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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. These 2 statements contradict each other:

    thanks alot suzumebachi

    to bad i spent to damn long on lethon :(

    Does anybody play in Lethon?

    I SERIOUSLY need some help

    I'm like level 21 Dranai, stuck on bloodmyst isle

    I need a WoW buddy

    plz pm

    Your first time getting to 21 might've been hard...especially learning stuff on your own, but I assure you on Illidan that'll take a matter of days. A week or so MAX.

    starla does a pretty good job of snatching up the n00bs and nurturing them into real WoW players =P.

    You should probably check out this thread:


  2. I've been wondering if I should bother to do the same as my priest or druid with this toon for end-game gearing. For my priest it was lotsa instances with the tailor crafting, and my druid was more PvP with a few lucky runs in instances (healing staff, moonglade pants AND scarab trinket all in the same reg BM run at lv69). For TBC I know that locks could do fine in PvP gear for PvE.

    Also, anyone would be interested in maybe lolarena when I get to 80? I really need to get better at it. 3s sounds not too overwhelming. I've never done 5s, since both my priest and druid weren't all that great for that bracket on my battlegroup.

    5s are terrible. It's a hugantic cluster fuck. Me and starla have a pretty decent 2s team when we both have our shit together and we don't get matched up with people in full brutal in the 1350 bracket (yayyyy Rampage). I'm SO down for a drain team come 80, though.

  3. Well Seems Medivh was given the xfers, at least...

    I don't think it's so big a deal though since 1. yes the server seems stable now, and 2. Illidan never had a queue time :-P

    That's the main reason we didn't get a transfer. Only servers that have a pretty large queue get transfer. Illidan just had...problems.


    I managed to get into Black Temple today, kind of ridiculous. That's why I love this server <3 PvP servers tend to have the best PvE progression as well.

    Good luck getting this one to leave.

    Tuesday she gets to turn in Nefarion's head. Wednesday she gets a a chest, gloves, a dagger, and a trinket out of Black Temple. Thursday she gets pants and an off-hand fist out of Hyjal....

    All I got were some T6 shoulders, fancy pants, and (previously) healing boots. If this keeps up. She'll be in Sunwell before WotLK hits -____-

    Again: From Mercs/Blues to 6 pieces of BT/Hyjal gear IN 2 DAYS. Only on Illidan :|

  4. Zombie shit is awesome. Forming packs of zombies with both Horde and Alliance members is fucking awesome. Ganking confused lowbies and turning them into zombies is awesome. Going as a zombie to Goldshire in Elwynn Forest and setting my pet to aggressive and watching it eat dozens of level 6-10 humans in seconds flat is awesome. Exploding and infecting every NPC in Ratchet is awesome.

    The coolest thing about the zombie shit, is how the disease spreads on its own. I killed a shitload of low level allies in Goldshire, but there were a few lucky ones that managed to escape death, but still had infections. Once I was finally brought down (but not before exploding and infecting everything) by the level 75 spawned guards, I quietly observed a few of the infected lowbies. One in particular wandered all the way to the Murloc camps in the eastern part of Elwynn. I watched from a distance while he was killing Murlocs, then suddenly became a zombie. You could tell he was pretty confused, because he immediately ran deep into the Murloc camp and aggroed a bunch of them. He managed to hit a couple of them, infecting them, but didn't manage to kill any before he died. I watched for a bit but he never came back. Instead, along came another lowbie to kill some Murlocs. He killed a few, before finally attacking one of the infected ones. As soon as it died, it became a zombie, and infected the player. He managed to kill it, then ran away. A few minutes later a couple more of the Murlocs became zombies, and proceeded to infect the rest of the Murloc camp, creating a never ending cycle of Murloc zombie death and rebirth (until someone comes along to clean up). Meanwhile the 2nd infected player went to Eastvale Logging Camp, turned into a zombie there, and infected a few of the NPCs before dying...

    This shit is awesome. I hope Blizzard somehow keeps this in the game. Even if they make it more rare (right now it's super easy to get if you kill any roaches or open any crates).

    Even more awesome would be some kind of 3rd scourge faction that can regularly do this kind of stuff.

    I'm in the Barrens right now attacking scared and confused lowbies, but 60 somethings keep flying in to eKnight and call me a n00b and fly off before I can rez and duel them, and then come back as a zombie and eat them. The plague is getting super resistant to cure disease, too. Abolish Disease even takes 2 or 3 times now before it sticks.

  5. Oh wow there's suckier than us? Now on Aggamagan you actually have people LFM for Gruul/Mag/ZA too once in a while, instead of only Kara. And it doesn't take ages to finish a heroic when it's not guildies. Still a shitty low pop server for anything, they need to offer free xfers to more than Latin realms or merge some together.

    I'm enjoying illidown even with the damned lag during peak time. Rolled an alt there to play with starla and co. ;) I hope I can get my toon to Outlands by the time WotLK comes out.

    Illidan PuGs all those pretty much about 40 times a day. Hell I've PuG'd SSC and I've heard of BT PUGs too.

    Are you guys servers doing Sunwell trash PUGs?

  6. Spellpower = win

    I think they're finally getting classes balance right. I don't get why people complain about some of the new changes.

    Still debating if I should xfer my 2 lv70 to another server.


    Seriously though, need moar Disperion and Twisted Faith right now :(


  7. More news: Battle.net will possibly no longer be a free service.

    'Speaking at yesterday's Diablo III Gameplay panel, Blizzard's Julian Wilson was asked one of the questions that's been hiding in the back of all of our brains, "Is Battle.Net going to remain free?"

