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Everything posted by Anti-Syne

  1. Ok, i've made some changes, mostly in changing a repeated section for a middle eight break to add variety. what does everyone think? http://soundcloud.com/anti-syne oh and the source material http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9PcnZKmyxs
  2. Looking at the waveform of it i see what you mean, i think it needs an emptier feeling break section to it
  3. http://soundcloud.com/anti-syne Sorry if it takes a bit of time to load, i uploaded the wav file to get the best quality.
  4. Fine! Have it your bloody way! i'm doing a 'movin'/'liberi fatali' mix as we speak
  5. I like this, my only criticisms i think have already been said, just that the transitions between the different sections are a bit mechanical and abrupt. I'm also not a fan of the piano glissandos, they're just a bit too clichéd for my liking, if that's the right way of putting it. Maybe you could throw in some of your orginal fills at these parts? Just on a personal preference here, but i'd like to hear the melody shared across other instruments more (a bit like you did at 0:15) to give the piece more interest and variation. Again that's just personal preference though. Anyway keep up the good work!
  6. Cheers guys, i know what you mean about it being empty and listening back to it the panning is very unsubtle. Sadly i had to put this up as finished because i accidentally deleted the samples and audio files, so i can't go back to the project and change it. Bad times... Thanks for the constructive feedback, i'll definately take your advice on future pieces.
  7. First one i've posted on here oh and the original, for those of you that don't know it and are interested, is here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bu5pSfBLrMs
  8. Ah so this is where I am to inroduce myself, Hello everyone, obviously I'm Anti-Syne or call me Jack, but not Anti-Jack, don't be ridiculous... Well thats it
  9. Hi Everyone, I'm new to this forum so I thought I'd just introduce myself and say hello, apologies if I've clumsily stumpled into the wrong place to do this! Looking forward to getting involved Anti-Syne
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