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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. For those of you who haven't seen this yet: http://www.sonicretro.org/2013/06/plenty-of-new-sonic-lost-world-gameplay-footage/ I'm actually really beginning to look forward to this game. It's looking really nice.
  2. Precisely. I don't want my 5 year old cousin hearing "shit" and even "damn" everywhere.
  3. I'm not entirely sure any of the consoles of the 8th gen are going to do all that great. The only reason they will probably be a success is because of the games for it. Honestly, even though they are directing the consoles toward other people that don't even play video games as well, those people aren't seriously going to buy one. I'm trying to put myself in the shoes of a middle aged guy wanting to watch TV and listen to music and then decides to go get an Xbox One. I just can't see that happening. You know what would be seriously cool? If someone did a game made for the Xbox, GameCube, PS2, and Dreamcast again. Like a new game for the old systems. Only gamers of the 6th gen would buy it, but I think it would seriously be awesome. It will never happen, though.
  4. Meteo, the thing is that the older people are wanting the real Disney back. Everything recently has just been crap. Tangled was decent, and even stuff like Wreck-It Ralph was good, but when you go and look at Disney Channel or Disney Interactive, they are just getting it all completely wrong. Native, I'm sorry about that. ;P I mean, if Disney could continue going strong with stuff like Tangled and stuff, then great. Honestly, my biggest issue is that I think they are getting so obsessed with trying to do what everyone else is doing, when Disney was the first to do some of the best things. I worded that horribly, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's just like music nowadays. So many talented artists are doing crappy stuff just because they are trying to do what seems to be the cool thing. And the new "cool" sound is utter crap. Maroon 5 is a very accurate example. Their latest record was just them trying to sound like the new cool stuff. And no, it was an awful album. They were best when they were doing music their way, not everyone else's way. That's what I'm trying to get to with Disney. Yes, Disney works with PIXAR and PIXAR is CGI animation and PIXAR is fabulous (not recently, but they've been great in the past), but I think Disney is thinking that CGI is the only way to go anymore, and hand-drawn, traditional animation is dead and should no longer be done for films. Recently they let go of a lot of amazing animators just because they didn't have the ability to do full CGI animation. Those animators probably should've learned, but hand-drawn animation honestly takes more talent than CGI and it's what started the whole animation business in the first place. So to fire a lot of really talented people from Disney just because they can't do CGI animation is just depressing. One of the greatest animators of Disney in current times is Glen Keane, and about a year ago he left Disney because he did not like the direction they were going. They have been begging him with a lot of money to come back, but he won't, because he doesn't like what they are doing. Yeah. There's all the Disney for now. I'm pretty sure I recall the title of this thread being "Xbox One". ;P
  5. Disney. Listen. No seriously, Disney. Hahaha no listen, hey Disney. Hey what if, no seriously listen, Disney what if you actually made something great again and you don't, like, ruin my childhood or destroy an epic classic of yours? That would be great. I think they are trying to gain a teen audience when honestly the (this is going to sound biased but I believe it to be the truth) smarter teens are the ones who enjoy Disney for its classics and its... magic. If they could continue that, then they are on a roll. But they seem to be trying too hard to make their stuff attractive to the "cool" teens out there. And I believe the coolest teenagers are the ones who don't turn down Disney just because they think it's so childish. So many teens I think just wanna see cooler things, like violence and whatever else seems to cool to teenagers (lots of things which I would hate to list because it's so depressing... since when was drinking before 21 cool?). Of course, this game just doesn't look "cool", period. I think this statement sorta goes toward Disney Channel as well, which is more directed toward "tweens", from what I've seen. Dog with a Blog (or is it Vlog? Idk). That show was one of those moments where I literally got so depressed I wanted to jump out a window. You ever get that feeling? Where something is so bad, that it's not even funny and you just want to either kill the people that created it or just kill yourself? No? Ok, sorry about that. I think this all sorta goes towards all the game systems of the 8th gen as well. They are trying too hard to direct these game systems toward adults and 50 year olds and stuff. You know what? Forget about that. A game system is for the gamer. Not for the hairy 50 year old guy who wants to watch ESPN. That guy can go to his actual TV and DVR and watch that. I want an Xbox for the games. Not for ESPN. I already have that. Ugh.
  6. Someone explain to me how the **** this is Fantasia? Disney, I swear, you are completely killing yourself. You are slowly deepening the knife into your chest every single year.
  7. Ah, Neo Green Hill from Sonic Advance. Although I like Act 1 better, you did a nice remix here. Love the synths in this one. Very 70s-ish. Also like the percussion. I feel it starts to repeat itself though after a while. I'd add in some variation. Keep it up.
  8. I'm liking it so far. The one thing I'm a bit surprised about is the graphics seem to be a downgrade from previous games. I honestly don't care all that much about graphics, though. Also, the music isn't even Sonic. That's the instrumental of "Cinema" by Benny Benassi.
