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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. Probably? Just like the Off Topic section only shows up for people who are logged in, and the mysterious Staff section is only for staff, so there's probably a way to choose what forums/threads can allow youtube embeds
  2. Happy birthday Gario! Remind me to get someone *cough cough* to throw you a party. pink with blue and yellow balloons
  3. Somehow I read these two lines to somehow contain the phrase Twilight Sparkle. I was terribly mistaken. carry on Must have been the Twi from the first line, along with the S from the second line and "park" again from the first
  4. nah, I'll have it shipped by UPS. It'll get there in 7-10 business days! In all seriousness, happy birthday wishes to all, however belated they might be
  5. I made this song in about an hour and fifteen minutes for a weekly compo called Toastbeard. Each week, there's a theme for anyone to make a song based off of the theme, and submit it by the deadline in seven days. I didn't start until an hour and a half before the saturday deadline. Go figure. The theme for this song involved computers, either in a Tron-esque experience or internet travel, such as Code Lyoko. My track is right here. Until OCRemix allows soundcloud embeds, you'll just have to click the link instead http://soundcloud.co...-ZIQ39-whatever Really, the computer-based theme was just an excuse to make a bit of low-quality house. There may be a bit of bitcrushing here or there. Probably a lot of bitcrush. but as the song title says, Whatever. EDIT: This song is, for all intensive purposes, finished because I really have no intentions to go back into this project file. DAW: Mixcraft 6 Project time: ~75 minutes
  6. Brandon, that cake is best cake. Remind me to make you one for your birthday
  7. Well, I found something called SNESDroid, don't know if they're similar. However, now I can't beat Belcha in world one because it involves holding down Y and jumping. It's... just not working like it should.
  8. waiting for this album has gotten so bad that I couldn't stop myself from hunting down the ROM for this game and loading it into my android emulator. When my emulator rejected it, I had to go hunt down another android emulator just to play it. AAAAAAA WHEN WILL THIS WAITING NIGHTMARE END???
  9. actually, there's a demo project that came with MX6 that shows off Mixcaft's more orchestral abilities. I believe it's called Callisteia. 32bit file:///C:/Program Files/Acoustica Mixcraft 6/Example Projects/Callisteia.mx6 64bit file:///C:/Program Files (x86)/Acoustica Mixcraft 6/Example Projects/Callisteia.mx6
  10. like this: 383J145010FEFEFEFFC49D00000D61900UL123252B400001A1CC5200FEE1800F107F3FCC004CB2

    Yes, I know this is a visitor message :-P

  11. Ctrl+F my friend I've recently have been doing more electronic-centric music, which I have some stuff (mostly WIPs and stuff) on my soundcloud in my sig. However, I do like the ease of use that comes with recording audio. I find the process simple and painless, and with the new multi-lane system, I can get multiple takes at once, instead of the old stop-and-add-new-lane-and-start-again method. Dude, I am loving MX6 soo much. because I have it on my laptop, I don't always have a MIDI keyboard with me, and the on-screen keyboard now works regardless of whether or not your mouse is focused in a VST window or not, that was a big problem for me in MX5. Along with the multi-lane system, which also works for midi. If I want, I can record my midi, then open up another lane (ctrl+L for new lane, ctrl+K to close empty lanes) and do all my MIDI automation there. Mixcraft reads both tracks at once, so my automation matches with my MIDI. Plus, I can drag the same automation pattern to match a different MIDI note pattern. It's great!
  12. when did I mention poop? or are you insinuating that you are s- ANYWAY, I have no doubt you could get this done, in fact that would be cool to hear. It could be done killer studio chops style! or in this case, killer studio chimp!
  13. That's... actually a really awesome idea! PITSTOP! ... Couldn't resist
  14. you're welcome But yeah, I think Rozo's covered everything. In fact, he's written a remixing guide somewhere which he needs to update *cough cough* In fact, I probably need to take notes about what he's saying
  15. Well, for one he could have used multiple instances of Papelmedia_Churchorgan.sf2 There are plenty of effects that can make a sample sound better. Now, I'm pretty sure that the .sf2 in question was dry-sampled, which means that the recording was made in an environment with little reverb or delay/echo. This allows the person who uses the samples can add whatever effects they want without unwanted effects layered behind it. the 240p to 720p comparison you're making is simple: you're referring to the "dry" sample, which sounds raw and somewhat unnatural. the 720p sound is the effect of trying to simulate the environment you'd naturally hear the organ in. This is when reverb comes in handy. There's actually a thread about making something sound realistic. It's talking about string samples, but can apply to any samples: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=36357Hope this helps. EDIT: Found some of the posts I was thinking of, I'll quote parts of them here:
  16. Yep a soundfont is sort of what it sounds like. A soundfont is a collection of audio clips and a set of instructions on how to play these clips. If you want to read more on how soundfonts work, read the [ code] window below. Soundfonts also give information to the host on whether to loop audio samples until told to stop (note off), or play them all the way through once. Soundfonts can respond to two MIDI controls (sent from the soundfont host): note and velocity. That's all a soundfont can read. from this data (which you can think of as x and y on a graph), the soundfont host determines what sample to play when a note is played. The Soundfont host, once it receives the audio from the soundfont file, can add effects, such as volume envelope, mono/polyphonic mode, and any effects such as chorus or delay, depending on what the soundfont host allows.
  17. Brandon you are so full of yourself; it's amusing. It's always good to have you and your humor around.
  18. I GOT IT! I KNOW WHAT CAN BE DONE! Someone should take all the WiPs of Enchanted, and remix them bootleg-style. Hence, a remix of a[n unfinished] remix! Then that remix could go on the album as a bonus track or something!
  19. countdown to thread exploding in 5... 4... 3... 2... That's great news! Except for the AkumajoBelmont part. That's unfortunate. But hey! The album's going to wrap up REAL soon! [PARTY]
  20. Welcome to the OC Remix forums Multimedia Mike! (can I call you Mike? ) Interesting. What kind of music software do you write (VSTs, DAWs, audio effects)? Welcome, all three of you! If you're ever looking for critique with your work, don't be afraid to post in the Workshop forum. There's a subforum for both remixes that are in-progress (and finished, but looking for critiques) and for any original works. Feel free to pop in and share what you're working on.If there's anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask around!
  21. I'm just waiting for them to finish said remix
  22. Gollgagh, it's good to know you always keep a level head about things. ...wait, embeds again?
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