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Mr. L

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Status Updates posted by Mr. L

  1. Hey man!

    I just wanted to drop by and say: Happy Birthday! :D

  2. It's been a whole year since you've received a visitor message! :o

    Unacceptable for someone on my bud list!

    ...So, , and, in conclusion, what's up? :)

  3. Hey! Happy Birthday! :D

    Have a good one! :D

  4. Hey man, just wanted to drop by and say "congratulations!", and also wanted to wish you good luck in the next round! :) Also, thanks for the comments on my entry. I enjoyed your entry as well! One day I'm going to have to try that style. :D

    Finally, thanks for organizing this competition in the first place; had a lot of fun!

  5. Hehe... interesting little rap you have there on the thread!

    I guess I kind of overdid it with my entry huh... in the past I got some feedback about filling the soundscape, but I guess I overfilled it this time, haha.

    Thanks for the comment, and best of luck in round 1!

  6. Happy Birthday!

  7. 'Suppers? I just wanted to spam your wall... err... let you know that there's still some room in the The Sonic Zone Remix Competition. Right now, there's about 3 spots left, if 'ya were still interested!

  8. O hai thar.

    Well, umm... right now, the mix is an exquisite ensemble of... silence. :(

    I've settled on the name and genre (italo disco / spacesynth), but... I know very little about *how* to "create it" per se; embarrassing, considering I was born during the freakin' time period. :\

    Anyway, *puts away small violin*, I haven't forgotten, I just want this mix to be my "level up"! I'll see if I can get you a prototype this weekend, bud. :)

    So, with all that said, how's things?

  9. Hey man, props back at 'ya!

    Thanks for the thanks in the thread. :)

    ...and, wow, this makes the fourth message, in a row, I've posted on your wall, and no one's come by to break to combo! :o

  10. Hey there! Hope you don't mind a ninja friend invite... been wanting to send one for awhile. Thanks again for all of your kind comments; I hope to revisit some older works and send some your way soon. :)

    Okay, I'll stop there before I write a novel on your wall here.

  11. Hey bud, hope you're having a safe and Merry Christmas and hope you have a Happy New Year! :)

  12. Hey there, man! Just wanted to drop by and say: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to 'ya!

    (Okay, I'm finished spamming your visitor message area.)

  13. Hey bud, just wanted to drop by and wish 'ya a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    Also, maybe next year we can have an exhibition match, if you'd want! :D

  14. Hi there, friend! :D You beat me -- I've been wondering why I didn't send you a friend request ages ago. :(

    Anyway, have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

    (And, while you're at it, make awesome muzaks, too. :P)

  15. Hey bud, just wanted to drop by and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D

  16. Mr. L

    Hey you! Yeah, you, dude at the computer! 8-)

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, bud. :)

  17. Mr. L

    Hey there friend :D! I just wanted to drop by and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

  18. Hey there! I just wanted to drop by and say thank you so much for your vote for Northern Lights! :D

    I'm deeply honored, and I really appreciate it! Glad you enjoyed it. :D

  19. Hi there! I just wanted to drop by and say thanks for your kind comments on Glacial Age and, now, Northern Lights. I'm very honored that my mix would've been a possible candidate for your 4th place vote, but, most of all, I'm really glad you enjoyed it! Thanks again! :)

  20. Hello there teammate who worked like a mad man / evil scientist late nights in the tower on his awesome boogie remix -- I just wanted to drop by and say, great job on the remix! Loved it! :D

  21. Hey there! I've been meaning to stop by and say thanks for the write-up on my track as well as all of the write-ups you do; I always look forward to them! So, please, be as long-winded as you like! :)

    (Also, hope you don't mind the ninja-friend invite. :P)

  22. Mr. L

    *slips on shades* So, you're a cool dude, huh?

    Well then, just tell me one more thing...



  23. Thanks man for sharing your song! :)

    I like your sound choices -- sounds like you're going for a kind of chill / laid-back kind of groove. Not bad at all for a one day old mix! Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to hearing what you come up with!

  24. Oh man, that sounds awesome! Would love to hear it, or your works-in-progress if you want to run them by someone! (Edit: Of course, I know almost nothing about music. :tomatoface: Learning experience for the both of us. :P) :D And thanks for the friend request! Gladly accepted. :D

  25. Mr. L

    Hi there! You seem like a nice person. Long time lurker here as well, giving remixing a shot with some not-so-great results, but ah well. :) Hope you don't mind the out-of-blue message / friend request! :D

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