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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. What I've learned from all three big gaming companies now is that all they seriously want is money. They just don't even care about anything else but money anymore. It's really sad, honestly
  2. ya know what let Brandon hate what he wanna hates if we all think he's stupid, well I guess that's just so nice for us because he clearly isn't converting to the belief in the Wii U here any time soon
  3. I'm looking back at that picture I posted. Mario's hands in the N64 version are just so glorious.
  4. Ya know, the art direction with Brawl wasn't an issue for me. It was just the fact that it didn't seem like a major improvement from Melee. Realistic was actually really neat for me. I enjoyed it. Mario in that realistic tone was really quite awesome. Ya know what, I've noticed that with Mario too. Odd. Just went and played SSB with a whole bunch of my friends tonight. Some of them had never played it before (they had either played Brawl or Melee) and I think all of them concluded that it was a better game than Brawl and came close with Melee.
  5. And yet it had extremely good games, so honestly I don't care. The funny thing is that technically, the N64 had the PS1 and Saturn beat, except for one extremely important factor... memory. Cartridges weren't as powerful as discs at the time and memory on a disc was larger and allowed much better graphics... even if the PS1 and Saturn were half the bit rate of N64's bit rate (PS1/Saturn were 32-bit, and obviously N64 was 64-bit). If memory was larger on the N64, it would've obviously had much better graphics. There were still times where developers tried the best they could to make a game for the N64 look decent. There was a Star Wars game I remember playing that actually was pretty decent for the limitations they had at the time. Of course, the frame rate seemed a bit slower, so obviously graphics had taken up a lot of the RAM power.
  6. Although, again, I don't really care about graphics in any circumstance, I look at Wii U graphics and Wii graphics and if done right, they really are not bad at all. They're pretty decent. Even with the Wii being in SD, SMG looked really nice on that system. Even games like Sonic Unleashed looked good on Wii. And with HD graphics for the Wii U now, it seriously seems really great. I don't know what we should have against any Nintendo graphics. And also, why are we all so concerned about graphics anyway? How about... "gee will this be a good game or not" rather than "gee will this have good graphics because if it doesn't then screw the game"
  7. graphics never did anything for me I'm just sticking with the current subject of this conversation
  8. Link and Mario were like killer powerful in the original. They were dumbed down quite a bit in the later games.
  9. From what I've seen, most people liked Zelda best (graphically-speaking) with Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. The more realistic-ish approach is what most people enjoy, I think. Toon Link is a whole other monster; I don't really count that.
  10. See, I guess I understand that, and yet I still think that SSB is just a fantastic game. Something about it just for me arguably makes it my favorite one. This clearly goes up against Melee, though I have not played that game in ages. It's seriously been years since the last time I played that game. Same with SSB. I just happened to be playing it within the past few days for the first time in a long time. There were definitely some things in the first that were wrong, but that's because they were learning from it, basically. The mechanics have basically always been the same. They were just heavily improved in Melee. The first game was just really quite amazing, and I think they knew what potential it had once they finished it, leading them to do Melee, which was just incredibly outstanding, and to this day probably one of the greatest fighting games in history. It could simply be the simplicity of SSB that I love. The more specific rules that could be set in Melee and eventually Brawl were definitely awesome, but something about just having a few specific rules and just playing the game just feels so good. And that same sense of excitement and feeling of throwing one up in the air or KOing someone off of a stage is there. It started there, and that same talent has been able to be present in each game. Just the way it's done; it's just soooo good. But graphically, I definitely agree. Of course, the poor old N64 wasn't capable of what the GCN was capable of, obviously, but there were still some other N64 games that honestly did a better job graphically speaking than SSB. And Melee was really quite impressive for one of the first games to release on the GCN, and in the long run, they were quite beautiful graphics for the GCN anyway. It is honestly unfortunate that the improvement of graphics in Brawl were not so large. If Nintendo had pulled their act together and noticed the crap they pulled when throwing in the same graphics card in the Wii as the one that was in the GameCube, they could've definitely improved a lot. And now, looking at the new SSB4, the improvements are way larger. From far away, it doesn't seem much better (just sharper and HD), but when you look close, lots of times it looks like polygon count doesn't even exist. Everything is sooo freaking smooth in the new shots. Little buttons and details on Link that used to be just textures are