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Charlie's Angel

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Everything posted by Charlie's Angel

  1. Being edgy doesn't mean much anymore. everyone's always trying to make me laugh by being as filthy and offensive as possible instead of just telling a good joke. Thats why I like a lot of old shows on tvland because as cheesy as they were, they were genuinely trying to make me laugh before they tried to make me sick.
  2. I really hope its not another Family Guy (or family member) that just should've stayed dead. I don't geek out to many shows but I'm going to be pissed if the new Futurama is as bad as the DVDs were
  3. Mezzo Forte But be careful.
  4. I played this at work and my co-worker started rapping over your beats.
  5. Not Safe For Work
  6. Cars are overrated anyway. Get a bike.
  7. I still sometimes play the Genesis version of Mortal Kombat upstairs. Good times.
  8. You wouldn't want the olden days to be today anyway. I don't play many new games and Im only pretty casual when it comes to gaming, but I do know that too much of a good thing ruins an entire experience. Think about it, if 20 years later you were still playing games that only slightly improved on games from 20 years before, instead of whining for how games changed and weren't fun anymore, you'd be whining that games never change and because innovation is what helps drive technology in the first place, the gaming industry would maybe die off a lot quicker. It's just like music and movies and everything else. Part of the experience of enjoying classic rock and roll and classic comedy and classic gaming comes from the fact that you can't get it like that anymore. Another part of the experience is that you grew up with it. It captured your imagination at a time when it was developing and it made a perfect groove in there to fit. Now you're grown up and the experience is nostalgic and made up mostly of memory of how good it WAS, rather than how good it IS, if that makes any sense. I mostly use this argument for music, but I think it still applies to gaming and a lot of other things. Basically, if you're not going to appreciate new things because you pine for the old days, you're really cheating yourself out on a lot of new experiences and fun. That's just the way I see it.
  9. The last album I bought was The Killers' "Sam's Town". That was the last album I feel like I'll get my money;s worth out of it (all $4 of it).
  10. Last year they called it The Summer of Death. Is this the rushed-out sequel?
  11. I pretty much saw this coming. I thinkif anyone in the entertainment idustry has really had it tough in modern years their whole lives, it was Gary Coleman. I do hope he's going to a better place.
  12. Well yeah, it's Westboro. I'm waiting for the day they confuse themselves into protesting something about Jesus. That day will come soon.
  13. wtf. WHat the does Westboro want with Dio? they've encouraged more violence than he ever has
  14. I wasn't sure if this was true or not when I heard it a few hours ago. Glad to see at least its been confirmed to some degree on here. Rock on, Dio \m/ \m/
  15. I was just saying most people who have way too many books to store (like dad) only end up reading them once and never again. It just would seem like you'd either want to read them again or get a library card, but like I said my dad does that too, so to each their own I guess, lol. I don't like keeping things that I don't plan on using again, it takes up too much space for the apartment. I do keep my old Sega upstairs though, thats always fun once in a while.
  16. Why don't you sell those old books? Do you read them over?
  17. - The Brazillian by Genesis. I always thought this sounded like videogame music.
  18. I was always a Sega girl, so I only got to play the SNES version once. I still have this game upstairs somewhere and I always play it on mute. lol.
  19. Howdy. I'm new. I mostly joined to write a review for my cousin, Meteo Xavier, but if I'm bored or feel up for it, I might join in on some of the discussions. I'm pretty casual to video games and music, but I like a bunch of what UI've seen around here.
  20. Yeah, this was pretty good, Meteo. I could see what you were saying about it sounding a little filtered and that violin is prety bad. It's also ringing my headphones pretty badly but its probably because there shitty anyway. Not really my kinda thing but I liked it. thank you for showing it to me.
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