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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. I DID Just kidding? I should really try to do a remix soon.
  2. I've been playing a bit of BoF II, although, I'll have to find the game again... I'm going to see if I can get a feel for one of these songs and attempt a remix.
  3. for your client or for a server? We're talking about Bukkit plugins working with the (beta?) RB on 1.2.3
  4. especially since they are cleaning the bukkit code?
  5. Ugh... Does anyone know when bukkit will update? I know it's a stupid question to ask, but I feel like it's one that needs to be asked.
  6. you can either a) watch the show enough to get an idea of what on earth to do, or go to toastbeard.bronyradio.com. <-This is a weekly compo based off of a theme (other than ponies). make a song, and then submit it to Submit@Equestriadaily.com. If they accept it, you will have vyooz in a day or two. Crossing has a point. Remixes of show songs are popular (there are several musical numbers throughout the show0
  7. Make music based off of a fandom, such as the My Little Pony fandom. Apparently, there are a lot of people who listen to pony-based music. (myself included)
  8. Does anyone know how to create a batch file that will let you launch minecraft in a way that lets you choose which minecraft.jar to load?
  9. has bukkit decided to get working on the code for 1.2.4 or whatever the current minecraft server is?
  10. This^ is why you need to wait to update
  11. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  12. This isn't an original as much as a remix of a non-video-game song. Smile Smile Smile, composed by Daniel Ingram. Soundcloud Link (In case you can't access YouTube for some reason)
  13. Here you go. Feel like I should place this here.

  14. Well, this is a good idea (For servers), but it needs a mechanism that runs in two tracks, and in a way that GUARANTEES that there is a boat at each end. I have a prototype that works in regards to triggering the other rail to launch without causing a retrigger on outbound travel, but keeps screwing up. For some reason, one of the two starter pistons wants to fire slightly earlier than the other one, even though the activation signal is identical in regards to delay and whatnot (signal doesn't split until reaching the pistons) Should probably screenshot EDIT: Also, I've heard it doesn't work in 1.2 for some reason
  15. Is Bukkit updated yet? I'd rather not log onto OCAD unless Bukkit says it's a go
  16. You AND your wife play Minecraft?!? BOSS
  17. Whenever? I dunno. There's already a wall-area built at spawn, and David repaired the griefed spawn house, as well as the spawn walkways. I plan on building a railway system soon, but we gotta have an idea of where to go and where to create the station from and whatnot...
  18. So, Bukkit will become the new MC "vanilla" multiplayer? "vanilla" is quoted for shitobvious reasons
  19. The OCAD Server is severely lacking a spawn town. Anyone and everyone available should log on and help, because obviously it won't be done by David or Stevo alone
  20. A teacher of mine who died young a few years back due to a brain tumor (reeallly young - about 26 I'd say) used to say: Life Sucks Then You Die ... That's it. Life sucks. You die. enjoy the mp3s while they are here. I still don't understand why you are advocating us to STOP using mp3s. Also, Neblix, you do a very good "that guy" impersonation.
  21. seconded. hell, if this is what we're being faced with, we might as well need to create a new internet. First off, we could start with using some other form of web format, getting rid of the HTTP(S) protocol and use something completely different as an encryption. Hell, I don't know what I'm talking about. But someone needs to do something.
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