    His response probably wasn't what you'd want to hear. "We are looking to monetize Battle.Net so that we get to keep making these games and updating features," said Wilson. "We kind of have to." He went on to say that they do recognize that everyone loves having it as a free service, and that they don't have a strong desire to make a subscription-based game.

    What does that mean for our beloved free online gaming service? We're hoping to find out when we talk to Blizzard bigwig Rob Pardo later this afternoon.'

    http://www.joystiq.com/2008/10/11/blizz ... monetized/

    Well, uh...um...

    And with a little word swapping:

    Diablo III director Jay Wilson said today that the company does not have a great desire to charge a subscription fee for the upcoming revision of its multiplayer client Battle.net. However, the developer did note that Blizzard will likely monetize unknown features of the game.

    "We are going to monetize features so that we get to make them," said Wilson. "We kind of have to."

    Wilson noted that whatever the content would be, it would have an appropriate value to users.


    Video game journalism is getting as bad as politics!

    Anyway, I WANT to be angry at this, but really it falls under 2 possibilities:


    Blizzard is trying to capitalize on it's fanbase. It's seeing the renewable resource that WoW is, what other people are doing like Microsoft with XBL, like Valve is doing with HL2/3, and trying to milk it for all it's worth. They're going to release all 3 games AS expansions with changes to game play, and mulitplayer, including new units and buildings, and all that jazz, FORCING you to buy all 3 of them to get the full experience of the multiplayer.



    They're going to make the games either super expansive so they really do each feel like a FULL GAME or they're going to make them super affordable, and the the bulk of B.net features will remain free, while certain, specialized things are available for a small fee. Which...release SC2, a new PC game with YEARS of resources and development put into it for under $30 would be AWESOME for sales, but ballsy for profit.

    Personally I won't be surprised at either, but Blizzard really hasn't let me down like....ever? So I'm REALLY hoping it's the latter, but I have no expectations either way.

    I WILL say if it's the former, I think Blizzard is going to have a train wreck on their hands that'll make Spore's DRM fiasco look like a tea party.

  8. Gross dude. Even if someone had a hoodie with my name and face on it, if they wore it everyday for 22 months, i wouldn't want to go talk to them. >_>

    Less Ramaniscence and more Laundryiscence IMO.

    lol, you under estimate how much OCR merch I own :|

    I will say that my OCR hoodies are actually in the best shape out of all my hoodies/sweaters.

    But you HAVE to wear a sweater everyday at Full Sail. It's always winter in those buildings. The windows to the CA building are constantly covered in condensation like the inside of a freezer.

  9. Hey guys! I posted here a few months back about graduating from Full Sail University.

    It looks like the years of hard work finally paid off. I'm being flown out to MD next week to meet with Zenimax Online Studios.

    Now technically I don't have the job yet; they are just giving me a last look through to make sure I'm not a jackass. So please wish me luck!!

    And thanks for your guy's support thus far. I LOVE OCREMIX! The best music in the world!

    (for those that would like to see my demo reel, click below)


    Wait...what? Where the hell did THIS come from. o.O

    I just graduated from CA on the 3rd. :o

    I wore my OCR hoody everyday and the whole 22 monthes I was there I only met 1 kid who recognized it. HOW CAN THIS BE?

  10. My real question is, how do I go about loading this stylesheet in Opera. I read on the Opera Wiki that any userstyles.org stylesheet can be made to work with Opera if you, quote, "remove the Mozilla bits at the top and the bottom." Problem is, I don't know what the Mozilla bits are.

    There's 2 seperate CSS styles for OCR. One for the site's main CSS file, and another for the vBulletin style specifically. Within both (I'm pretty sure both anyway) there's a FEW lines that have the mozilla thing thing so that they can edit specific URLS...

    @namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

    [B]@-moz-document url-prefix(http://www.ocremix.org/phpBB2/) [/B]
    /* ======= Sidebar Removal for forums by Grey Ninja/OCR_Dave. ======= */
    .left-column {
    display:none !important;

    div.middle-column {
    margin: 10px 0px 0px 145px !important;

    div.middle-column-extended {
    margin: 10px 10px 0px 10px !important;

    div.breadcrumb {
    left: 10px !important;
    /* top: -172px !important; */
    color: #aaa !important;

    You're looking for those.

    Then the only other question I have is, can I change the ridiculous SAUCED logo in the upper left of the page to something a bit... i dunno... less obnoxious?

    /* BACKGROUND COLOR (also: Composer/Artist/etc Sidebar Text) */[/COLOR]
    body {
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"]/* background-image: url("http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/ocrtopcaco3kt.png") #000 no-repeat !important; */[/COLOR]

    [B] background: url("http://ramaserv.thasauce.net/images/OCRCSS/OCR4-Contrast/OCR-Contrast-Logo-03.png") #000 no-repeat !important;[/B]
    color: #aaa !important;
    [COLOR="DarkGreen"] /* background-repeat: repeat-x !important; */[/COLOR]

    TO's logo is still in there, just commented out. You can change it to whatever you want if you just change the bolded URL.

    I think <textarea> has its own background-color attribute, but I dunno what you'd do about the black text.

    Yea...I'm lookin' around in the CSS, but so far nothing has worked.

  11. I have a pair of 70 BE paladins that are just chilling; I'll transfer one over tonight.

    You guys want a tank or a healer?

    I'm pretty much heals. I mean...I'm shadow, but I'm pretty well geared to heal (1300 heals, 500 mp5 in holy). I know a resto dr00d and a resto shaman.

    HOWEVER, all the warriors I know are burnt out on tanking, and THE THINGS I WOULD DO for a pally tank. Illidan is tank STARVED.

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