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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Personally, when it comes to music, I much rather prefer Macs, because I believe Macs work better for music production and film production and stuff, so I encourage the use of a Mac, though Windows will work too. I just believe Macs work better for this stuff. You could probably get Pro Tools for Windows, and Pro Tools is most certainly the best choice besides Logic Pro, though it is quite expensive.
  2. I use Logic Pro. I personally believe it is the best for programming and doing stuff completely on your own. Not that other softwares do a bad job at it or a much worse job, I just think that Logic Pro does it the best, which is why I use it.
  3. I recently began using pitch correction on my voice because I was going for a more electronic/synth feel for my new record, and it should only be used as a tool, not an effect that apparently "makes your voice sound better". I use it to help my voice, rather than to make it sound completely digital, which I hate. Unless it's to give like a robotic feel or something, overdose of autotune is ridiculous to me. Again, I believe it should only be used as a tool, and in specific circumstances. My previous record had no autotune except for one song, I believe, and that was because my voice wasn't doing well on that song and it was sort of appropriate. Lots of the songs on the record had a more acoustic feel, and therefore I wanted everything to have a more natural sound. And by the way, I'm very 80s and 90s-ish. Especially the 90s.
  4. Ok, I have this same probably pretty frequently as well in Logic. I do honestly want to know how to fix this. This is probably the biggest reason I don't try doing DubStep often.
  5. Why must it be so expensive?? I want to get one of these plug-ins so bad, but I just don't have money to spend on that right now.
  6. I don't know why they would want to use that forum when we have this one... I'll register if there's a reason to.
  7. Most everyone has probably clarified this by now (I haven't been reading), but it is good to have at least 4GB of RAM in the computer. That's what I run on. I run on a Mac with 4GB. And sometimes even that can be a pain. Lots of pros use 8GB and they never have any trouble. Some go as far as 16GB or even (if the computer can hold this much) 32GB of RAM (which is a ridiculous amount which I think is not needed unless you want everything up and running in literally a second--that's nice, but it's not all that important). Yeah. That's my post (which was probably a waste of time as most likely everyone else has already given this answer or a better one haha).
  8. No, I think you should make the synth that is syncopated before the bass line sync with the bass line (if you understand what I'm saying), and stick in some chords using a pad or something at that point.
  9. It's very messy. Especially in between 0:19 and 0:49. I needs to be simpler. There's too many notes going on at different times and it sounds really weird and off.
  10. Yeah I guess overall, I agree with Snapple as well.
  11. I say my genre, in general, is Pop, though I'm all over the place when it comes to genre. There's no limit. You don't really "choose" a genre. Genres lots of times are created because the person who made the song (and basically a new genre) probably combined a variety of other inspirations and created something using all of those influences. Again, lots of times the song or album or artist in general will have created something so unique that he/she creates a new genre. I normally do this. I grab a variety of inspirations and write something using many different influences and eventually come up with something rather unique and different.
  12. I am most certainly one for the analog tape, because it sounds so much more real. Though I love that analog sound, there's a lot of digital recorded stuff out there I love. I am not much for auto-tune, though I don't believe it's a bad thing to use it. I think if it's used as a tool to help your voice sound better pitch-wise, it's good. But when it comes to the point where producers are using it so heavily that the artist sounds like a robot, that's when I think it's gone too far. I love my dubstep, though. Though it most certainly is not my favorite genre.
  13. As for mixing and adding reverb and delay, I've always said that it's what you think sounds best. There is no certain way to do it or a certain volume. Depending on what you want will change the way you adjust volumes and dry/wet notches and stuff on those effects. Obviously there's a way that is incorrect and a way that's correct depending on what the instrument needs when it comes to reverb and delay, but it's always your choice. There's not really an actual "wrong" decision. Different adjustments will change the vibe, so, again, whatever works best and fits the vibe or sounds the way it should is obviously the way. There's no specific right or wrong.
  14. The internet is ruining everything. Why!? I'm so devastated by this.
  15. Man, I'm trying to figure out which mix I like better! This one or the one by ProtoTypeRaptor. I think this one could definitely have some more volume on the right-hand notes (or the higher notes, whatever), and I'd say give a good amount of it reverb. It sounds like it needs it. Now, you're saying it's finished, but I thought I'd give my opinion anyway.
  16. Ok, as much as I'm hearing, this is what I'll say. You are most certainly getting closer. Considering where this is going, I'd add in some stronger and dirtier synth sounds in there, and I'd most certainly give the drums more "mmph", if you will. Also, your panning seems nice, except I normally enjoy the strings being in the center the most, though not like a mono-sounding center. Like the stereo-sound. You obviously get what I mean, yes? It could just be me. I'm just not much for the strings being in one ear. Now, if there are additional parts to the strings, then I may put one of those additional tracks in one ear or the other, but if it's the "main strings", if you will--like the ones that are basically doing the chords and all--I like to keep that in the center. It just fills up space. This needs to be mixed with probably some more reverb and delay, considering where this mix is going. I could totally mix it for you, though I figure you want this to be entirely your mix.
  17. @BrothaDom: Hey whenever you finally yell out there that the tracks need to be finished soon or my track is a priority to be finished, I'll get on it. But for now, like King Tiger, I'm working on a remix for the PM64 project, and that mix has been keeping me busy. The Carnival Night Zone remix I'm coming back to occasionally and tweaking, but it has not been a priority for me right now. Just thought I'd let you know that.
  18. If the delay or the reverb is essential to the synth and makes it sound the way it is, rather than just being a cool effect that gives the synth a cooler sound, then normally (at least I've noticed this) it's recorded pretty raw. Not always, but in most circumstances, it's recorded raw. The producer or mixer normally ends up adding in the sound effects. If there's a specific sound from the synth you want which requires effects, the effects will probably need to be recorded through the computer plug-in, rather than an effect on the keyboard itself. That way the producer or mixer can mess with it if he/she needs to. I could be very wrong about all of this, but I've been at professional sessions before and I am constantly recording myself (though I normally record alone rather than with a band), so that's what I think.
  19. Hey man. Don't want to be obnoxious or impatient, but did you get my PM?

  20. So what's with the artwork on SoundCloud? Just threw it in?
  21. Ah. So what's with Sonic 2 HD? I'm still not sure I understand that part. It's in Sonic 2 HD or what?
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