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Everything posted by TGH

  1. It was brought to my attention the other day that it's possible to equalize each channel individually in FL using the mixer. I was like 0__0 I know, I'm a bit slow. But that's not what matters here. So after a complete EQ ad effect makeover, here is what may be the final version of my remix. http://tindeck.com/listen/ojxi Once again, I thank everybody who commented on this thread for their invaluable advice (as I really needed it, lol). -TGH btw, please tell me if you think the bass is too loud. . .It's louder than it was, but I felt obligated to make it louder in the low range as most of the lead instruments I moved to a higher range. I thought this would create more room for the bass, and thus I believed I was able to make it louder. Thoughts?
  2. http://tindeck.com/listen/ckdy Thank you again, Rozovian and Ecto. God, who knew that getting rid of some bass would brighten a track up SOO much?? One thing's for sure, I sure as I sure as hell didn't. I also got rid of some reverb on the drums and quieted up the snare a bit. I don't know, this just sounds good to me. Tell me what you think?? Thanks again, -TGH
  3. Thanks, Ecto. All too well XD I really appreciate the feedback guys
  4. Thanks, Rozo. I know what you mean about the bass. I noticed recently that the bass is really pounding, almost too much. I'll quiet it down a little, and see if I can find a more appropriate snare. About the notes at the end. . .they were in reference to another song in the game (the one that plays when a dungeon is cleared). People who have played the game will get the reference, but I hadn't thought about the people who haven't. I suppose I should just take that out for the sake of those that haven't, lol Thanks again! And yes, plenty harsh enough
  5. Hey guys, I've scraped this together over a time period of about three to four weeks. It's of this theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvgAcxG4nI I felt this song desperately needed some better instruments and a bit of additional touch. So here is my remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/kekn Hope you guys enjoy, and please be as harsh as possible. Thanks, TGH
  6. Thank you guys so much for your comments and criticisms I experimented with a lot of stuff and I really like the sound of this. http://tindeck.com/listen/ukix Not really much else to say other than I really like the way this sounds. lol Thanks, -TGH
  7. Hey wow, it's been a long time since I've been here Anyway, I've been working on something else, this time a Great Canyon Remix from the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game. I'm really experimenting with this one and I need some outside opinions on it. . . Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrvgAcxG4nI Remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/mvky It's not nearly finished yet, but if I could get feedback on what I have so far that would be great! Thanks, -TGH
  8. Condragulashuns!!

  9. Thank you guys so much I reworked it a little and came up with this. I basically just lowered the volume of the bass and increased the volume of the high notes, plus some small equalization adjustments. I'm not as much asking for more feedback as I am just asking you if I'm on the right track with fixing what you said. http://tindeck.com/listen/tmji Thanks again, guys
  10. Hi there! You don't know me, lol. . . but can I ask you something?

    Here's my story. . . I'm an aspiring remixer here on OC who would ABSOLUTELY LOOVE to get a mix posted. I sequenced a solo piano remix using FL Studio that I really have a good feeling about in terms of arrangement, but the shoddy piano samples are getting on my nerves. I noticed that you are 'very interested' in doing a collab, and that you have good piano skills. Would you be interested in performing my sequenced remix live and recording it?? I think it's pretty simple to play.

    If you are interested, message me back and we'll talk more about it. Thanks a ton!


  11. Wow, guys, I'm such a noob X( I'm assuming there's no way for me to delete my work-in-progress thread for this remix, nor can I change it to the 'mod-review' status. . . so I decided to just make a new thread, I guess. . . If you could please just delete my work in progress thread (the one that says "Run Away" Remix) I'd be delighted. Sorry about that. X) Anyway, here's a solo piano remix I started making a LONG while ago with FL studio, and picked up again just recently; this is the result. Please tell me what you think: http://tindeck.com/listen/uizz And here's the source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51IYbIU18cc Thank you much ) -TGH
  12. Hey, you mentioned setting my WIP thread to mod review. . . do you know how exactly I do that? hahaha thanks

  13. Wow, you suck at remixing. :DDDD Listening to it now, it really gives me that nostalgic feeling, which there seems to be a shortage of on this site nowadays. As always the changes you make to the original are seamless. In other words, if I were a listener of this music with no prior knowledge of the original, I wouldn't be able to figure out what was original writing and what was part of the actual song. Hope that wasn't too confusing The piano, surprisingly, fits in very well with the soft, deep synth texture you have going on. You used reverb very, very well with the piano. Everything just fits. Very, very good work.
  14. Eh, I'm afraid it won't be done for a while, though, lol . . I've been really busy and will continue to be busy throughout the next couple of weeks.

  15. Hey, thanks for commenting on my WIP :)

  16. Hey, thanks for commenting on my WIP :))

  17. Thank you much. Yeah, like Emunator posted, pan that bass to the center. I like the filtered synths that come in, but I really don't get the pauses between the main part and (what I guess you can call) the bridge. It's like the song stops to change parts. It's also way too conservative for OCR (I used that word correctly, right Emu? ) And also too short. I'm not sure exactly what you were going for, since it basically just sounds like a copy of the original. It's a good start for something that branches out a little more.
  18. Wait wut?? Where's the link?
  19. http://tindeck.com Make a free account here, post your mp3, post a link in the thread, BOOM you're golden.
  20. Hmm. . .our speaker setups must be different, because I do hear the string crescendo you mean but I can still hear the piano perfectly fine. lol Thank you for the feedback, and wish it luck on the panel! lol
  21. And I listened again. . . and again. . . and again. . . . . . and again. . . .
  22. I thank you for your input, even though there's really nothing I can do now to change this remix at all seeing as though I've already submitted it. However, I still wouldn't feel inclined to change anything about it even if I had the chance. . .I don't know, it just sounds right to me, and that's why I submitted it as is. I don't think the piano is 'punchy' as much as I think that it just stands out more than the strings. Which was the effect I was looking for. At first the piano is legato, as sort of an intro to the verse. Then as the verse gets deeper, the piano loudens for the sort of emotional effect I was looking for. And at what time did you hear the violin drowning out the piano? It does louden at times for (again) emotional effect, but i can't hear it drown out the piano at any time during the mix.
  23. Did you listen to the source? That key change is actually in the original as well. And since there are no lyrics in this piece. . . I just don't see how I could be covering up a 'bad odor' with said key change when there is none to begin with. Personally, I like the key change and am hesitant to change anything about the structure of the mix as it stands now. I also feel like without that key change it would take a lot longer for the remix to actually go anywhere without 'jumping' to a different part to do it. Plus, I already submitted it Edit: Alright, here's the final version that I've submitted: http://tindeck.com/listen/vrwt Subtle high shelf boost, made it louder, did what I could to fix the crash near the end An extremely huge thank you to Rozovian, halc, Emunator and Kylebean
  24. .....I knew that.....
  25. Oh MAN this takes me back. I really enjoyed this, but as far as the arrangement goes, it's far too liberal. Try to branch out a little, and don't be afraid to stray from the sources a bit. Also I think that there's too much reverb on the piano in the 'level' part. It really makes the notes bleed together. Now, don't get me wrong when I say this--it was a very enjoyable track, and I like what you did with the melodies!-- but I think that if you want this track to have a chance on OCR, you're gonna need to have some transitions. It just jumps around from part to part, doesn't flow. . . But I think you have something here. I wish you luck in getting it posted!
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