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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Are there any guidelines on how the track should be? Like specific genres?
  2. Is this album still open for remixing? Cuz I'll freaking steal that File Select song if no one has yet. EDIT: Wait, wait, I saw a post Brandon made so nevermind. You really should have that updated.
  3. Even though my remix is really electronic and programmy, I feel that that may actually be cool. Stick in some violin and destroy it with effects and such.
  4. Nice man! Love Marble Zone. I feel you could probably turn up the guitar a bit, but great arrangement you've got there. Flying Battery is pretty good too, but feels a little too sequenced, if you understand what I mean. Like maybe too perfect? At the same time it's a cool sound. Ice Cap is iffy. Not sure what to think of it. Like the beat you sampled there, and the potential is great. It gets off to a pretty weak start, though. I almost wonder if starting with the bass and drums would've sounded cooler. Holy crap dude your arrangement of Mystic Cave Zone is killer. Love it. Got off to a great start and the guitars sound better in this one. Reminds me of the Modern Sonic remix arrangement from Sonic Generations of Chemical Plant Zone or whatever it is from Sonic 2. The way that one was done was really nice. Possibly my favorite. Up against Marble Zone. I see what you were trying to do with Death Egg Zone, though I'm not a huge fan of it. I like the guitars and the bass is nice, but everything else just sort of is there. Chrome Gadget is nice. Like the guitars there. The way you did that one is nice. Also feels a bit too perfect but again, at the same time that sorta sounds cool. I like the Special Stage, though I feel that the synths are flat. Maybe add vibrato to the ends of the notes? Just do something to add on to it. I hate Sandopolis Zone! Lol not your remix. The actual stage. The way you did it is nice, but I feel the mix isn't all that great. Drums need to come out more. They are way too compressed and quiet. Yeah. That's pretty much it. You're using the Studio Tight Kit and the Attitude Bass throughout those remixes. Yes I use Logic Pro too.
  5. Thanks for advice. I'll go back and work on it a bit. Wow, ok. I'll probably go back and work a bit on the drums. I may completely change bass arrangement. I'll figure it out.
  6. So I tried submitting this but they no likey, but they said I was off to a good start and Ben Briggs told me to continue working on it because apparently he and his followers on SoundCloud really enjoyed it. LINK: https://soundcloud.com/gwilliamson/the-goddess-gets-groovy-v-2 So I went back and did some stuff to it. -The awkward fake acoustic guitar on the low-end was replaced with electric piano -The mix has been updated and is better now -More variation in the song --Added in soft piano in places --Changed beat and bass near the end --Added in another vibe solo near the end -"Un-perfected" for realism Yup. So tell me what you think about it. I'd love feedback because I may try re-submitting this to the judges and hope that it may make it to the judges panel and they will hopefully accept it. So yeah. Feedbackz meh.
  7. Just want to let everybody know I am up for collaborating. I don't care if I never do, just saying I'm up for it and if anyone seeks my presence, I shall be here.
  8. Do graphics matter all that much? I mean, I understand how considering how well graphics have been getting over the years you'd expect them to just get better and better, but I personally have never cared for any game because of its graphics. That may add to the effect, but I play a game for the gameplay and the story and potential, not the graphics.
  9. Well happy birthday and welcome aboard newcomers.
  10. Ok then. It's just our own different opinions and this was just a conference; not something about gay marriage or anything so let's just leave it at that.
