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Charlie's Angel

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Everything posted by Charlie's Angel

  1. And to think what I might've missed if class hadn't been cancelled for ice.
  2. I was browsing through here and there because I'm waiting for a ride, and I found this - http://www.microhammer.com/?page_id=14 Was that intentional?
  3. One of my friends got laid off from a closed game company today. I've been seeing a lot of it lately, I think its the season like he said.
  4. Of course it does, silly goose, this isn't science fiction.
  5. The overall meal was $7 something, not the smallest burger. I just think thats a lot for a burger and a small drink.
  6. I like my job. I hope its just a locational thing but it doesn't change that they wanted over $7.00 from me when all I wanted was their smallest burger and coke. Paying upwards of $7-8 for food on a regular lunch break is pretty silly these days anyway. I try not to pay over $5 for just enough food to last me until I can get home.
  7. I won't be going back to Five Guys unless I win the lottery.
  8. It was $7.00 for their smallest burger, about $$4.50 or so, and a small coke which was $2.29 or $2.49. Pretty much it tasted like Wendys and it had the meat kept slipping out of the bun kinda like the McRib. I'm pretty sure they won't be lowering their prices anytime soon, Five Guys is Always packed despite insane prices.
  9. We got a Five Guys here. It was like eating Wendy's at 2.5 times the price. At least I can afford a McRib.
  10. You people are so crazy, thats why I like coming here.
  11. Unless they plan to be on the menu for a few years it might be a while before I get to 8.
  12. I finally had one today. It was ok but probably not something I'll miss too much when its gone again. I could swear I've had it before but I'm probablu thinking of something else.
  13. Being alive slowly kills you.
  14. I'm just not as picky as some people I guess.
  15. I've never been sick at a McDonalds. My stomach usually hurts more after a burger from a casual restaurant like TGIFridays or Gondoliers and I end up paying 3 times more for it than I ever would at Mickey Ds. Maybe its just that going out to eat in this economy is overrated anyway.
  16. I knew people who used to do that
  17. I have one that f rriend left a long time ago and has not ever picked back up. Basically its the only proof I have that person ever existed anyway
  18. I've never had the chance to try a McRib. is it really as good as people who drives miles and miles and miles out of their way to eat one make it out to be?
  19. It's from Coming to America. It's my favorite Eddie Murphy movie.
  20. I would think if you were socially well-adjusted in the first place you wouldn't need to live with a married couple you barely knew in northern California.
  21. I'll give you Whoopi Goldberg to block.
  22. I want Christopher Nolan to direct it. Only he can capture all the mindfuck that goes on here and that way Cillian Murphy can play Bleck.
  23. I'd personally like to see Justin Bieber as an ocremixer.
  24. I wish. That's definitely more fun. lol.
  25. I want to be played by that person who's in every movie where he or she is so far in the back that you can't see them and they're usually crossing the street of a campus or sitting in the last row of the church in a wedding scene or something. That's who I am in life.
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