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Everything posted by Anti-Syne

  1. I seriously hope it's nothing like this, I'm so sick of Square Enix doing 'by the way' sort of story telling, where they just add on plot points that are totally unnecessary and clearly not part of of the original plot, i.e. Dissidia's plot, FFIV: The After years, and every part of the FFVII sequels/prequels they've done to death.
  2. 2P mode is definatley in need of a metal remix i reckon
  3. oh no john would be my unknown triplet, but if a sam lewis/sabin ever showed up i'd watch out I was always Edgar cos i'm the ladies man, clearly... On a side note my friend used to like calling pokemon 'DICK', so after coming out of the daycare he would be told his DICK had grown alot
  4. For final fantasy 7 and 8 no, probably because my friends also played those so we all just kept the default names so we knew who we were talking about. But for FF6 and 9 i liked to name all the characters after my friends trying to match them up by characteristics and personality; such as in FF6 i'd name Edgar and Sabin after my brother and I as they too are twins like us (which incidentally is why i have edgar as my avatar WOW!)
  5. Got another done: http://soundcloud.com/jack-lewis/track-4-remixed-2 Again let me know what you think, thanks
  6. Hi everyone, I'm looking for an fm synth similar to logic's EFM1 ( ).Basically I'm looking to make the rough buzzing tone you can get with fm synthesis, i can get it with the efm1, but i only use logic in university, else where i use cubase. so yeah, any suggestions for decent/similar to EFM1 synths?
  7. Happy annual enjoy food and get fat day!
  8. Just a quick suggestion, it maybe a phasing issue that isn't coming across on headphones as the speakers are kept separate, but on monitors you might be getting the distant sound because the sound waves are interfering with each other in a deconstructive way http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interference_%28wave_propagation%29 Try reversing the phase of your vocal recording maybe? (i've never used fruity loops but i assume it can do this)
  9. http://soundcloud.com/jack-lewis/this-is-everything Been working on this on and off for months now, so i finally decided to finish it and upload it to my soundcloud. Let me know what you think of it, thanks
  10. End of the day though, this is a Hollywood film so the soundtrack was always going to sound like a Hollywood soundtrack, rather than thinking of it as a glorified music video for a new Daft Punk Album. For me judging it as a film soundtrack i like it, though I wouldnt judge it the same i would a Daft Punk album.
  11. I was going to say Snake eater, but seeing as it's already been said i'm gooing to suggest the ZOE2 Theme 'Beyond the Bounds' It may just be because i associate it with this trailer everytime: (track kicks in at about 0:45)I just think the two compliment each other perfectly.
  12. I'm not really a fan of dubstep and thus havent really tried making a synth like that, but I would say that it's an FM synth with the Low pass filter cut-off controlled by an LFO. Then it's simply a case of increasing and decreasing the LFO rate to get that changing speed tremelo(ish) feel.
  13. I'd take a look at the M-Audio oxygen series: 49 Key Version - £146 http://www.studiospares.com/controller-keyboards/m-audio-oxygen-49-3rd-generation-midi-keyboard/invt/373390/ 25 Key Version - £117 http://www.studiospares.com/controller-keyboards/m-audio-oxygen-25-3rd-generation-midi-keyboard/invt/373380/ Decent price, decent keys plus separate pitch bend and mod wheel, 8 assignable sliders (well only 1 slider on the 25 key version) and 8 assignable knobs. I've been using the 2nd gen version of the 49 key version for the last couple of years and it's served me very well
  14. Right, so some of you may have recently seen that this was recently rejected by the judges , mostly for lacking in variety, texture and generally just staying in the same gear throughout, with a boring stero field and dry sounds This is what the judges heard: So, I've been giving this a make over as I do plan on resubmitting it, but only when i've got it as good as i can get it. So HERE IS THE NEW VERSION: Improvements are mostly, Bigger changes between sections, with more textural differences No more robot voice (apart from the talkbox sound) Improved sounds Thicker texture This new attempt at it is not finished yet, but i'd like to step back from it for couple of days and get some feedback on it so far, so as ever i'd be extremely thankful to those who let me know what they like/don't like and how you think it should be improved Thanks!
  15. So I've finally decided to get a pair of studio monitors as right now I'm having to mix everything on my headphones. I'd be looking to spend AT MOST £150 (which is roughly $240 or 175 Euros apparantly). I know this budget won't allow me to get brilliant monitors, mainly it would just be nice to be able to play mixes out loud. So i'd just like to know if anyone here can reccomend me any within my price range? Thanks!
