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Everything posted by Tydin

  1. YES! Absolutely agree with this, I have tried in the past but never really got into it, maybe now I have a little more experience I might give it a go. The version I did was kinda mid-evil sounding, took some perc samples from FFXI and they seemed to fit well with a little work, and just played with the melody a bit. But if I was to try again, what kinda style would you have in mind?
  2. I happen to be working on one already Kinda a random mashup of this song, the boss battle theme and "maybe I'm a Lion" From Final Fantasy 8 :S I'll keep you posted is ya like?
  3. I'm pretty new to Reason 4, been using FL Studio now for a while. I am after even the most basic of tips. I'm hoping you will all share your pearls of wisdom with us all. Things like how to create some good variance in the velocity of notes, How to make something sound more "real", Or even how to use the EQ would be great! Really anything would be awsome, and could be of great use to others in the future.
  4. On the front page?! haha, I should be so lucky! That'd be a dream come true! Any suggestions for other songs in there, so far theres forest maze mashed up with lets play geno, SMW theme and mushroom kingdom from SMRPG and YI. I was thinking of adding the water theme from the original mario, and maybe something from SMG?
  5. nah i used a few, i guess ill just ahve to tinker with it all some more ^^ any more advice would be great. i really want this to be a good song as it'll be the first ever i put up for judging
  6. Well ive got some bongos in there now, just adding some tamberines now the mushroom kingdom had a slightly more marchy quality to it though. Im struggling with what to make what now, I agree about winds and brass. the smw bit sounds a bit funny with the brass. i might make it a full on orch? hmm
  7. Well the end result wont be an all piano arrangement. and if I'm honest, I'm not too sure what style I'm going for. I tend to just play arround and if I like the sound of something I just work with it. It will just end up however it ends up I'm really not a professional. I know very little at all. Any advice you might give would really help alot I'm not sure what you mean by "singular" I've also began sorting out the dissonant notes I just wish I had someone around to check my work as I'm going along. I get so worried about how it sounds I start getting scared at the idea of continuing it incase I balls it up even more... lol?
  8. I just want to thank you again for your advice! I wish I had someone like you on hand to help me along the way! :) Also I havent had a chance to listen to your remixes, BUT I will, in but a moment :D

  9. Lol I wont bother, it was just one my my first attemps at usuing reason. wondered if i had a shot at making it sound better. If the pros say leave it be I best listen
  10. Awsome! Thanks for pointing them out! I'll sort em out right away! If you have anymore advice Id really love to hear it. Thanks again
  11. Yeah, I have another i just put up. theres a few other on my youtube channel as well :)

    Rozovian seems very helpful! Im hoping to meet alot of helpful people on this site, imma gunna check out yer stuff right away! :D

  12. Ha, glad Im not alone then :D Do you have anything up on the site yet? wips? finished pieces?

  13. Basically did this for Youtube, But does anyone think its worth me taking this back into Reason and tinkering with it? Make it alot longer etc. Would it even stand a chance of getting a thumbs up by the judges?
  14. Tydin

    Thanks a ton for the friend request! Thefirst of many Im hoping :D

  15. So funny that you say that! I'm working on the percussions at this very moment! And, yep, there's a defo Marching band feel to them No symbols though, I didnt want it too sound too marchy. Theres a few finger snaps in there though, If you have any other Ideas would LOVE to hear them and very very nice of you to say you'd have it on your Ipod, sounds silly but I have always done remixing for myself, never really thought too much about others enjoying them Makes me all fuzzy inside! lol
  16. Something is lacking with the piano, not sure what though, just doesnt sound... Meaty enough? lol But all in all I love this remix so much. Very peaceful. and one of my faves on the site! Going to have a look and see what else he has done.
  17. Gotta say the original is of of my fave songs ever, Your version in fantastic, in places. Others though just seem to have far too much texture goin on at once. It's a little complicated for my ears, but thats just me. The drums really are very good. But they stand out too much, almost as if you just copied and pasted something ontop. If they were just a little softer that would be perfect for me. But again, thats just me Would need very little tweeking I think. The video make me lol a few times I so wanna hack the game now n make a night club or summant
  18. Its in the very begining stages, instruments havent even been chosen, just wanna hear what everyone has to say about it, any suggestion WILL ALWAYS be taken on board! Id like to know what bits you like, love or hate. What could be added or taken away, anything. This is the first song Ive put up on this site, so I'm very nervous. BUT I can handle critque very well! The more honest the better. Otherwise I'll never grow
  19. Lovely! I actually felt like i was gunna doze off. one of the most relaxing version of DDD Ive heard in a long while. JRB is an interesting tune to work with as well.
  20. Great work! I only wish there was a nice mp3 to listen too ^^ Ill settle for faving it
  21. Well I gotta say, this post provided me with alot! Im on my way to posting some WIP's after I post this reply. Seriously, thanks for the words of wisdom, and I hope to hear more in the future, your really right with the whole practice makes perfect thing, really when i look into detail why i want help, most of it is I lack alot of confidence in any skill i do have. But its things like "what are filters" and tips to make my songs sound better that i really need. I'll also have a look at the soundfornt page asap And I plan to also leave useful comments on other threads. *nods* And Im no kid, Im 24 lol But ill still wax your car in exchange for cookies! Or smexy bonzai trees
  22. Meteo Xavier: Wow, thanks for the advice! REALLY means alot! I have to admit, I'm a tad impatient when it comes to remixing but thats down to my excitement, and wanting to hear a finish song. Everything else I'm pretty darn good with. I'm a really easy going person. I'm in no way needy and of course I would be willing to pay someone back in anyway I could. I happen to be pretty handy with photoshop (Google "Tydin" and you should be taken to my art profile on deviantart.com always happy to trade my time for custom art or airbrushing) And no you dont sound like an asshole haha, I'm now just worried I look really needy! Geoffrey Taucer: Thats very true, sometimes I try to get ahead of myself so being reminded to focus on what I have rathen then what I think I should have is highly needed with me lol Rozovian: I would be very very happy to get to know you better in a IM, if you feel up to it send me your addy and I'll add you as soon as I get a chance And I'm hoping to make many new friends on here. From what I can see, there's a good bunch of talented people on this site!
  23. Haha, well to me, anything other then anvil studio is a big boy program I managed to save up enough for reason 4, budget wise Im savin up for the bigger stuff, my knowlege of software sucks, Soundfonts? I'm more familliar with refills, if there's a difference? Lol, It's pathetic I know, I'm a aboslte idiot when It comes to anything technical, BUT I have been writing and remixing songs for years, I really just need someone to look out for me Basically, I have... Reason 4 Anvil Studio FL Studio I'd be happy to dish out a few quid for better software, But I wouldn't know where to start. Really, anything would help. thanks for the comments so far peeps Tydin XxX
  24. As random as it sounds it would be great if any experienced remixers out there would be willing to help me out for a while, I've only just started using the big boy programs and well, I need alot of help. I think I have some raw talent? But I need alot of advice at hand. Sooo Anyone out there, who knows their stuff, Tydin@hotmail.co.uk Thats my IM, Please feel free to add me, introduce yourself and hopefully we will make some great music together REALLY hoping to make some great friends on here. Tydin X Ps. If your not into the whole IM thing, feel free to post any advice for me below. Thanyou everyone!
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