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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Oh then maybe I need to send you a little somethin' soon if it's December 1st... I'm still on for that other possible choice of Quartz JP even though I'm not really in the claimed track list?
  2. I'm still in on this, I'm just really busy right now with other stuff.
  3. My answer to everything is always Logic Pro (and in this case Logic Instruments), because it's just so good with programming-related stuff. But there are quite a bit of great synth machines out there, so just search it up. Meteo and Rozovian have already given some good suggestions. By the way, Meteo, how do you get any of these plugins into Logic. Do you know? Synth 1 looked good and they had one for Mac but I don't know how to get into my Logic system. Probably really simple hahaha...
  4. I haven't seen it yet but it looks good. Looks a little inaccurate, though.
  5. Not sure... I've got a lot of other stuff on my hands.

  6. Not necessarily. What I've learned is you can go and try changing the velocity of different notes and move them a slight bit to make it sound a little bit off just to give it a more realistic sound. In Logic Pro, I have found an easy way to do this by lowering the "Quantize Strength". If it's at 100%, obviously it's going to be on perfect time. If you lower it to 80%, it'll still be pretty close, but not exactly.
  7. I'm being one of the Wiggles. Yeah, I just said that. And I'm not kidding.
  8. It's The Beatles ^^. But yeah, Paul knows nothing about writing or reading music, really. And I know very little as well. I mean, I know stuff like Cm7 and Ab13 and stuff but I'm not a genius when it comes to chords. But I would most certainly encourage the use of knowing chords and being able to write them. If you don't plan on doing it for a living, I don't think it's all that important. But if you were to be a songwriter for other people or a studio musician, it would be best you knew this stuff. But I highly doubt you are going to be a studio musician. But hey, I could be wrong.
  9. I'd love to hear more low end. Not sure I'm hearing enough of that. The sequencing and arrangement is killer though, dude.
  10. I think it sounds a little too quantized, which gives a much faker sound. Also, I'd say more bass. Not sure I'm hearing enough of that. And most certainly more reverb and more compressor. It needs it.
  11. Amazing. Just great. You should try doing one of the Mario Kart Menu from the original Super Mario Kart. It's the same thing over and over again, but if you could make it non-repetitive by doing really sexy stuff like this, then it could be really cool.
  12. Oh wow, yeah see I thought the same thing! Good to know! Where'd you get this info?
  13. Heck yes. I personally don't think that the low mids are weird at all as timaeus is saying, though it may be my headphones (they aren't all that great, but they'll do the job). I honestly think it sounds great. In fact, possibly like a small tad bit higher frequency on master track? Don't know if you are EQing the master track. But those drums are amazing. Love it. Man, those chord progressions always remind me of Stranger in Moscow by MJ. And I believe that was the attempt.
  14. Going back to the original topic question (haven't been reading), all I have to say is... I so agree...
  15. Oh well I can't guarantee it'll be like those other remixes. I do very different stuff all the time.
  16. Still am seeing if doing a collab on Quartz Quadrant JP is ok with this other guy. I PMed him. I may just do a completely separate mix and you can see if it's good enough to be bonus track or something.
  17. I think the title's great! xD Do you have an alternate idea you like better? That wasn't meant to sound like I'm being the smart one who's trying to come back at you. That question is meant to be delivered softly.
  18. I'd say if you want to get into funk, listen to some jazz and then listen to some James Brown. ^-^ Jazz is just something most everyone should at least have a respect for, honestly. It's the base of a lot of genres we know of today that sound nothing like jazz. James Brown is pure funk. And one of the best known. But you most likely already knew that. That forum looked like a good place to start, though I never read it, so I don't know how much of it I'd disagree with.
  19. Yeah that's right I'm doing my own thing and something with HoboKa. I also have that Paper Mario and Sonic CD in my hands right now so I just need to do that and get that out of the way and then I'll focus on this (hopefully... I'm a very distracted person who just wants to do everything lol).
  20. VUT??? I called Quartz Quadrant JP a long time ago. -____- Can I request collaboration with Akumajo on it? xD
  21. You really know how to do your 80s stuff. I think my biggest problem with it is that as much as the snare sounds 80s, it doesn't feel big enough. So much of the snare sounds in the 80s were huge and loud. I mean, one example that just randomly came off the top of my head is "What Have You Done For Me Lately" by Janet Jackson. That snare's much different, but you get what I mean. Great remix overall.
  22. I'm still up to do this, but I've got many other things (including and not including ocremix) that I'm working on right now, so yeah.
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