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Mak Eightman

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Everything posted by Mak Eightman

  1. I just made a recruit thread in Russian VGM community(mostly DoDers). Hope someone join.
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! You have a little present in your inbox I can read по хорватски xD
  3. It automatically reject me) I can't upload:???: It say that i need to upload mp3 or flac.. I tried( Looks like I have to say bye to OCR(( Robats don't luve meee:<
  4. Thanks for responses guys. I add examples to first post
  5. Sorry for my english. Also I hope you understand me, cause I don't know exact termins. Anyway.. I'm having a buthurt with guitar tone all the time. After moving mics around the cab I tried inverted phase at one of the mics. Intersting effect. GTR tone getting dark, heavy but "soft" in a good way. Then I get impulses from few famous bands and realised that it sounds almost exactly the same as one inverted mic with one non inverted. Adding this impulse to cab's signal in parallel making gtr tone "softer" for ears. The greatest example of such effect is Rammsten's Mutter album. So the question. Is there any tool or other way to add this effect to entire mix? Thank you! SFME! Cabinet signal: https://app.box.com/s/ig6xa3ssh4lp7p7hx41d Effect itself: https://app.box.com/s/akyrwv9wm6jy5z93qmvk Combination of both: https://app.box.com/s/anhm06o05i5nogl5819y
  6. That's what I'm talking about! Most of people search their favorite game. I don't want this community became MegaChronoMetroidPokemon(whatever)Clocked ReMix, because "someone" liked mega/chrono/poke/whatever mix two billions times. Same goes to genre. The one who searching for metal will totally miss supa awesome funky/jazzy/bluesy/whatever mix. That's sad. Tags are great and useful, but has some bad effect at the end.. And if you let people to rate them.. Pessimism? Back on topic. I can't see any use for likes or rating or whatever "filter" in WORKshop. Some wips has no feedback or even one reply. Possibly, the artist will not finish it because of ignoring. Possibly. Unfortunately, I have only one thought. Wip should be: 1. Name of the game 2. Mix status(wip/fnshd/mod) That is all! No more info. No source theme, before mod review. No info about genre or whatever. And remove topic starter name. My thought. Probably not so constructive. Sorry.
  7. I'm sorry I didn't read all pages. Probably sounds stupid, but.. Work shop made for work. I want to improve. I need feedback. I want to know why my mix sounds bad. I don't want likes/ratings/whatever. Look around. Youtube and other places filled with tones of crap. And this crap has billions of likes and views.. In other words, I have a bad feeling about such "upgrade" for work shop. Maybe adding some kind of check boxes will be useful. ReMixer/listener make a small list with his/her problems. Something like: Rhythm Guitar +/- Lead GTR +/- drums +/- ETC. This could help to lazy people. Also I'd like to say. When ReMixer chose his/her source and genre, he/she already made his/her "rating"(amount of likes). Popular game? Genre? Cool. Now you have your likes/rating. Sorry for my english.
  8. 2 years if your track is good for judges, ~3 years if your track "not so popular" and they having blasting line of project releases one by one. Plus life stuff, plus technical issues, plus lot of different things. At the end, all you need is luck)
  9. I almost done with my wip.. Next week, will be finished. I think.
  10. Get back to the tree!!! Or your guitar boost will be gone!!!
  11. This is a great subject! Why don't you let artists to edit their profile? Sorry if this question out of place.
  12. Hakstock live on a tree!! Looks like my guitar skills will be boosted if i move to the tree....
  13. I have full lenght wip. Will send it tomorrow after I fix some shit. Sorry. Lot of stuff happend
  14. Guess I have to enter this time. I love short sources:<
  15. Thanks! So if I(for example) am a remixer and I want to release my original album(not VGM related), OCL is the way to go? Another question. Probably off topic. I want to cover 16bit game OST with real instruments and I want to officially release it. Problem is rights owner. If can't find any info about them(Virgin/westwood). So the question is: it''s my own problem or OCL can/will help? I think could be interesting for others too.
  16. I have a question. Genre tags/menu/whatever? Makes sense if this label has no preferences to some genres. It could help ppl to find what they searching. I, for example, don't want to waste my time reading reviews, to understand what is the genre. This provides another question. Is this label has no preferences to SOME genres? Will it be electro/chip/8bit/orchestra label or you guys are "open" for all of us? Terribly sorry for my english. Thanks!
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