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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. How to Plan an OCR MAGFest Caravan by Jarel Jones
  2. Ah. I just haven't seen him around the forums lately. Carry on then.
  3. This is quite the haunting tune, and seems like it'd be quite a fun challenge for me personally. If I didn't have two separate deadlines this week alone at school I'd definitely jump all over this.
  4. Looks like I'm the only North Carolinian on here so far (and may be the only North Carolinian besides LuketheXJesse, and I don't even think he's active here anymore).
  5. Hell, I'd love to see this project survive. I would have loved to see the Breath of Fire project survive too, but it seems it's officially dead now. I'm all for this project staying on course, especially since I tried making a MK project years ago, and that ended disastrously (mostly on my own part due to my excellent leadership skills at the time </sarcasm>). Try keeping this alive dude, most projects take years to complete so don't lose faith if it's slow to get off the ground. Keep on keeping on.
  6. Well, in that case EDIT: I'm not going to lie, I really wish that this project had actually gotten somewhere. These games have good soundtracks that really need some OCR love.
  7. Happy Birthday Mr. Person-who-sometimes-changes-peoples'-usernames!
  8. If you fellows don't mind, I'm going to give this thread a bit of a necro-bump. Ok, done. Have a nice day! . . . . . . . . . . Ok in all seriousness, I came back to this thread recently and I noticed that there isn't a list of people willing to offer their musical talents to arrangers. Did I simply miss that somewhere or do we really not have anyone willing to blow their own horns? Also, in the interest of time, Tuberz check your PMs.
  9. Mixcraft creates backups of each save. For some reason the midi kept getting mangled on export. Hopefully next round fares better
  10. Well, I had intended to submit something for this time around, and actually uploaded it yesterday, but I discovered today that somehow the subtle pitch correction I had set up became not-so-subtle because the plugin was receiving the wrong MIDI data. weirdly enough, it works just fine in my DAW, bu it just screws up on mixdown. I don't think I'll be able to get it figured out in time. EDIT: Nope, it totally screwed up. DAW crash and everything, every time. Took me four hours of straight recording last night too, and now? Useless. Good luck to those who actually could get a finished product out!
  11. I've gotta say I'm scared now. I'd love to lend a helping hand to this project in some form or another, but I'm not sure how at the moment.
  12. it's baaacccckkkkkk! Sign me up for the usual, please!
  13. So, with the eventual move to IPB, will the move be to IPB 3.X or IPB 4.0 which is supposedly coming out in Q2 this year? All this resting on the fact that OCR is actually moving to v6, which may never happen within the next three years but could also happen quickly and suddenly. We could log onto OCR next Wednesday and find ourselves staring at a bright purple HOLO-themed OCR forum page. Who knows.
  14. I don't think so? I think the idea is to tell their story, which is something we don't really learn about when we play the games. We only really experience the protagonist's story, and sometimes part of our rival's as well. This album (I think) is supposed to reveal the people behind the badges
  15. I've had hands before... so we've heard vocals. That's not even remotely funny and I'm going to stop now
  16. Sweet. Good luck!

  17. well, if Shadow Cyclone is Esperado's side account, then I'd say he's already posted his too. If not, then we're going to have three bonus mixes this round.
  18. Hey Flexstyle, are you still up for directing darkesword's super cartography bros album idea? I've kind of been biting at the bit for that. I know you're a busy guy, I was just wondering if you've thought about it recently

  19. Yay the next round's here! Edit: I don't know Japanese, so don't expect a vocal cover Beautiful source though, this may be quite the challenge.
  20. you have my permission to burn my house with explosives if need be, so don't fret over relocation for mine
  21. Anorax. Electrolisystem is an old old username and there's no way to change it that I know of.
  22. You could have fooled me, dude. Both you and Trism had really great (and really different) mixes and I'm embarrassed for uploading the half-assed accelerando midi rip now
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