  9. Haven't been reading this thread. Is it still possible to contribute to this at all?
  10. If you have Super Metroid and you don't actually have an SNES, I think you're all set.
  11. Sorry, I meant Wind Waker remake. My mistake. Though I do know that they are planning to do that, yes. Unfortunate we'll be waiting that long. That isn't like surprising or like "whoa that long" because it sorta isn't even that long... that's sorta normal to hear. Though I would've liked it if it was releasing in 2014. Oh well.
  12. Well, I mean E3's coming up. So that should give you a few answers. Obviously there's Zelda Wii U and the new 3D Mario title and Mario Kart U (as I'm just gonna name it, unless they do Mario Kart 8... oh please Nintendo don't make it Mario Kart 8...) and Sonic Lost World and stuff like that. But that stuff won't be released until like fall and winter and stuff. Apparently, though, they will announce the THIRD Sonic game soon, and all three Sonic games that have been talked about will be releasing by the end of this year: http://www.sonicretro.org/2013/05/third-nintendo-exclusive-sonic-game-releasing-this-year/ Also, Brandon, hilarious picture. Just thought I'd say that as well.
  13. Although I am currently very busy, I am expressing interest in this, as I am a vocalist and I love a cappella, as long as it's done right. I'm overall tenor. Could probably hit a few lower soprano notes and some of the higher baritone notes, but in general I'm basically a tenor.
  14. I don't even know why I'm still on this forum. And I created it. I'd love to see this plan backfire so the company totally gets hacked. I don't know how that would happen, but it'd be funny.
  15. Let's just settle this and say all three 8th gen consoles are gonna suck balls and I'm gonna go play my N64.
  16. Although I totally see what you are saying, Brandon, just because Mario has more games doesn't simply make it a better selling franchise. That definitely contributes to it, yes, but Mario also has had some of the best selling GAMES of all time, so that definitely brings it up quite a bit.
  17. People act like the GCN never existed? Maybe it's just the people I'm around, but the GCN is a highly loved console by the people I know and by so much of what I see on the internet. It doesn't seem like a console that people just forgot about or pretended didn't even exist. Sure, it wasn't very successful (it didn't bomb, but compared to every other console they had, GameCube sold the least), but I think the Dreamcast was much more "forgotten" than the GCN. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's what I think.
  18. That's a great joke, Microsoft. Really funny one. Oh you were serious? That's an even funnier joke. You guys are really funny.
  19. Exactly. What I think is happening is the PS4 and Xbox One are the SEGA Genesises of this time era. They are the "cool" ones and Nintendo is just "childish" and stupid. I'd like someone to explain, then, why Mario is the #1 best-selling franchise of all time, Pokemon is second, Sonic, now partnered up with them, is somewhere between 11 and 14 (I think), and same with Zelda? I think it's attacked so much because of the success Nintendo has had compared to the other two companies. Don't get me wrong; the other two companies have definitely been really successful. Sony took the place of #1 with the PS1 and PS2, and the Xbox consoles have been really successful in the past as well, but when Nintendo has been lasting as a video game company for almost 40 years and are still doing really well, you can't really beat that. And when they've got the franchises they have on their side, it's still strong competition for the other two companies, for sure. Other companies have come and gone, like Atari and Sega (when it comes down to game consoles). And throughout all that history, Nintendo was still able to be a success. And then Mario is sort of the reason the video game crash of '83 stopped and people had interest in video games again. You sorta have to respect Mario (or Shigeru, the father of gaming ) for that. Even if he wasn't the main reason, he heavily contributed to bringing back video games, if one was to go read through history of video gaming. Don't be bashin' around Nintendo. They've been around for nearly 124 years.
  20. I've always really liked egoraptor (and JonTron and GameGrumps and dadadada...), but this was definitely him at his best, I personally think. His Sequelitis stuff is my favorite. Though his new console vs. PC short is pretty rad. Ok, so uh this: http://youtu.be/xtp5-x4hR4w And I sat there laughing the majority of the time. Although I understand what he's saying and where he's coming from, and his theory and thoughts on this could be valid, they just aren't. They're not valid. Period. At one point he says "well even though 3D Mario and Zelda and Smash Bros. and Mario Kart are releasing later this year for the Wii U, I think it's just too late". That was the statement that I decided made the whole review just outright bogus. If you saw how the '360 was when it released back years ago, it didn't do very well at first. Then great games started coming around and available for the '360 about a year later and then you had Call of Duty and Halo 3 and stuff, and it ended up being a successful and great console. So why the crap are we saying "it's too late" for the Wii U, when some of the most successful and best-selling franchises of all time are on Nintendo's side and releasing on the system? All those games he mentioned, and additionally the new Sonic Lost World and probably at some point Metroid are totally going to bring the sales of Wii U up quite a bit. His argument is just purely invalid. You just cannot say "it's too late". That's bologna. To add on to all of that, as stated by quite a few people already, when the One was announced, the Wii U sales increased pretty dramatically, which is honestly funny. This guy cannot say that the Wii U is going to utterly fail and won't even be competition when the announcement of One literally just lead more people toward getting a Wii U. The Wii U is still in the game and will be stepping it up this holiday season. If Mario, Pokemon, and Zelda are on the system, it's gonna sell. Fact. And you cannot try to argue with that. That's just a fact.
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