  16. Thanks Gario glad you like it Personally, I think the ending works for me, the aim was to add a abit of juxtaposition at the end, calming it all down a tad. Anyway, I'm happy with this now and I shall be submitting it on Wednesday, so if anyone has any more critiques and improvements for me speak now or forever hold your peace. Thanks again to everyone for your advice already!
  17. Does spotify not work on labels? i.e. a label agrees to let all the music it owns be put up on spotify. I really dont have a clue how the legal side of OCR works, but it would need to be it's own record label to get music up on spotify. or, i may be completely wrong...
  18. Version 2: Ok, so I tried to listen to you all, with the main changes being: 1. More source where I could comfortably fit it in 2. Thicker texture at the thinner parts 3. Bigger Ending 4. It's a bit longer - Outro, containing source, added Again I'd love to know what you think of this, critiques here have always helped me improve my work massively. I'm going to keep this up as a Mod-review because I really want to know what chance this stands against the judges. Finally yes, the texture ideas are definately very Daft Punk, however hopefully that isn't a problem here as I've noticed there are mixes already on OCR which openly admit to using established artist's styles (i.e. Midee and Prozax's 'The Twelth Commandment)
  19. You'd be best off asking that in the specific Fruit Loops section of the forum here: http://ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=28 I don't use fruity loops, but in general if something is peaking you just keep reducing it's level until it stops peaking
  20. Right, I'm afraid to say this is going to need alot of work. The major problem you'll have to over come for this to progress is thinking about the style and arrangement. It doesn't seem to go anywhere, as in there's no build up to anything and all the changes seem to come out of no where with the sections not fitting together. For instance not only does the drum loop get repetitive, it doesn't fit at all. Given the storm sounds and very thin texture this is much more of an ambient piece, but then this hip-hop sounding loop plays over the top. It sticks out even more because it's not in time with the key board. So yeah first thing's first, you'll have to think what sort of style you want this to be, then maybe let us know so we can help you move it in that specific direction. Sorry to be so negative, but it really needs a true style and direction before it can progress
  21. Very nice work, the arranagement has been mentioned enough already as it is, I just wanted to know if you were planning on submitting this here at some point or if you want it as a cover (like it is now)? I ask this becuase I think with some arrangement changes (as already mentioned) it has the potential to be a good remix on here. Oh and i'd like it longer please! Seems to be over far too soon! Overall, the production is good, but i don't think those lead guitar lines cut through enough for me, maybe just tweak the high-mids in the EQ to brighten them up? they sound a tad muffled to me.
  22. Thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated! Yeah i went a bit filter mad with this one, the wah sounds are all done using Cubase's Step filter, set to play through, pretty much, random filter frequencies at a 1/16 (or semi-quaver what have you) rate. Then there's an 80% glide between these frequencies changes to give it that smoother 'wah-wah' sound. Then that all goes through an amp simulator to add a bit of distortion, basically I wanted it to have a bit of an electric guitar feel, without it sounding like it's trying to be an electric guitar too much (if that makes sense). The synth itself is a relatively simple mono synth, so the majority of that sound is coming from the distorted filter changes rather than the synth settings. Hope that explains it! I did play around with filling up the space a bit more, but things got too muddy too quickly, and i ended up going with the 'less is more' sort of approach.
  23. Cool, cheers guys, and specifically thanks Gario, It seems I can always I rely on your for a full critique Here's my breakdown of the track, a mathmatical analysis of how liberal the arrangement is: 0:00 - 0:25 No source used 0:26 – 0:42 Main riff used (granted it’s cut up heavily) 0:43 – 1:23 Source very apparent 1:24 – 2:13 NO source used 2:14 – 2:50 Source very apparent 2:51 – 3:26 Main riff used So by my calculations the song is 206 seconds long, the source is being used for 128 of those seconds, so it's about 62% source 38% original. Is that acceptable here? Well it's up for mod review now, I'd basically like an idea of how close this is to passing the the panel, and does it need to be longer? I'm always scared of doing longer pieces because I might kill the idea, more of a short but sweet fan myself. Agains thanks in advance (and i'd still welcome some more non-mod critiques too if you like) (and yes I do really mean 'I-totally-stole-some-of-Daft-Punk's-traditional-textures-and-hope-that-no-one-cares-because-textures-are-totally-public-domain', emphasis on 'totally stole'...)
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