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Status Updates posted by Anorax

  1. heh didn't know you were the Darke's brother.

  2. Mannheim Steamroller has some interesting sounds.

  3. HOw long do you think I should leave up the poll?

  4. No, I don't. In fact, I don't even know if my school has an indoor drumline.

  5. http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?fid=1134

    Out of curiosity, is your main DAW Mixcraft?

  6. Welcome to the OCRemix Forums!

  7. Hey Captain, (well, it's better than saying "Hey Stupid!,)

    I know you haven't been on in a while.

    You might want to check the Majora's mask forums over at Proboards.

    Just checking in on ya.


  8. A'ait man,

    I've got a .zip full of .mx5 "projects" and epic and utter failures here for you.

    I also have the VST effects that come with these.

    VST .zip

    MixCraft .mx5.zip

    these are somewhat large .zip files, so be careful and/or patient

  9. for the future, You might want to post your sigs on dropbox - i can't view them at school.


  10. you can finally get high oh wait weed is illegal anyways...

    Well, you can still smoke and drink legally now!

    Happy Barfday (unless of course you avoid the bar at 1 am then no barf amirite)

  11. Happy Birthday!

  12. HOw is your project going?

    BTW, I am thinking of trying out a remix for it, so heads-up for that.

    (It makes a good distraction from this)

  13. Just wanted to say hey.

  14. Hey, what's your opinion on...

    oh, wait... never mind :-D

  15. you haven't been on in a while, have you?

  16. Hey Coop, I was trying to find your website, but Google's not helping and it's no longer in your sig

  17. Happy Birthday!

  18. Emunator, your hardly EVAR on.


    Well, at least, not whem I am apparently.

  19. Someone should do a Super Mario Galaxy Project

  20. Ah. well, I did manage to find it, and it's still there, believe it or not.

    P.S. I love the Mini-Sonic comic. that was genius

  21. Happy Birthday!

  22. Just to let you know, in case you haven't checked the minecraft forum,

    the /shop command has bit the dust it seems

  23. like this: 383J145010FEFEFEFFC49D00000D61900UL123252B400001A1CC5200FEE1800F107F3FCC004CB2

    Yes, I know this is a visitor message :-P

  24. Happy Birthday

  25. happy burfday dood!

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