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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. really? we're going to be making half-assed comments because someone else has an actual point? Let's not degrade into a full-blown argument which could escalate and extend into other threads. And yes, what Gollgagh said. Believe it or not, many people don't have a 20+mb/s FiOS line, nor can we camp out right beside our wireless routers 24/7. YouTube embeds have become more complex and require more data to download even before clicking "play", and the more there are on a page, the longer they take to load, especially on a slower connection. It's like they load collectively, the more there are, the more bandwidth they all use at once. So a limit seems reasonable.
  2. For me, artist is always original artist. The track name is what I modify for remixes. So, if I were to remix, say, Deadmau5's "Sofi Needs A Ladder (feat. Sofi)", then I would tag the final remix as Artist: "Deadmau5" Track Title: "Sofi Needs A Ladder (feat. Sofi) [Anorax Remix]" I would try to make sure that the remixer's artist name is ALWAYS in brackets, whether or not the "feat. singer" uses parentheses or brackets to reiterate: Artist: Original Artist Track Title: Original Full Title (Feat. Guest Performer) [Remixer's Remix] As for remixes of remixes, I've seen them tagged in the Title as "[remixer 1]vs.[remixer 2][comma, semicolon or dash] Original track title" so, in an example: Title: Anorax vs 9bar - Kickstart Artist: Example the remix of a remix can get confusing though, I've seen it dozens of ways. In the brony community, it get weird: TeiThePony plots with Glaze - Avast Tei's Robotic Buttocks Now obviously the title name has changed, but we're just weird that way
  3. I get ya, music promotion on a music forum. Makes sense If I had more music than I did, I'd probably set up a discography thread as well
  4. Nah, I think this pretty much summed that up: http://ocremix.org/forums/showpost.php?p=864836&postcount=2625
  5. So, no more threads in OCRemix by SonicThHedgog? darn, this was a really good one too...
  6. ...wait, what? (tbh I think she's really improved since the whole "Friday" ordeal)
  7. A Discography thread? Huh, not a bad idea. Maybe we should make a subforum for that, just in case other people decide to do this and it begins to clutter the originals subforum
  8. A Discography thread? Huh, not a bad idea. Maybe we should make a subforum for that.
  9. Necrobump for those who use Mixcraft, just wanted to let you guys know that Mixcraft 6 is out to the public. http://www.acoustica.com/mixcraft/index.htm
  10. By order of the almighty Presiding Judge Emunator, all your money are belong to us!
  11. I think it could be really useful if OCR could work with the BB code for embedding Soundcloud player waveforms into the forum [soundcloud]soundcloud_url[/soundcloud] I know some people use SoundCloud to host their wips. It's not as common as other methods, but probably used enough to consider this option. It would also help with people in the Post Your Original forums if they are using SoundCloud to promote a [free] album via a soundcloud "set". That's my 2 cents on this
  12. I'm liking hakstock's idea of how to run the embeds - to not actually load them until a flash/javascript load trigger is clicked to open it in a flash/js popup I was also wondering about OCR having SoundCloud embed support as well ([soundcloud]http: //soundcloud/artist/track_url[/soundcloud])
  13. Ok, I think I've reached a decision, I would like to have my username changed to Anorax if that's not too much trouble. I'd like to keep my moniker the same across all my music
  14. the Ender Chest will be quite interesting indeed, universal item storage across a whole map? Could be misused in Multiplayer though
  15. does anyone know what that "new block" is that Mojang revealed last thursday (I think it was last thursday)?
  16. oh hey Aviators! I know you're busy with MLP stuff (can't wait for that single you're gonna release tonight), but have you ever thought of doing something here on OCR again?

  17. Hey guys, I'm considering a possible name change from my current name of "Electrolisystem" (which basically came from wanting to copy the username of someone on Spore. Said person used a slight misspelling of photosynthesis, and it kind of grew from there) to something I want to use for actual remixes and music. I'm not sure whether to use "Anorax" or "AnoraxAudio" as my username, but either one is preferable. I'll probably retire this moniker to be used as a password instead...
  18. Is there something that could be done with the /permissions plugin or something? And as for a seperate port, if the permissions thing could work out to distinguish between vanilla and non-vanilla, couldn't you also have the server run two worlds for each? - - - - - I dunno, to be honest I've never delved deep into servers and how they work and what plugins can and can't do what.
  19. Sounds like a good plan, Technoman helped me rebuild this time, but if this happens again it'd be good to have backups ready to go. When OCAD goes whitelist, is it still going to be vanilla gameplay or will we be able to opt out of vanilla and possibly have a seperate section or map just for non-vanilla or something? I dunno, I think I'm one of the few who don't really care for pure vanilla gameplay
  20. Um, David or Stevo, I have a slight problem. I don't have access to any commands on the OCAD server, including /help. so I guess my question is... /help?
  21. I don't think it matters by now, the guy has 1 subscriber
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