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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. I finally beat Sonic Adventure 2 after 12 years actually I didn't own it 12 years ago
  2. personally, I'm not quite sure I can entirely take this album seriously definitely some cool sounds in the project, though
  3. As Wikipedia says with their policy in editing pages to add pictures: If you do not know the copyright or the person that owns the picture(s) and you don't know the rights you have to it, don't post it. So I'd just say you need to find another one. On the other hand, it's YouTube. It's really not likely you're gonna get busted with a picture if it's not official artwork. If it's official artwork... hrm...
  4. ^this if you need help with the music itself, then this is a useful place to be looking if you're looking for album artwork, then this would not be a useful place to be looking
  5. if help is needed with anyone's mix, I'm an existent creature that sits in a chair in a house on land in the USA on Earth who stares at the computer and makes music so I can also help others make music yaaaaaaay.
  6. in terms of EARPLUGS, actually, I'd say get the new Apple iPod earplugs. they are outstanding for their cheap price (they're like $30 or something)
  7. well I mean when you think about really nice professional film editing softwares, normally the price range is somewhere around $800 and $1000. $500 isn't like a tiny amount of money; it's just not as much as I would think for a software like that
  8. lol I totally remember that quote of his where he was talking about how everything was cherry pie and he freaking hated that song
  9. If we're referring to whether or not an artist likes his biggest hit or not, normally it's surprisingly a no. Not always, of course, but it seems to be that most big artists or one-hit wonders big one hit that got them huge was a song they didn't personally like. For example, The Beatles released the single "Let It Be". Obviously they had tons of other ridiculously successful singles and albums (they're still to this day the most successful artist ever to exist on this planet). But "Let It Be" was written and released as the band was separating. That was their last record together and they were already separating as they were working on that album. And they hated that song. They absolutely hated "Let It Be". Nevertheless, it was a huge hit. That's just one example of many I could give you. or I could've possibly brought up an entirely different subject that has nothing to do with the original topic
  10. hehehe I love those student discounts cuz I can still get them you 28 year old losers hur hur hur hur
  11. Oh December's an easy one. So if you are saying that what you could do is put each artist's name at the bottom of the screen, would it be treated like, say, Need for Speed? Where a new song will come up in a level and there will be a credit for the artist of the song? So then when that's song's over, the next one comes on? I guess what I'm essentially asking is, is the treatment of the background music that there is a specific track for each level, or just a general playlist of music behind the game? I don't have a problem with it either way; I'm just trying to understand what the feel is for the treatment of the soundtrack. Thanks for your helpful answers so far.
  12. I'm really considering getting a PS4 and yes, I'm about to say this it would be my first official purchase of a Sony console ever it's always been Nintendo for me, and Xbox but Xbox seems to not even be an option now hur hur hur still probably will get a Wii U
  13. this doesn't seem way too hard or time consuming. if the deadline is within the next month or two, then I'm in.
  14. After Effects isn't just "additional effects". It's a huge visual effects software. That's what it's made to do. Premiere is probably your best bet, if something like Windows Movie Maker isn't good enough for ya. But again, I'm hearing a lot of good about Sony Vegas, so if that's cheaper, go for that. See I'm not even that old and I can remember the whole VHS process. Technology moves way too fast
  15. Yeah my computer is an '09 iMac model, so I'm not entirely sure if that will work. In 2006 (I think) they started manufacturing Macs processed by Intel. Before that it was all PowerPC. Other things that were made for PowerPC processed computers that I've tried installing on this computer don't really work. Though I have actually tried installing Spider-Man 2 (the game) into my Mac and there were no issues, and that game released when all Macs were still running on PowerPC, so I don't know. I guess I'll just have to go and figure it out.
  16. Isn't CS2 stuff too old for Macs nowadays? That all ran on like PowerPC's, so I don't see how that would work on the now Intel-based Macs.
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