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Everything posted by mickomoo

  1. I'm currently looking into these: but you need NI Kontact 2,3, or 4 to run them then purchase one of these packs separately... Then of course you might wanna run the VSTi through guitar rig or some amp simulator like the guy did in this video. I used a demo of one of these vsts in some of my songs... they're decent, and only about $190 for one. I'm still loking into some guitar vstis myself.
  2. I'm looking into getting a comp, and I'm not quite sure what specs would be the minimum if I wanted to run a DAW and produce music on it. Currently I'm looking into comps w/ i5 processors and about 4-8 gigs of ram... either that or something in the neighborhood of a price of 500-700 dollars. I'm not quite sure yet. I'm not really intending to run anything huge. I'll probably be using mixcraft (window's "version of grarageband") and maybe some some samples from NI's komplete as well as some 3rd party vsts. Anyone know where or how I should go about looking for a satisfactory laptop?
  3. I posted some stuff earlier this year, now I'm just posting my most recent stuff. I write mostly video game/soundtrack-ish instrumentals with orchestral, brass, guitar. and similar instruments transcendent trouble: Just started this song today... still a draft wanted to see what people thought of it. Restfulness: also just started this today Melody of Chaos: first song I wrote, undergoes changes quite frequently I know this song needs work. Secret Stroll: The most unique of any song I've written, completely different style from the above title working: I'm really bad a naming things, this is one of the earlier things I've written. It's more or less an idea I was playing around with... I'll have to go back to it.
  4. yeah I would have gotten a pure electric but I needed an acoustic to get into this guitar class... so I figured for both >_> but it looks like these people got some decent distortion so it's not so bad huh?: I wanted rock tones though... I'm hopin there's a pedal optimized for acoustic-electrics =/
  5. Would it be a good idea to get a distortion pedal w/ an acoustic electric guitar, and if so, what's the most inexpensive one I can get that'll work with this type of guitar?
  6. My experience with youtube, just as an amateur who just started writing music for fun... is a mixed bag. The positives of course are that youtube is a very known sight, and if you promote enough you can get ad revenues. But lately, there's been an issue with (an) entity/(ies) known as CS or a large number of Collecting Societies, who collect 'royalties on behalf of artists.' Youtube has just been marking videos containing music. Apparently these collecting societies want youtube to identify music that "contains 3rd party content." Obviously if you're posting music of a main stream artist or living artist that would count, but I uploaded 6 samples of the lead guitar sound in one of my original works, it was marked. Many individuals uploading original content complained of the same issue, the system youtube uses to mark this material is very much like a fish net... it's ineffective at addressing the issue directly. (/end rant) >_< Basically I'm just saying be careful of what what you upload to youtube, not a huge deal but something to be aware of. You can dispute the copyright claim, but it's really annoying. I just decided to not upload my music to youtube. It may or may not be an issue to consider... in any case this, this, and especially this gave me a decent understanding of the nature of CS, the last one is particularly useful. Personally though, I think seeking out websites that are dedicated to promoting music like tindeck, cd baby and others would be the better route anyways, even if it is a bit more arduous to get attention at first. Building a site and making free promotional helps as well. I googled the question as well and got quite a few results, I even think you can promote you music with amazon, and other online retailers.
  7. The movie wasn't initially what I expected, by no means was it bad; it was really good. Initially it seemed very very fast pace, but eventually I got in the rhythm of the movie. I just thought the final boss... er 7th ex should have had more than one form. I definitely wanna check out the graphic novel
  8. This is for future knowledge as I'm not going to start now, but I'm just wondering how do artist go about picking songs to be used for a medley, I currently have a few that I want to make a medley of but transitions don't sound too good in my head.
  9. I think Native Instruments makes some pretty good ambient vsts, but I'm not sure which packs have the best
  10. so I just plug it in while using a sequencer and the audio comes out of it?
  11. I don't know if there are like premade metal vsts, however with enough distortion things can be made to sound like metal/rock... well as far as I know, there are some amp simulators you can download and such. But I'm curious to see other responses on the matter cus I'm looking for similar effects/vsts myself
  12. I am an absolute noob still when it comes to recording and equipment. So I just got an m box 2 mini from my dad who said it'd help me. My laptop apparently statics terribly when I use my current setup, which is just the sequencer mixcraft and my keyboard. Anyways I'm assuming that now I can use both protools and/or mixcraft without latency or static? What exactly does the firewire allow me to do? I'm still reading it and trying to get the hang of things but I'm actually not going to touch it till later this week and kinda want to know what to expect.
  13. I completely understand. My current draft has me transitioning from and roaring chorus/orchestra to like just a guitar playing by itself. I'm trying to now begin my projects with a solid melody and transitions in mind... or clearer in my mind; Yeah, a lot of programs are like that. I'm kinda glad I started with mixcraft, sorta like the garage band of windows, but now I'm kinda seeing the limitations of it and I'll eventually be forced to move on. I got pro-tools and a firewire but I'm kinda just staring at them now, still getting the hang of everything lol >_<
  14. That was really good, informative and engaging. I do think that a little bit more theory should be introduced, but the amount that's in there for now is good.
  15. for now this is my only attempt at drumming, I think it's decent
  16. I'm getting a firewire and switching to protools (more like between pt and mixcraft for now), I'm assuming this'll solve the issue?