  11. I practically disagreed with everything you just said. If I want to play PS3 games, buy a PS3. Right. But backwards compatibility is a huge deal and I'm one who has to have a system with backwards compatibility. I can own the previous game console, but I love backwards compatibility. Here's an example. I may want to get a Wii U. But I don't want to lose my GameCube or Wii. But I need to sell something to get the Wii U. I'm not going to just spend money on it and keep the Wii, let's say. The Wii U has backwards compatibility to the Wii. Good. I sell my Wii and I can get a Wii U and still play my Wii games, and I can have my GameCube and play that too. Simple example of one reason why backwards compatibility is a good idea. Also, the Holiday 2013 thing I sorta do have to agree with. That one is the one thing I was like "who cares". B YOU are ok with 2 hour long briefing? I'm honestly amazed at that. That was such a disrespectful thing to do. Go on for 2 hours without getting to what I wanted them to get to. The actual freaking console. What the heck. I feel you are trying to defend the PlayStation, honestly. And I'm not trying to hate it. I love Sony. I seriously do. I love Microsoft. I will admit Nintendo is my favorite. But I don't go hating a PlayStation conference just because it's PlayStation. I still really love the Sony game consoles. I could say more but I seriously have to be somewhere.
  12. Six Problems With Today's Disastrous PS4 Briefing
  13. Well *I've* heard too many Ice Cap Zone remixes myself. Not Ice Cap from Sonic Adventure. Ice Cap Zone from Sonic 3. We're on the same page right? I'm just saying I've heard too many Ice Cap Zone remixes. But it's a song worthy of it. Ice Cap Zone is a remix-worthy song.
  14. Ice Cap Zone's a choice? I didn't notice it when I went to the voting thing on Facebook. Ice Cap Zone's been remixed by every person and his dog.
  15. Wow the Dual Shock 4 still has the same layout idea but it seems to have changed more than any other controller, at least in appearance. Not including the original PS1 controller that didn't have the analog sticks.
  16. ^This. Also, I'd mess around with your synths more and use different plugins. I can tell you are using a preset synth from a Yamaha for the lead melody. I'd change that around.
  17. Yeah it comes in April for ya. It came in April of last year to Japan, so it'll be a whole year since it was originally released by the time you get it. Heheh. I love how they do that. Makes me feel like they are doing it just to piss people off. There's probably actual reasons for why they do that (like taking more time translating it or something), but part of me feels they're just like "let's release it where we made it and then make America wait almost a whole year and Europe and Australia wait for it a whole year just for fun to show how awesome Japan is". Stupid theory.
  18. Apologies, I forgot about this. If I didn't in the past, unless someone else has, I will now officially claim Dragon Roost or I can collab on it. I will begin working on a WIP as soon as I can.
  19. I said this with the Donkey Kong 64 album as well. With so many other projects that I both am happy I got into and also wondering why I'm so stupid and am never able to manage my time correctly... I am willing to collaborate. I will not take an entire remix into my own hands right now, but I am willing to collab with someone if they would like it. So there.
  20. Yeah it's like so many other games I just sit there and try pressing random buttons to skip stuff I don't want to read. And that's normally the whole game. But I didn't skip any of the stuff I read. What was it, that I sorta found enjoyable... "Would you like to tell me your name?" "Nah" "Oh, I don't mean to offend you or--" "No. It's Nah. N-A-H. Nah. Ugh. This happens every time." Something like that. I don't know how that is funny, but I sorta smiled reading that. This was my favorite, though. "Why should I give you a strand of ____'s hair?" "Hee hee". I seriously think I laughed when I read Tharja say "hee hee". I sat there for about a minute trying to make sure that's actually what it said. A medieval game and one of the characters says "hee hee". Brilliant. Of course, it's a medieval-themed game, but obviously the dialogue shows nearly no sign of Old English anywhere in a normal conversation.
  21. Like the guitars and synths. Bass is nice. Not diggin' the drums. They seem far too sequenced sounding and aren't mixed great. They don't sound awful, but they just aren't really great either. There's a way to make fake acoustic drums sound real. Unfortunately you can tell here that it's fake, though I've noticed this a lot throughout numerous different ocremixes. But all of that set aside, I like the idea here. I really like all the guitars and synth bells and pads and such. Real nahce. Real, real nahce.
  22. I noticed I had said something about wanting to be a part of this project. I am willing to collab with someone on something. Not sure if I can commit to having a whole track all to my own.
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