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Everything posted by Anti-Syne

  1. Nemesis. Getting hunted down and chased by a shit fast muscular super zombie terrified me when I was younger. I borrowed it off my friend thinking I was brave enough, but as soon as he started ruthlessly chasing me through the alleys of Raccoon City I just ran into a safe room, saved the game, turned off my ps1, took out the disc and left it under a pile of magazines. I'm now 21 and only brave enough to play it with a friend...Being chased by him is just 100% panic for me. Aside from that I once had a ps1 demo disc that got a bit scratched, so that instead of loading up a demo for an old football game, a black screen with plain white writing loaded up telling me about a coming alien invasion, the creepy thing was none of the games on that demo disc had anything to do with aliens at all. That freaked me out as a 10 year old
  2. I don't understand what you are saying at all, I think Rozovian meant you should re-read your post because your grammar doesn't make any sense. I litterally have no idea what you mean...
  3. My brother showed me this video which uses Xaleph's 'Son of Chaos' as it's music. So then for me it was It was the discovery of Voices of The Lifestream then onto OCR
  4. So this was one of the first tracks I ever remixed, but before I could ever finish it I accidentally deleted all the samples I was using and never finished it. Now with a software upgrade to Cubase 5 I thought it was about time I had another go at it. And the source I've been listening to alot of Daft Punk recently so this track is heavily influenced by them Let me know what you think and how it can be improved. Thanks in advance! _______________________________________________ Version 2
  5. Daft Punk's 2007 live album - Alive Never really cared much for live albums but this is some top top stuff
  6. I think my main concern is that some of the synths are a bit lifeless, maybe throw in some vibrato on the longer notes and some pitch bending to really give it that expressive solo feel, similar to Apart from that i like it
  7. Ah SilvaGunner you will be missed. i always looked for you when linking to source material
  8. It's been a while since I updated this track, but in light of my Mako Cannon track I thought i'd put the final version of this up to be done with it. That's it for this one, so I hope you all enjoy it! Over and Out
  9. I use SayIt and often put it through a vocoder too, so i can articulate the pitch and make roy sound even more analogue.
  10. Resident Evil 5 - Majini IX (in Flames) I actually posted this as a remix request a few days ago, but i like it so much i'm sharing it again. It's actually the only track from the game that stood out for me, and one of a few none rpg tracks i listen to. 'Epic' is a term that's over used when describing vg music, so i'll just say this is a jolly good track.
  11. Source link now fixed. Anyway, thanks Gario, glad you liked it! Don't worry, there's no way i'd ever remove Roy the robot voice (even if he does pronounce Mako as 'Maku'...). I did attempt making it longer, but it got repetitive and stale so I think you're right in that it's the right length. I will submit it to OLR (once I register there and post in the forum 5 times). I will probably even submit it here after i've made a couple of tweaks to the production, wishful thinking maybe, but still worth a go hopefully. But for now i'm still open to hearing how it can be improved, so if anyone else has thoughts please let me know. Thanks again!
  12. Hi and welcome to the forum! Just listened to your track and for the most part i like the arrangement and instrumentation, but i'm not feeling it as much after 3:10, i appreciate that you're trying to build it up into something else, it's not even that the end section is bad, i'm just not sure it was necessarily where the track seemed to be heading, but hey, that's just my personal opinion. My main problem with it as a whole however, is the production. Everything seems to be drowned in reverb, so everything loses it's clarity and gets lost in each other, almost like. Pull back the reverb time and wet signal and i reckon it would improve dramatically. I get that you're going for that big spacey sound, but you can still get that with more subtle reverb. Anyway, sorry that's only a brief critique, i'm sure someone can give you a more detailed one. Keep up with this, it definately has potential.
