going down for a bit. EDIT: Okay, I lied. The new server's still not set up yet. But if the site DOES go down sometime, you'll all at least know what's up.
  12. Just a note that my mirror will be going down for a day or two as I make a webhost migration. I'll get it back up ASAP!
  13. That would be the song Final Act, right? Just to be sure. Also, if you have trouble hitting the deadline, talk to me: I'm open for negotiations (so long as the entire project isn't trying to negotiate with me at the last second, ).
  14. Technically it is, although with Last Battle split into two tracks on the Symphonia side, an extra track from Phantasia to even things out couldn't hurt. The third overworld theme was actually going to be included originally anyway, so yeah, I think we could use it.
  15. Don't make me turn the word filters back on!
  16. Yes, same dude. He was reworking his song but hasn't gotten back to me about it.
  17. Hey, don't look at me: Those pesky remixers are the ones who are causing so much gosh darn trouble 'round these here parts! I'm a bit worried about the lack of response from Mythril Nazgul and Reuben...Where are you guys? Also gotta get a hold of the SnappleMan here soon...
  18. http://www.kylejcrb.com/miscstuff/ExciteBike/
  19. That one's sort of in the works (though not officially). To the original poster: If you DO want to start some sort of project, you can try, but be aware that with the massive amount of projects still in the works that potential interest might be pretty dismal... There are a number of projects struggling right now simply because they can't get enough remixers to cover the songs.
  20. I think there are enough FF6 remixes out there that a project would be completely unnecessary. Of course, I thought the same thing about FF7...But I'm willing to give zircon the benefit of the doubt in that case.
  21. No more remix projects. There's over 10 in progress right now, 5 of which are Square-related, and one of which is already covering a Final Fantasy game. Pretty sure this is in the wrong forum anyway.
  22. You have feedback, kAndyJoker09 (creative!). Also, I have come up with a new dealio: Those who don't respond by December 1st to the email/PM I sent out will be booted them from the project and a last-minute replacement will be culled. Don't got time to sit and wait for people to respond to these things weeks after they get them. This should only apply to about 4 of you, and 2 have already replied, so I don't suspect we'll have a major problem. Chances are if you didn't get an email or a PM, you're clear. Feel free to contact me and make sure though.
  23. I support this thread.
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