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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Welcome to both of you! I hope you enjoy your stay here at OC Remix!
  2. Anorax

    Hey sci

    someone in the MLP thread wanted to know why the Toastbeard compo was called Toastbeard. I figured you'd know because, well, you made Toastbeard...?

  3. Dude if I knew you played Minecraft I would have told you long ago about both OCR/OCAD servers
  4. Ah. well, I did manage to find it, and it's still there, believe it or not.

    P.S. I love the Mini-Sonic comic. that was genius

  5. donators get a cookie but only one, because we're stingy
  6. Hey Coop, I was trying to find your website, but Google's not helping and it's no longer in your sig

  7. this is a good time to implement an OCAD server donation system
  8. hmm... thought it was the other way around ok, my bad. carry on
  9. I don't think Mojang released a 1.2.5 server version...
  10. Minecraft is only purchaseable online. Sorry. Something to do with the way Minecraft updates via dlc from it's launcher, and to update the game must communicate with the Minecraft game server (not multiplayer) in order to auto-update. That, and not having to create physical copies is a lot cheaper.
  11. Speaking of plugins, what is OCAD running right now?
  12. Probably. Damn I haven't been in this thread in a while...
  13. Oh, 1.2.5 is out, with server backward-compatability!
  14. trees look really weird on the dynmap. But then again, with the dead grass/mycineum everywhere, it all looks weird. HEY STEVO IS BUKKIT WORKING YET ON OCAD because I didn't read the whole post yet... NEVERMIND it is EDIT: Also, 1.2.5 is coming out soon. Bukkit better be ready
  15. [read as VROOM] Also, Stevo, you might want to do what Abadoss is doing and check for all the plugins that OCAD uses, in case of plugin failure
  16. Is this possible? I have a unique situation where I need to livestream something from my DAW. However, the computer with the DAW is not able to get online @ school. IS there some way for me to set up computer B to connect to computer A and display the desktop of Comp-A while still being able to operate as it's own computer? I need to research this...
  17. Http://www.soundcloud.com/anoraxofficialmusic/time I realized that there's a bit much reverb on the vocals, but I really can't go back and fix that in the Soundcloud because I don't have a premium account. feedback please! I'm still learning about making music (aren't we all?)
  18. Bukkit is going to be SO far behind it's not even funny
  19. We do use bukkit, but either Stevo or David updated it without the latest bukkit build. Bukkit's taking forever because 1) they are cleaning their code to make it more efficient (I guess) and 2) because of this code-cleaning, most/all plugins will have to be recompiled to work with new bukkit code
  20. OverClocked Remixers Against Plagiarizing S***heads?
  21. You know what? I'm going to finally try a remix. For reals this time
  22. Aww, the plagiarized track has it's own little "tweet" button. Good thing you can edit the tweet. I tweeted with a "hint" about the plagiarism. This should be good. Oh, and he's Russian. I don't think he gives a f***.
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