  13. Is there a specific reason why everything seems to be panned hard left or hard right? It's very disorienting and unnatural sounding. Things like the bass generally should be in the centre with the kick drum and lead instruments. A simple way to organise where to place instruments in the stereo field to to imagine where they would be on a stage in front of you. At the moment your track is like putting an audience in between two stages, which obviously isn't done. I don't know the source at all, I had a quick listen to it, but seeing as i'm so unfamiliar with it I won't be able to comment on your arrangement. Anyway, so ignoring the drums as you have already mentioned them I'd say all of your sounds need upgrading, they just all sound very standard, midi-like and not very interesting. I like the variety of instruments you're using as it at least keep the piece lively, but the sounds need to be more unique to your own mix. Also I'm not hearing many effects, if any, on any of the sounds, which just adds to the problem of the basic instrument sounds. can I ask what software and instruments you are using? Sorry if this is all a bit negative, but i'm sure you'll soon hear improvements in your pieces if you keep following everyone's advice on here, and keep listening to all the tracks that have passed the judges panel and try to compare them to your own pieces, seeing as they're the benchmark we all need to reach.
  14. Hi everyone, My latest ReMix Source: Let me know what you think of it, thanks
  15. My favourite DS game is 'The World Ends With You', though it's more of an action oriented rpg rather than strategic, but it's definately worth a go.
  16. So i recently played through this game again and this track was the main one that caught my attention. (even if you haven't played RE5 i'd recommend giving it a listen)Are there any other fans of this track that would be willing to try remixing it?
  17. I submitted a remix of 'stage is set' a few months ago so hopefully that will get somewhere. That and I'm currently working on a remix of the oath with vocals that i'll hopefully be posting in the workshop soon
  18. Ok, I've been wanting to do something like this for a while, take a nice gentle orchestral source and go Electronic cut up distortion mad on it! The arrangement isn't finished yet, and it's still needs a bit of tidying up done to it in my opinion, but i'd really like some opinions on how it's going so far. Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q85KIhPXrIQ Oh and should have mentioned originally i'm going for this sort of sound: Thanks for any feedback!
  19. I found alien voice sounds and am now scared, thanks. Although now i've found the german at 153 kHz, i'm not so scared
  20. Fallout 3 with more voice actors, I get so sick of every ghoul sounding the same, every old man sounding the same etc...
  21. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=38837 Started two threads, one advertising an audio converter the other topic title 'dsdd' was just a post of random letters.
  22. I'm no good with anything xbox, so hopefully someone here can help me. So basically my disc drive is broken, I've tried repairing it myself (as it's way out of warranty) but to no avail, so now it's looking like if i want it to work i'll have to buy a new drive. So I have two questions: 1) Does the replacement drive have to be the exact same make and model as the original? 2) Will this new drive be plug and play ready? Thanks for any help
  23. I'd take a look in the Remix Requests forum and see if there's any there you fancy, people always like to see their requests get made.
  24. Thanks for all your help with this guys, seriously it wouldn't be half as good as it is now without your critiques. I'm going to take a break from this piece and work on others (more than likely more FF8 pieces...) for a few weeks then come back at this with a fresh perspective, so hopefully you'll hear a further improvement sometime in the future.
  25. Can I make the suggestion that next time you make a thread only put one WIP in it, to critique one song can take a fair amount of time and text, so if you want people to critique all three it's more likely you'll only get a very brief review of each piece which won't really help much So i too will just focus on the pokemon track as it's the source i know the best. Basically just echoing Spakku here but the main problem is how unhuman it sounds, it's not alway just a case of velocity changes, changes in attack and note length etc, in your case I would say the underlining problem is that some parts aren't humanly possible to play. For example, the track has lots of glissandos, which if it were to be played by an actual guitarist would more than likely be played as a slide, rather than very rapidly strumming on each different fret. But positive are I think you've got your reverb there or there abouts, certainly not drowned in it and gives it a natural sound. So in summary: Reverb = Good, but guitar arrangement needs to be rethought so it's more believable that it's being played by a human. I'd suggest you listen to Rodrigo y Gabriela as they're probably the closest sound to what you're aiming for.
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