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Everything posted by Rukunetsu

  1. I brought the beat. DT brought the lyrics. Hope you all enjoy.
  2. Kirby Dreamland 3 - Mission Complete (Thread) Here's a mix I did for the game...nothing special, but Hope it's enjoyable.
  3. I had plans to remix this song - Now I really have a reason to, as this is one of my fav tracks. However, I have remixed 3 Tenchu tracks thus far. These were a while back though. While not up to OCR album standards, know that there has been some love shown to Tenchu..juuuust not by the higher ups is all,lol ( . . as far as I know anyways). I hope you enjoy 'em though, and I'll do what I can regarding the mix. Great to see another Tenchu music fan.
  4. The Long Goodbye - Calum Bowen Rukunetsu Collab - Hope y'all enjoy. Had a ton of fun with this one.
  5. Source: PilotWings 64-Results- PilotWings 4-Results- Quick bout of inspiration hit me; this was the result. More of a cover than anything, but I do hope you enjoy it somewhat.
  6. You'd be correct; figured I'd try my hand at a submission. However, thanks a ton Brandon : )!
  7. DS - how've you been man?

  8. Great job so far Cal. I'm rootin' for ya.
  9. Great work here C. Both on the site design and music creation.
  10. I raged when I saw that JIN of all people was slain... Thanks for the feedback ACO and I'm glad y'enjoyed.
  11. Good Attorney - Phoenix Wright UMVC3 concept (SoundCloud) Saw the Reveal for Mr. Wright yesterday and I was just hit with inspiration to make a would-be theme for him. Hope you all enjoy.
  12. BY RokkakuRebellion. I did the beat. Rokkaku took the a capella from the song a group named FELT made and made this happen.I hope you enjoy this as much as I did - who would've thought that rapping would've gone on top of Network Space (MMBN5) so nicely.
  13. Only did a bit of sampling for the drums (90% of the drums was done by hand - added an additional sample or two to tighten it up a bit). Glad you like though Calum!
  14. Glad to hear bro! Thanks for still considering it man.

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