now actual modeled parts of the suit. Link now has modeled hair. Hair. Like, Sully from Monsters Inc. hair. Not a few modeled globs that have hair texture on them. No, it's modeled hair. I'm not sure I've ever actually seen Link like that in-game (which is sorta sad to say, honestly). Kirby finally has managed to actually be perfectly round, which is awesome, and I honestly like the way they are doing the colors this time more (focusing more on primary colors). Sure, lots of the realistic look stuff they did with Brawl is not entirely the same or present here anymore (especially with characters like the Mario roster), but I think this new graphical design looks pretty great. The amount of memory in the Wii U is huge compared to the Wii, so obviously they have a lot more space to make things look better. But back to my main point, although I understand how the improvements made with Melee sorta covered up any light shone on SSB, something about SSB just makes it a really great game. And I can't totally put my finger on it. I don't think it's nostalgia, because although I get that a bit when playing the game, it doesn't seem to be the reason I play it nonstop for hours. If something is simply great because of the feeling of nostalgia, I honestly get easily uninterested in the game within 30 minutes of playing it, even if it was a game I remember from childhood or something. There is just something that SSB had that made it so good. And it's definitely something that was in the other two games as well, but I just can't put my finger on it. Maybe it's just the amazing feeling of anxiety to keep from falling off. Maybe it's the feeling of just using a strong side-A move and KOing someone. Maybe it's just the magic of seeing all of the legendary Nintendo all-stars together beating each other up. I really don't know. But something about it (that, again, seemed to be carried on with Melee and Brawl too) just made it such an amazing game. It definitely is a one-of-a-kind; the whole series is. And the way they put them together just naturally makes them one of the greatest fighting game series of all time.
  11. Part of me wonders if the reason it's the least spoken of is because the time difference between SSB and SSBM was not nearly as large as it was with SSBM and SSBB. SSB and SSBM were only 2 years apart. SSBB released 7 years after SSBM, probably making it largely anticipated, and to those who didn't like it as much, disappointed when playing it, causing a large amount of chatter. What I've learned from some marketing stuff is that when a company or person releases new stuff constantly (like yearly), people start getting a bit uninterested and they can fall behind and stuff (like technology hahaha). And then there's the times where there's something released and then 2 to 3 years later they release a sequel (or a new album or fill in the blank) and it is successful and highly noticed because it was anticipated and plenty of people had time to take in the previous release. SSB was released only a bit of time before the GameCube was announced and then released, and right after the GameCube released, SSBM released on the console, so more of the focus turned on SSBM because of its improvements in only 2 years compared to the N64 release.
  12. I haven't heard Twilight Princess in the "anti-cute-graphics" list yet
  13. Yeah but the problem I'm stating is it could potentially be a great game but have an issue with the demo, making people think it's a bad game. It's like if there was something wrong with--say--Ocarina of Time. Bare with me. If the demo was crap but the final thing was absolutely amazing (and it was), there's a possibility it won't sell nearly as much, because the demo gave off the idea that it's gonna be a bad game. Of course, Ocarina of Time sold ridiculously well and is one of the greatest games of all time.
  14. Why does it seem like everyone forgets Smash Bros. (N64)? It's like everyone knows it exists but it's hardly ever mentioned, it seems. Melee is always the most talked about, but maybe I'm wrong. I just played that game again today. It's so much freaking fun. I honestly love it more than Brawl. I think just the simplicity of it just makes it really quite great.
  15. because resident evil 4 for the wii was really cute
  16. Right, because although it could potentially encourage people to buy the game, at the same exact time, it can encourage the player of the demo to not want to buy the game. Any mistake in the demo could cost them their audience, or the ones that are picky with the issue. I didn't read the article, I'm just stating my theory.
  17. http://www.gamnesia.com/news/fans-petition-for-the-return-of-xbox-ones-controversial-drm now I'm just laughing. these people are stupid, but so is Microsoft, because there's nothing good about the console. I think that people are just confused on what they even want anymore, because Microsoft has screwed up so bad. Microsoft, shut up, stop trying, and let's just leave it at the '360 and go home
  18. this is true. it's still pretty darn epic, though.
  19. why does everyone take me seriously you can't compare an xbox one with a ps3 because they aren't even in the same generation... oh wait
  20. go to a three-story house and drop it from the highest story
  21. I get a Nintendo console for Nintendo games I get a Sony console for third party games wow that was hard. my mind is blown from how much thought I had to put into that statement
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