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Charlie's Angel

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Everything posted by Charlie's Angel

  1. Is there anything left to discuss? How many other ways can one state "this game sucks ass?"
  2. If they made a new game in the series, wouldn't it also come off like this? Isn't that the whole problem? I'm sorry this is just an area I personally find fascinating.
  3. Its not like the new game replaces the old one and they just disappear. If they did I could see why people would get so upset for remakes time after time, but mostly they just trash it before even playing it and seeing for themselves if theyt like it.
  4. I kinda wish I had an Xbox 360 or PS3 now.
  5. That loop is used in a lot of places. I've heard it several times. A faster version of it was in music used for "The L Word' on Showtime.
  6. It'd be easier and only slightly less dignified to rob a bank.
  7. I've always been curious to know why people go to huge lengths to hate on artists they don't like or listen to. if its not a psychological high by hitting someone who couldn't ever hit you back (same thing with calling celeb women you would never get the chance to sleep with "whores"), then I have to wonder what any of the effort to do it really goes to.
  8. You've never heard uptown girl?
  9. i would've liked it if Link moved faster in Ocarina of Time when I played it. I'd change that.
  10. And Sting sang on a live version
  11. My bad, I haven't seen a lot of bots on here.
  12. Kinda late for that, isn't it? Why didn't you just leave a link?
  13. Who's going to be Link at conventions now?
  14. i've never seen something like this before on a videgame form. Is this an annual thing here?
  15. I've actually been watching Anchorman for an hour now.
  16. I mostly just pop in from time to time when i'm bored and need something surreal to perk my day up, but i do like this site.
  17. I know, I was asking because I've got some money coming in and I was just looking for a new toy to entertainment myself with.
  18. is this game worth buying a DS for? I remember I used to rent some Dragon Warrior games for the NES a loooooooooong time ago and I really liked them. couldn't ever afford to buy them and these days you can't even find 'em without getting sodomized by proxy on ebay i might not be able to get it anyway because I have no idea what my bonus this year is going to be, but i just thought id ask since my apartment is boring as hell these days
  19. Someone needs to make a movie about westboro starring Jeremy piven and Pauly Shore.
  20. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=30193

    This guy was looking to do album artwork for someone

  21. It looks interesting, but so did Following, Batman Begins and The Prestige and I didn't like any of them. I think the only movie of Christpher Nolans I liked was The Dark Knight. I might want to call it good there, lol.
  22. you better offer to pay them. Transcribing MIDIs by ear is not quick and easy. One of my friends used to do that for anime songs and he quit after the fourth one he made. lol.
  23. Maybe you could pay someone here to transcribe a MIDI of it for you. That's got to be esier than Googling it for over 3 years.
  24. I'm pretty sure if Hollywood was as dumb collectively as everyone on a message board says they are, it wouldn't still be making movies with huge budgets. You don't get to be a big decision making executive by being an idiot and making stupid decisions constantly. Hollywood's just like any other industry, show business still requires a business end, and certain people make good decisions and bad. It's just like anything else. The only movie I want to see this summer is Predators, but I need some money to come in first. lol.
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