  17. honestly, other than the kinda sudden transition around 1:25 I really liked it, it was good. But I'm hardly one to talk, I'm terrible at making transitions; I just recently started recording >_< Anyway, what do you use to record?
  18. I always imigined the process would be similar to that of composing non 8 bit music, but merely changing a few notes here or there to make it sound better as an 8 bit composition
  19. finally decided to use my tindeck account, all songs are now online there
  20. I'm considering buying a komplete pack with kore2 I believe. What do you guys think of the software instruments? I'm trying to write like rock, jazz, and orchestral stuff. I really like most of the sounds, except for the brass. But I didn't get to check out all the sounds. Would komplete be a good/decent starting point?
  21. Thanks for the feedback! Yeah a lot of my songs are repetitive, the first song, the villian theme was actually only suppose to be a minute long, but I made it longer because I loved the orchestra I added to it in the middle. That lengthened guitar/melody was the arrangement I committed to memory, I don't even remember how to play the shorter version anymore, lol. The third song was an experiment and a mistake at the same time, it's more so a beta than any of my other "completed" songs, it's the first recording I did, I was going to get back to it when I finished the first song. For the first song, I kinda tried working on counter-points, or at least that was my intent, I don't know if I did a good job on that. The strings and the french horn were playing two variations of a melody, and they kinda alternated going up and down the scale. I originally thought of having more than one string and each playing it's own sort of arrangement, but mixcraft's other strings, alone at least sound kinda wacky. I tried using DSK strings, but they crashed the program. I'll try again later. As for the "brass section" it's a lone french horn that's been mixed to sound more full, a trumpet is coming in every so often playing along with the choir. For the fourth song... I can't really even call that jazz, lol. I'm hoping to get better VSTs and experience in the future as I wanna work on a jazz mario medley for oc. Anyways any percussion displayed in the song was a mistake,,, well initially at least. Some of mixcraft's vsts are like pre-layered selections, in this case the bass when played was accompanied with that soft hi-hat. When the velocity changes it's replaced with a clash. I kinda played the bass notes harder in the middle for some reason, I can't remember why. I think I had an initial recording where the hi-hats stayed and the clashes never occurred. In all I'm trying to go back to the drawing board with my writing of songs and melodies. I know my timing is an issue I can/need to work on, but writing non-repetitive melodies is kinda difficult, lol. Any any case, thanks again for the feedback
  22. I just started out, pretty recently lol pretty much everything in my topic are my first works. The absolute first thing I recorded was the vst test and this which is now this
  23. hm... yeah composing real melodies has been a chore for me, the closest thing I've come to is what's shown in song 4, in fact that's the closest thing to a song I've had, lol.
  24. Dude, you know you're the king of bad... as in badass villain/boss theme remixes, I loved you're miracle matter remix, pretty much the best ever... though yeah there aren't many, but still that's pretty much one of my favorite songs on OC. To be honest I did take me a while to get into this one... it's so different it's weird at first almost, I would have never anticipated a One winged remix of this genre but the beat is catchy and it flows well enough that the repetitiveness is kinda ignorable, but I don't think I had to be so long but it does work. Though the remix doesn't quite capture the essence of Seph, I think it's excusable, lol. Amazing work though, I just had to Dl this after hearing it twice.
  25. Thanks for the feedback, seriously appreciate it. They're all played by hand, yeah it's kinda easy to tell I try to record in segments or sometimes even just straight through I almost always loose track of the rhythm... somehow, it's something I've always been bad at, lol. Aside from recording from hand, what other options are there? I'm aware of quantization, mixcrafts quantize mode pretty much appears everytime I record, it's seriously hard though to find every single mistiming or where the note should be dragged without forcing me to rerecord completely. I recently started playing the melodies with a metronome, which helped, but I figured with the melody in place I'd not need the metronome for the rest... next time (esp for the first song) I'll record the entire thing with the 'nome... though I hate it, lol I found out I really don't have the background in theory that I should, though I've been exposed to music for pretty much... all of my life. I'm going to go back so that way before hand I can have an idea of melodies and transitions. As you can tell, my first song really is this cool sounding rift that really shouldn't be a melody being played as the melody, lol. But by my 4th song I'm kinda get a concept of working out a melody. drums are completely new to me... the first song which I'm editing constantly is my first attempt at any sort of working percussion line and my second attempt at writing a bassline, which I still feel I'm not too good at, lol. Thanks for the tip, I kinda figured the kit I got wouldn't really suit my style. I'm actually looking for concert drums, but the ones I just used might prove to be useful in some later pure jazz or rock piece, we'll see where this takes me. I actually don't know much about jazz either... lol, I played tenor sax in concert band, but... never touched jazz I just like the genre. After hearin nintendo doing a jazz mix of a mario song I kinda wanna work on a jazz mario medley, lol. I just got a tindeck account too, I'm just kinda afraid to use it cus the limit is like 10 mb... that's pretty much like 1 1/2 songs for me... lol. I was using esnips originally, but that's a virus harbor, I'm looking for a legit file hosting site, with at least like idk 50 mgs free or more. I'm not asking for unlimited or anything, lol. Btw, do you have feedback for each specific song? Aside from the second one, for obvious reasons, lol
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