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Everything posted by Anorax

  1. So, who gets his spot on the WIP boards? pleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestraderpleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestraderpleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestraderpleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestraderpleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestraderpleasedontbewillrockpleasedontbestrader
  2. The newest addition to Emunator's signature: NO Congrats dude! Well, more of a love/hate relationship now. He does have one kickass album WHICH IS IN FOR REVIEW SO REVIEW IT YOSEF
  3. Hush. Don't crush our albiet early Christmas spirit! Grammar Errors Grammar Errors Grammar Errors Mistletoe Grammar Errors Eh, might do something this year. Gotta get more motivated!
  4. Fabulous! Now I need to find a Baby Creeper mod!
  5. Is this PM only? I want to see a track list of some sort!
  6. My name is Mud - not to be confused with Bill or Jack or Pete or Dennis... Are you sure that's not David? It might be Stevo, but I think he has a beard...
  7. I read the title over on the forums main page and I instantly thought "What asshole put THIS kind of thread into Workshop Remixes, instead of Off-Topic"? I was wrong. Good stuff there.
  8. Well, after hearing this preview, I know I will be spending several hours just vegging out to this album.
  9. Okay, I'm sorry for the bump, but can anyone help me? I'm trying to do an arrangement of the Underwater theme from BoF I, but I'm trying to do it in 5/4 time, with swing 8ths.
  10. Oh, yeah. That's sexy. Good job Teagen. (I also think he finally got a cool DJ name, telling by <- same link as earlier)
  11. Ever since you guys (or whoever) built the blue line
  12. Does anyone know how to make the lead synth used in Skrillex's remix of In For The Kill? the sound I'm looking for starts around 1:54
  13. seconded There needs to be an view angle controller on it
  14. On an almost completely unrelated note, creeping toms: Can you afford his diamond sword?
  15. Yes, please do so. I feel unnaturally happy recently, so please stomp all over my self-esteem until I am once again an emotionless ginger On the bright side, Can't wait for this. Will watch this for any future updates.
  16. Very very sad joke, just like this one: So y = r cubed over 3. And if you determine the rate of change in this curve correctly, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. Explanation: Differential dy = 3 r squared dr over 3, or r squared dr, or r dr r.
  17. superboss... this is sexy awesome And yes I'm straight
  18. I'm tempted to build a Deadmau5 head somewhere near spawn. make it a house. maybe live in it. But building the house would be the first concern
  19. Is there an update on this (any new apps or anything)?
  20. Logging on now... screw 2nd period!
  21. I suggest you PM Darkesword. I'm sure he'd move it right away
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