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Everything posted by timaeus222

  1. The harp at 0:15 seems to be out of sync with the rest of the instruments. You should quantize that. At 0:35, there's that piano. Hm, maybe you should add a lower octave part to it. It seems too bare with just a high end piano. You might also want to touch up the sequencing a bit if it isn't live or live MIDI. At the end, try changing the final notes to signal that there's more coming up. Right now it sounds like an ending.
  2. Where do you find your musical inspiration?
  3. By expressive, I mean, for example, more vibrato where appropriate, or a more dynamic, modulated synth sound. You gotta pull out all the stops and make each and every note sound like it has feeling, if you get what I mean. Aggressive is like dirtier, more powerful, mind-blowing stuff. Kind of like this, but in the context of your remix (because there's no way you or I can do this kind of stuff at this moment): @ 11:30 and 12:01
  4. Well, your ideas are pretty good, you just need to get some better sounds. See if you can find some more expressive synth sounds to use, or even more aggressive sounds.
  5. This will be a bit harsh but not mean. It'd be nicer if you do some automation to cut out unnecessary, overlapping frequencies during certain sections and bring them back later when they won't clash with other instruments' frequencies. I'm also not really liking the noise thwip thing at 1:22 leading into the key change. One, it's too loud, and two, it doesn't fit. Maybe more of a reverse thwip? 1:35 - the saw wave arpeggio seems too static to me. Maybe put an LFO on it to modulate an internal cutoff filter? 2:45 - the sync lead is too dry, and it makes it pretty annoying, and it clashes with the polyphonic saw wave arpeggio. Add some reverb on that sync lead, and low pass that poly saw wave a bit. You might also want to try putting the sync lead an octave lower to see how it sounds. Overall, upgrade your sounds. They're very generic right now, and nothing too special. You've gotta grab people's attention with interesting sounds.
  6. Things are getting really muddy in the low mids. Good sound, but EQ out the unnecessary overlapping frequencies. It's most evident at 0:34-0:50. 1:28 - The "choir" sounds really fake. Maybe some other instrument there? There's a lot of low end stuff going on. It's tough, but you gotta make sure you don't have any unnecessary frequencies clogging up the mix.
  7. Okay, some more updates: - I fixed up the section at 2:04-2:16. It was getting cramped, so I loosened things up a bit, and it should sound cleaner now (whatever that means ). It also has a stronger kick. - Better balance between drums, guitar, bass, and leads. If there's not enough bass, I don't really know how I can add more. It's very loud and packed, and if I were to add more, I'd have to lower the volume on everything. https://www.box.com/s/7j1jcftj1pxtivsdjy8v - V4 https://www.box.com/s/b9n2y5skr1gr480dnhri - V3 https://www.box.com/s/x3vy70mv77ux3xgoyrdj - V2 https://www.box.com/s/47ba3cnfomt1n2myzs5m - V1 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTvjc12new0
  8. Hey, what's up? I read your post on the Game Boy album topic, and I sent you the "audition track" (and the actual track for the album. :P).

  9. You're not alone, I get a lot of my ideas away from my studio too. The sounds are nice, but the writing seems to make their frequencies clash a bit.
  10. Source length shouldn't be an issue; you can expand on it if you're really inspired. I've managed to make a remix combining two sources, that are 1:04 and 1:13 long respectively. One 1:51 source shouldn't be too difficult. I have an idea. Maybe you can rewrite the intro, and start with an arpeggio, then add a bass, then go for a hardcore dance/electronica song? Your sounds seem to match that. Sort of like this but not exactly: Hm... Or maybe my old (kinda bad) remix of this will inspire you? I like the kick and snare. Maybe decrease the predelay on the snare reverb a little bit.
  11. Okay, I've sent you the final version. ;-)

  12. The Damned, I sent a message to you, in case you somehow didn't get a popup notification.
  13. Cool! Actually, I took a look at some spectral analyzers, and it turns out adding more bass frequencies in in the 65-75Hz range for the low pad would really strengthen this remix, so I'm rendering a newer version doing just that!
  14. Cool, thanks, man! :D

  15. Keep in mind that sometimes when you think there's too much reverb, it could just be that the reverb preset isn't effective, realistic, or consistent among your instruments.
  16. What's up? I've got the V1 of a really cool remix I just finished! After being really inspired by chimpazilla's drum samples, I made this for something rather interesting in the future. Remix: https://www.box.com/s/cs46mmv0t0g60zh3scja Sources: - Shadi - Level 1 DuelWhat do you think?
  17. Some things sound like they have too much wet on the reverb (like the sidestick panned right). You should try it with less and see what you think.
  18. What I love about this track is that it's 4:07, but it felt shorter. That's what I'm talking about!
  19. Okay, I did some more edits: - Some compression mastering. - Quantized the piano a bit more, just enough so it's not off but also not too mechanical. - Pumped up the drum samples. - Less reverb on the "main" snare. - New "main" hi hat (instead of the "main" open hi hat) - New "main" kick (thanks, chimpazilla). - 2:04-2:16 = new arrangement. Might be a bit packed, so I might fix that later. - 2:27-2:39 = new percussion. Cinematic Synthetic Drums rocks! - There should also be more bass. I got new headphones, and compared V2 and V3, and it does indeed have a bit more bass. https://www.box.com/s/b9n2y5skr1gr480dnhri - V3 https://www.box.com/s/x3vy70mv77ux3xgoyrdj - V2 https://www.box.com/s/47ba3cnfomt1n2myzs5m - V1 Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTvjc12new0 Note that I can't add anymore plugins, because I've literally maxed out my physical memory. I can replace some though.
  20. I agree on the sax, although it already has vibrato. Perhaps some "hard" playing versus "soft" playing on the sax. i.e. hard/soft blows. I think the strings could be too loud after 1:40, because it's somewhat overpowering the percussion coming in at 1:40. You can still lower the amplitude/mix level and raise the "stacking intensity" (basically the volume knob), and then lower the velocities, and that should work out if done correctly. If you can get a new bass tone, that would be nice too, but that's just personal taste. Right now, it's missing some in the low mids and it has a bit much in the 30-60 Hz range.
  21. Good sound, low quality samples. Try replacing some instruments with some better quality ones. For example, synth guitar -> real guitar, piano soundfont -> more realistic piano. In other words, more realism! The piano's timing is a little bit off in the end, too.
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