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Everything posted by Anti-Syne

  1. This is really nice, it's got a really nice human feel to it and it comes across as very expressive. There's just a couple of points where I think it loses this realism which is a real shame, these points being when the strings play quick notes at about 0:40 and again the strings at about 1:20, at these points the strings sound very synthesised/ midi like. Apart from that for me it's near perfect. I'm no expert on orchestration as I focus on electronic synthy music, but there's loads of people on here that are experts on orchestration, so hopefully they can give you better feedback than me. Oh and welcome to the forum!
  2. First up, Hello and welcome to the Boards! I don't know the source material so I can't comment on the arrangement of your piece at all unfortunately. My main criticism is it's lack of variation, you can really only hear that one synth, which plays constantly through the whole piece, so I got a bit tired of listening to it after a couple of minutes. I would suggest taking the level of that synth down a bit so that the rest of the track can be heard, and maybe throw the melody around onto other instruments to mix things up abit. 4 minutes + is just a bit too long for this track at the moment, but i reckon you could keep that length if you add the variety. Anyway on the up side I definately think this has potential, I like the overall sinister sound to it, so keep at it! Hope that helps
  3. Thanks, I've got one more update ready, and I'm pretty happy with it, so I'm going to put it as 'Finished' for now. Still looking for more feedback, so anyone else out there let me know what you think, even if you aren't Metal gear or Kraftwerk Fans. again source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqqq8uqSDnk Inspiration:
  4. Really nice work, no complaints except for the piano right at the end, for me it just seems a bit sudden and out of place, maybe it's just me though
  5. Right ignore that last one, updated version. Let me know what you don't like about it/what needs to be changed.
  6. Just listened to it and it's not bad at all considering it's the first thing you've done I don't know the original too well so I can't comment on the arrangement. My main problems with it is that the drums get very repetitive very quickly, it'd be nice to hear some variation in them, why not add a few fills? Secondly I'd like to hear some more lead sounds, I think it's got too many slow attack wishy washy pads in there so it seems to lack some sort of real driving force. Keep at it though cos the foundations are there for this to be a decent mix,
  7. Still early days for this mix. It's the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 1 in the style of Kraftwerk. Apologies that it doesnt have an ending yet. I would greatly appreciate any critique so far. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqqq8uqSDnk Inspiration:
  8. Thought I might as well post this on here. the song is one of my academic compositions, but I made a video for it so I could put it up on youtube with my other digital media work Both the video and song are inpired by Autechre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWibg_8VzMw
  9. Really nice work! reminds me of the dissidia version, my only criticism, is that the kick drum lacks a bit of weight, if you could add abit more low end to it when you come to fully mix it I reckon it would really solidfy things.
  10. I would be very interested in this. Over the past few months I have worked on some FFVIII remixes, including My Mind, Under Her Control, Movin and Premonition (Which can all be found at www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne and here ) I'd be interested in working on other songs if you like what I do, or I could change/improve the ones i've already worked on.
  11. Hello welcome to the forum! Just listened to your track, and correct me if i'm wrong but this is just you playing along to original track? It's an interesting idea trying to mix metal with quite a light song, but it'd be a lot better to hear you reproduce the whole track and change the arrangement of it, rather than just play guitar over the top of it, otherwise it just lacks in originality. In terms of production, i'm not really a metal fan but the guitars sound pretty muffled considering they're meant to be the main focus of this track. Hopefully someone more into their metal can give you more advice on how to make a metal remix.
  12. Hey, thanks for the feedback, yeah i wanted some weird effects to give it a bit of a twisted feel. It hasn't really been mixed yet so i'll have to get back onto that and give everything its own space in the mix. If anyone out there in forumland does know the source I would be very grateful for some feedback on my arrangement, or again the mix in general. Edit: Oh and look at that! I have a thing under my name now! (noob excitement ahoy)
  13. I don't know the source very well so it's hard for me to comment on the arrangement. I like some of the sounds you've used, but I think you need to look at the dynamics of this piece, to me every part sounds like they're trying to out do each other and the overall effect is that it sounds too distorted at seems to clip quite a bit. I'd also like to hear the drums more, the snare needs to punch through, at certain points it gets lost in the mix (e.g. around 58 seconds). Hopefully someone else can give you feedback on the arrangement.
  14. My latest remix I've been working on, and it is indeed another FFVIII track (I've been playing through it again recently so i'm a bit addicted to its music) Upoaded through tindeck this time because soundcloud seem to be pretty pants. Let me know what you think, it also has a bit of The Landing in there. Thanks! (oh and the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zUu2olqwZ8s)
  15. I like it, it's nice background chill music, i'm just listening to it whilst browsing the web and it's nice because it's not too imposing, but also not ignorable, if that makes any sense...
  16. Yeah it's back to the drawing board with this one for mass changes. Volume, variation, anger and mustache shall be added!
  17. Very much still a work in progress, but i'd like to hear what people think of it so far. www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne Thanks Anti-Syne
  18. hey, how's the legendary beast remix going? Has it been updated? it sounded good last time i heard it.

  19. Yeah i can't really add much to what emunator said, i think one of the fundament issues here is the lack of quantisation. Someimes over quantisation can really make things sound robotic, but i think in this case it would really tidy things up, then you could tweek timings to give it a more human feel. Also are you playing this in with a metronome, the drums especially sound far too relaxed. Finally, yeah i reckon there's too much going on here, try stripping away some of the instruments which are just playing the counter melodies and other less important parts for now, so you can just focus on the main melody, then build the other parts gradually and gently around that. Hope that helps, keep on remixing and try and use any advice you're given and you'll soon improve.
  20. Hey glad you like my movin remix. what exactly would you want in this remix pack?

  21. absolutely loving this! the drums really make this piece for me. i'm assuming it's not meant to end there?
  22. Something in a bit of a softer style than i've done before, so i'd like to hear if you lot think i can pull it off, or give up on it. it should be the second one down on www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne And yes i think this is my 3rd FF8 mix posted in 2 weeks...
  23. I would be honoured to. It should be up on www.soundcloud.com/anti-syne for you to download, right........NOW!
  24. 'Spaaaaarks from the Fiiiiire rise up toooo the sky...!' I can't work out if he's the best opera singer or worst ever, either way he always makes my day. but for me it's Kraftwerk - Radioactivity - The Mix
  25. I really liked this, didn't think the percussion was on the cheesy side. I don't think there's any major changes need doing here, my only criticism is that the brief and sudden ending doesn't do the rest of the piece justice, so for me it needs to maybe end with a big sustained note or something big like that.
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