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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. Some misunderstanding, i guess. Different remixers sounds like one, not different remixes. That's what I'm talking about. Having your own sound "signature" is great thing! Having one signature for everybody is not .. Hm.. Interesting.. or even bad. Once again. No offence. Nothing bad in my thoughts. It's jusе my observervation. And, as I said. MOST of tracks. Not everyone. Sorry. Sets... Tools mostly, are same. Nevermind.
  2. Well, now compo is almost over and I guess it's time to say something about my first MM Competition. Lot of creative and good musicians. Lot of great music and greatest ppl in the world. Too little time. Due to life's things I had no experience. Had lot ideas for "trio", probably i'll try to unite our team in future. Thanks! People who gave their thoughts about remixes. This mean a lot for any musician. Now.. The only thing i didn't like in this como. I had a strong feeling that i'm listening an album of ONE single artist. Since first round till the last. Some electronic dude or girl made most of the tracks for his/her album and put em to this compo. It's just sounds like this for me. Same drums sound, same synths and mixing structure. As I said, most of remixes can be united to one album. Cause sound is the same. Someone say that everybody use same tools.. Yes. All of us using same tools. Still, we have our own sound. No offence! Just my ears. Sorry if you got me wrong. Best of all for OC people! Thank you voters and critics! Oh! Sorry for my suck tracks.. I failed my first competition
  3. Mak Eightman Temporal Bliss (Magna Centipede in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Splash Supafly (Splash Warfly in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Madness, Exploration, and Pointed Beaks (Storm Eagle in Sigma Stage 2 [X3]) Zero Tolerance
  4. Mak Eightman We are Many, We are One (Boomer Kuwanger in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Beautiful Bloody Bats (Dark Necrobat in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Gate's Secret Dream Lab (Shield Sheldon in Gate's Laboratory [X6]) Zero Tolerance
  5. Thanks man! Unfortunately i have no time last two months. I had something VERY different in mind, but ended like this. Still, I think it's not bad cause i spend one hour on it. Need MOAR TIME.. stupid job. Sorry guys.
  6. Subbing my track right now. Hope I'll get in time. Had no day off since 7 Sep. This track is short and ugly. Sorry guys
  7. Mak Eightman Never Gonna Give (Up The Funk) (Gravity Beetle in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Infinite Flight Cheat Code (Storm Eagle in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Cyberfunk (Splash Warfly in Cyber Maze Core [X5]) Zero Tolerance
  8. Mak Eightman - Zero Tolerance MMMDop (Slash Beast in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Is é mo aingeal imithe (Flame Stag in Doppler Stage 1 [X3]) Arsonist (Flame Mammoth in Doppler Stage 1 [X3])
  9. Mak Eightman - Zero Tolerance My Beerly Beerloved (Blizzard Buffalo in Palace Ground [X]) Rolling (Frost Walrus in Palace Ground [X]) Magma Flow (Magma Dragoon in Palace Ground [X])
  10. I've no idea what are you talking about, but it's a great opportunity to say that i'm your fan!
  11. Free wi-fi and mobile fones are awesome! Thanks to Darke! I'm still in battle. Lovely sig) Perfect draft! For some reasone, tunnel rhino fits better for me, if i recall corectly. Unfortunatly, i can't listen and vote before i get back. So, GOOD LUCK Zero Tolerance! Thanks Darke again!
  12. Art, website.. This things need lot of time, don't forget about other projects. Some projects still in release process, despite all tracks and art, and other thigs were done few months ago. Keep that in mind. Contact someone from OCR staff. Describe situation, tell what you have now and ask for advice. I bet they'll help. OCR staff are great guys! As for the art, pm Chernabogue. He knows what to do with arts, i think.
  13. If you really want to release this project in october, you have to "have" art and all tracks done. Otherwise, this project will be released somewhere in may-june 2016... may be. So if you ask me, I'd suggest to focus on gathering more remixers to cover more tracks and aim to may-june 2016. Waiting is good, if you know what are you waiting for. My opinion. Who knows, may be everything will turnout nice even now. I'm on board anyway! Good luck!
  14. Hello. Kinda.. scared. Zero Tolerance team 1. Flame Stag X2 2. Tunnel Rhino X3 3. Blast Hornet X3 4. Magna Centipede X3 5. Wheel Gator X2 EDIT: First compo.. I'm nervous. Hope i won't fail my team
  15. So now LoL got me..

  16. Track is done. Now mixing. Probably tomorrow, will send it to Touchstone. maybe other track will be also updated
  17. There is a ghostly possibility that i'll update my track... I hope i get in time
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