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Everything posted by Tydin

  1. Been at this all day, having one of those mused moments where I'm all excited about mixing, which I havent been for a long time. Bout' 7 or 8 months ago I was told to resub my Besaid remix I worked on, now after not touching it in MONTHS I went back, totally changed the beat (Which I'm alot happier with) and found a ton of nice refills to play with then I thought "Hey, I love the X-2 Besaid theme just as much! lets throw some of that in there!" Anywho, here are the source songs! X X-2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvbiD98IJcI Latest WIP First WIP
  2. just saw this on Tindeck and how popular it was loved it, downloaded it <3
  3. Yep, not a remix, just something I'm doing for fun, I have no intentions of subbing this to the judges, I am just practicing my skills, and want to know, how it sounds I have been experimenting with reverb ALOT, and wanting to know if I just about have it down? Its all very much like the source, and so it should be, the sorce rocks, but I did do a little self played piano just to keep it all gravy for the humanizing nazis But again, mainly, looking for critique on Reverb Thanks guys! I LOVE this community! <3 Source:
  4. I'm a big fan of this, I must say I love Katethegreat19's versiona bit more, but the english to japanese translation award goes to this, she's very good, and I think she got it as close as it can be while still making alot of sense in english.
  5. I absolutly love the arrangement, I REALLY do, the reverb seems to need some work, maybe it was just me but there also seemed to be too much reverb on the pad in the begining, and about 2 mins and 10 secs in, the pad seemed to swallow alot of the melody. It would be AMAZING if you found a guitarist to help you out, maybe ask in the collab section?
  6. Fantastic work, loved every moment of it.
  7. Erm, I MIGHT Start on a WIP, see how it goes, then If I like where it's heading show you what I have to see if you think its worth including. I just need to finish my Mario series Medly first :S Would it be possible to send you a PM should I like where my mix is headed? I gots my eye on Stone tower. Think some bollywood flare would go nicely with it. I have a few sitar samples I wanna try out anyways.
  8. Muuuuch better! That lead stands out so much more and wow when all the synth kicks in it just makes it much more of an experience, it's near perfect though now I noticed it all seems a little panned to the right a bit much? Go you and yer awsome remix XD Still needs to be longer! lol
  9. I said I know it's a cover, I even said I know but that doesnt mean that the production should be low quality
  10. Love that bass! And love the mix as a whole! The only thing I'm not sure about is, if the strings in the begining should be pulled back and the piano forward maybe? Or vice versa? I's be interested to see how that sounds the drums also feel a little drowned in all the remix's synth glory! XD OH and its tooooo short! I wanted it to keep on goin
  11. The main issue is this feels like a remastering then a remix, the melody is exactly the same as for as I can tell, I know you said it's a cover, but if your hoping to try out with the judges you will need to tinker with it. love the intro, but the synthy strings in my opinion sound pretty bad, also i'd suggest pulling the pan pipes forward a bit by tinkering with the reverb, and humanizing it. The drums as they stand seems a very bland, and the guitar solo is very artifical, try looking in the collab section and askin round for a guitarist, or at least humaize it bit. i like where it's going, but there's defo a few things ya should fix goodluck and I'll be watching this one
  12. great job, hopefully this'll pass the judges
  13. Thanks guys I should have mentioned that this is just the piano peice to the music, there will be a beat included as well as other instruments, as for this already being done, this is going to be a mash up of someday the dream will end from ffx as well as the chrono map theme I agree that the reverb should be cut back a bit after taking a break and listening again. I'll go back and change the velocities a bit more, though most notes have thier own seperate volume already, I guess I just need to make the difference a bit more noticable? Now about timing, how can I mix this up a bit while keeping within the beat? I assume I'll have to edit each note rather then just tinkering with the tempo? I've never really tried something like this before, and I really would like to thankyou all for responding to me so fast
  14. I just tend to up the reverb on the hard notes if I want to sustain them, just experiment, you'd be surprised what you'll come up with, often the most simple action is usually the right one.
  15. Hi all, Just wanted some tips on how to humanize a track. Please listen to this sample of a project I'm working on, and let me know how it sounds. I have spent alot of time trying to make is sound as real as can be. I'm using reason 4 and the offical Reason Piano package (It seems pretty good so far though I havent gone through all of it yet) If you could leave feedback, advice and so on that'd be great. Thanks for your time! My main issue is I'm worried about over doing the reverb, is this an issue in the sample?
  16. loving this alot, and its strangly given me the idea to mash up ffx's someday the dream will end, with zelda's lullaby cant wait to hear the finished product, i think there lacks a climax, be awsome if you brought out the illia theme a bit more, and upped the bass at that point.
  17. Im not one to know what I'm talking about, when it comes to the subject of samples, humanizing, reverb and all that jazz, all I know is I love how this sounds, and I look forward to hearing how it turns out! Keep up the awsome work!
  18. Just listening now, In love with DarkSword's version, dont think it could get better. The percs are great and the Zanarkand theme fits in really well, more then i'd guess it would if someone told me the two where going to be mixed together. AaronD's version feels very emotional when the strings really pick up, and love when the synth kicks in, (I want that refill!!!) The party in Zanarkand is good, was scared at first it was going to be a cheesy club mix wannabe but then I was like "Yay!" It was really good. the only issue i have is the piano was too paned to the right and I guess it coulda been pulled forward a lil more, it sounded really good, just wish I could have heard it more! For those about to run, Hmmm not to my taste but very well done for those into that genre of music. Rozo's version made me smile at first, and then my smile kept growing, it was really funky! Ethnic rush is by far the best use of percs Ive heard in a long time! The winds were a nice touch! Coops version was really good, loved his take on it, just wish the samples where of a better quality, sound alot like a midi to me but my far my fave take on the song! Garios's was a strange take on the song, but very nice Great work guys! Ill be downloading this for sure!
  19. Loving the G vally that you threw in there! I LOVE how you mix in various songs together so seamlessly, its very impressive, cant wait to hear more, this sounds like it would really benefit from some rendering into FL studio with some nice sitars or something that gives off a almost Asian feel. Looking very forward to hearing what else ya do with this. sent ya a message also, a while ago, if you ever feel up to collab'ing something, look me up! Like the way you work! Cant wait for the update on this T
  20. If this doesnt pass the judges I'll lose all faith in this site lol. Its amazing and I dont think it could get any better, but thats just me! Thanks for doin this!
  21. anvil studio is handy and free, just hook it up to a midi keyboard then as someone to put a goos refill/sample to it. look on ebay, seens some good deals on there
  22. Perfect Dark - Same name Anyways, nice remix, I'd say it's a tad too close to the original source though, but you did add alot to it, the bass is very nice. Maybe tinker with the reverb though, it's a little too up close for me when it really starts kicking off PS AWSOME strings
  23. Haha, Kay, will do I dig it And thankyou all so much for the kind words. I doubt its good enough to be aproved on this site, but hell, may as well give it a try
  24. I HATE bumpin my own threads, but someone must have something to add?
  25. Indeed, just wanted to say great work again and CANT WAIT.
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