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Garrett Williamson

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Everything posted by Garrett Williamson

  1. Yep, I must be crazy. ^-^ It's not a Mario game song I'm thinking of. There's a couple of moments in the melody that have the same exact notes as this song and I bet they meant to do that...
  2. I have no clue if this is the category I'm supposed to post this thread in, but see how much I care. I just heard my brother playing this stage and I heard this and is it just me or does the melody sound similar to another song from another game...? http://youtu.be/NYoP3_p2-N8 I'm not going to say what song I'm thinking of. I want to hear everyone else's guesses and see if I'm stupid or not.
  3. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with the sound. I like the dark ambient sound it has, and the reverb is nice. It may just be my ear or my headphones or speakers, but I love the sound. Did you compress it at all? (I haven't been reading the other comments so I don't know what anyone else has said).
  4. You're gonna get critism. Sometimes there just isn't anything nice to say about it. Honestly, he's right about everything he just said, but I wouldn't make it sound like it's that bad. It is pretty well put together for spending 5 hours on it (I saw your comment haha). I would go back and lighten up on reverb, maybe do some delays and stuff? I'd put some compression on the drums to fatten it up and give it a bigger and cooler beat. And mess with the arrangement. Change it around! Do your own thang!
  5. I don't know that song very well (I must admit I don't play much FF), but I'm always interested in collabing. I'm trying to find something that I could remix myself.
  6. So is the only basic rule that it needs to be Christmas themed?
  7. All I can say is... This is a brilliant arrangement. Hardly do I ever hear such a good arrangement of a remix when it's changed around this much.
  8. So does it matter what remix it is? Is it need to be Christmas themed?
  9. Wow, I'm rather impressed. When do I get to hear the rest?
  10. Lol, that happens in ALL Mario Kart games. I'm a master at Double Dash. That's the one I'm best at, honestly.
  11. Uh... I mean, I beat Mario Kart Double Dash literally over 5 times. I'm a master at Mario Kart. I beat Mario Kart Wii really quickly, but I never went back to beat it again because I wasn't a ginormous fan of it. It was great, but Double Dash is the best. I think I beat Mario Kart 64 as well. Ah, my childhood... I grew up with the 64 and GCN. Super Mario Kart was nearly impossible for me. I only played it for old school gaming reasons and just for the fact it was cool to play it. It was really hard for me and my friends, though, lol. I never was able to do Mario Kart 7. The controls always bothered me. They were too different, and I had a hard time handling the racers. I nearly beat it, though.
  12. Hey, I was just saying I like Macs more and I think they work better for this stuff. I also said I have nothing against PCs. I meant nothing of any war, and I didn't mean to make any of my replies something to debate upon... though I do enjoy debating. Lol.
  13. It's Nashville. I live around Nashville. Again, I have yet to see a PC being used in a professional recording studio. I always see Pro Tools and a Mac.
  14. Ok, well I guess SnappleMan just answered every question, but I enjoy Macs better because I believe the format and layout of a Mac is easier, simpler, and works better for me and music production. Again, I totally have nothing against Windows, but I just think Macs works better for this stuff because it's just much simpler for me. And maybe it's just Tennessee, lol. Most people down here seem to think Macs are better. Of course, that doesn't make them better. More people just own them and enjoy them more. PCs are great for business and gaming, though, and programming and whatever. I just can't work with the format of Windows.
  15. Actually, I knew about that. Lol, sorry, that's one huge exception. No, but if more people (including professionals) are using it and saying it works better (as it does for me, as I have figured out from experience from originally using PC and then moving to Mac when I heard its goodness), then that normally means it probably works better.
  16. I never actually owned Wind Waker, but a good friend of mine has it and has had it for like 9 years (that's how long it's existed, I believe, haha), and he NEVER beat the game. I believe this was the reason, because he complained about this. One game I never beat that got me so ticked was Sonic Adventure 2. It was because I needed that specific item for Knuckles (for the final level) where I had to go underwater or whatever. I never could find the item, but it was apparently in the Aquatic Mine. I hated that place. Apparently this item would let Knuckles be able to breath underwater, and with this underwater part of this final level, it's nearly impossible to go through the level without this item. Information online say it IS possible to get through the level without it, but that takes serious skill and speed. I never had that skill and speed with Knuckles. That game was so much fun, though. I don't think I ever beat Super Mario Sunshine because it was way too hard or something. It was most certainly (and I still think so) one of the hardest Mario games for me, specifically because of the controls and FLUDD... and those Secret Levels. -___- I screamed at the TV so often with those levels and my family got so annoyed with me and my screaming, so I finally dropped the game and only came back to it to just play it for 5 minutes for nostalgia reasons. I nearly beat Sonic Adventure, but Perfect Chaos pissed me off so much I just gave up. I would be nearly done and then he would play some completely unfair move on me and I would just scream and I would have to start all the way over again. I say that I practically beat the game, but not technically. There are lots of games I never beat. And they were all because of really aggravating parts.
  17. Because, for one, more of the more popular and higher rated softwares for this kind of stuff are specifically for Mac, OR, they are more preferred for the Mac, because the layout of the Mac seems to be an easier layout for music production and film production (it is, at least for me). Also, more pros use Macs. I am the son of a professional studio drummer and producer, and I have yet to find a professional recording studio that uses a PC rather than a Mac. I almost always see Pro Tools being used on a Mac (though, again, it can be used for the PC), and occasionally Logic Pro. Logic Pro is something I see more of at a professional's little home studio. Lots of professional recording studios, though, are actually in houses, and I'm seeing less and less of big studios that people invested hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars on, because those studios (and sort of unfortunately) aren't really needed anymore. Every year it's becoming easier and easier to make music and have a little studio of your own. But back to the point, Logic Pro is something I normally prefer for people alone who are working on stuff by themselves, or are more into the programmy and techno stuff. Though those are clearly not its limits. My record was half acoustic. It can pull off stuff just as good as Pro Tools. But the layout and some of the features and tools in Pro Tools are better for the big studio recording and engineering. That was a really long reply.
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