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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. So you clearly have a PC. I would seriously suggest Adobe Premiere. It's one of the seriously great video editing softwares out there. I've heard about something called Vegas? Never used it, but I've heard that's great too. As for visual effects, if you're wanting to get serious, Adobe After Effects is your best bet. I use Final Cut, but that's because I've got a Mac. Final Cut is a Mac-user thing only. I seriously am thinking about getting Premiere, though. Yeah... Windows Movie Maker seriously sucks. Of course, I haven't used it in like 8 years so it probably is a bit better now than it was then. I still preferred iMovie. iMovie HD, yo.
  2. This interests me. What is the general deadline month if I were to be included in this? I am a bit busy and I've got tons of other projects I'm currently in the middle of.
  3. He's gotten better at producing himself. If you listen to his earlier covers, they're a bit less tight and a slight bit more pitchy. Over time he's figured out to produce himself more strictly and make sure everything sounds good. He's done a decent job. He's more entertaining just because he does video game songs and does them EXACTLY like they were originally arranged, except in complete vocal form. Talent-wise, guys like Peter Hollens and this really hidden dude that no one knows of named Sam Robson are definitely more of my guys. Sam Robson for ya. "I Need Thee O I Need Thee" and his "Blackbird" cover blow me away. He even did an acapella take on the original South Park theme. That was entertaining. And his Big Band original arrang-- UGH he's so good.
  4. Still stuck on mine. I have a great idea, though, and once I can get it dealt with, I will send in a WIP.
  5. Eh. That's one theory, I guess. Michael Jackson constantly just sang tunes to people and they would eventually put music to it. But Michael potentially wrote the main idea of the song.
  6. Making up tunes in your head and humming them is entirely composing music. You're just not writing it down.
  7. they don't point out solutions because that's normally for you to do you find the solution you sound a bit whiny, honestly chill out, your music doesn't suck I really liked them dood
  8. I started messing around and writing my own stuff when sitting at the piano from the age of 5 or 6 Of course, it was simple melodies, but it was entirely me writing my entirely own stuff I didn't really know how to generally play the piano until I was 7, though, and from then on I've been writing nonstop
  9. well, looks like we're switching to "Fighting in the Street" I like the bassline on that one better
  10. he didn't say anything about that and also it's not too late to change anything this isn't like the next Justin Timberlake album that would have to release tomorrow and even then if there was a serious problem that needed fixing but they were forced to release the record 24 hours later, the producer of the record probably would've gone back and fixed it and paid a lot to get it fixed within 24 hours you get what I'm saying
  11. darn. was hoping this was the second one so I could have the excuse to make a Go Straight remix.
  12. I don't think that we will be able to get something new to you by August 15th. We're all currently a bit busy with other things.
  13. Wait, no one's posted this stuff yet? http://youtu.be/TZhyApeu1qs http://youtu.be/LKK3J2h1nGA http://youtu.be/SgHNXLrJLYM http://youtu.be/kwtTu061LU8 http://youtu.be/izNMcLfUfFs No? No one? Ya know, there just like the best vg rap songs ever created.
  14. I think what I meant by assistance was like musical/instrumental solo's from people at ocremix. I thought it'd be hilarious. Obviously the instrument solo or instrument played throughout the track would be credited.
  15. oh look my surprise-ness level is at 0 I'd be more surprised if they got rid of him and I'd be pissed
  16. There are some great reverb plugins out there, but I just use Space Designer in Logic Pro, because it works really well and is seriously a really great plugin
  17. me and a once moderately popular LPer blinkkandyoumissit are currently working on a VG Rap Battle. We may need some assistance from ocremix just to add to the fun of the song
  18. wait are we trying to compare the last of us and pikmin 3
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