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Status Updates posted by Anorax

  1. that it is. I need to get it changed, but so far no one at ThaSause has really responded to my request on the matter.

  2. Anorax

    Hey sci

    someone in the MLP thread wanted to know why the Toastbeard compo was called Toastbeard. I figured you'd know because, well, you made Toastbeard...?

  3. Does the link with your signature pic still work, or has your homepage recieved a new url?

  4. you really think so?

  5. Oh, and the PM earlier with the image...?

    I updated it, added a little background.

    Do as you will, and

    See you later.

  6. :sleepdepriv:Im suprised yyour up at 3 AM.:sleepdepriv:

  7. Rozo, could you send me a copy of the guide?

    I should be (finally) be able to get it...

  8. Happy birthday David!

  9. hey, random thought of :sleepdepriv::

    do you feel any less smart after your wisdom teeth were pulled?

  10. Hey Flexstyle, are you still up for directing darkesword's super cartography bros album idea? I've kind of been biting at the bit for that. I know you're a busy guy, I was just wondering if you've thought about it recently

  11. Ok. See you tomorrow then.

    What time, respectively? (EST - USA)

  12. Yes. Thought you were using MX5 :)

  13. are your sure its unrelated?

  14. Do you have a youtube channel or somewhere you have your mixes posted?

    I would be interested in knowing what you have made so far, because I don't know what I am doing, not as much as you.

  15. If you need anything, don't forget to PM me

  16. why, thank you kind sir

  17. Hey, just wanted to know if the BoF project was still on track.

    You might want to update the first post by the way, considering that Tuberz (should have) sent you the WiP.

  18. You should host your album on the Recruitment forums when you feel that the album is ready for open requests. Good luck with your album, dude! :)

  19. Happy birthday! Here's to another year of PRC with you at the helm! Compos here on OCR wouldn't be the same without you!

  20. Happy Birthday Rainman!

  21. Jeez. Just because of one incident in one forum (along with 5 subsequent posts at 2 AM... I was tired!), you don't have to go around denouncing every serious post I send. GET OVER IT!!! IT WAS 2 AM! Jeez dude.

  22. is anybody out there?

  23. HAPPY frickin' BIRTHDAY DUDE!!!!!


  24. Hey, I LOVE the sig.

    If the Jesus Fan pic is yours, then I am going to ask for your permission to use it. :)

  25. Hey, out of curiosity, is there any intent to revive the Earning The Crown mini-project? I saw this recently in my "Projects to keep an eye on" subscription folder and was wondering if it has been officially dropped

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