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Posts posted by Ramaniscence

  1. No simple way to do that short of editing the template itself, which probably is not on Dave's priority list.

    I'm sure it's way easier to add that to that field than to say...oh iono add last.fm account, or MySpace accounts, or wii numbers or XBOX live accounts. But hey...OCR priorities. I really don't care anymore.

    Oh, and before the "If you don't care then why post"

    Because I can.

  2. A panel that included all the major sites in the community is something Brendan has been talking about for awhile now, and it's something I personally REALLY want to see happen. He's told my associates that he still wants to see it happen, but if it is going to happen it's going to take some organization from a lot of people to make it work. So I'm taking it upon myself to try and orgnize something like this because I REALLY think the community would benefit from a really open discussion ABOUT the community.

    My thinking is this:

    The community forum would be a sort of opening event. Something that happens before ANY other "major site" panel. There all the major sites (OCR, VGMix, R:TS, DoD, OLR, AnimeReMix, etc, etc...really whom ever we can have represented) could give a brief description of their site, their mission, and what you can expect them to discuss at their panel. Afterward there would be an open discussion, including questions and suggestions from the audience, of how we could better the community as a whole. Obviously there's going to be some stuff that simply just can't happen because it's either against what the site is about or the resources just aren't available right now (ie ratings @ OCR or something like that), but even it's not possible at one site, perhaps it could be easily implemented at another site, and we could work something out to be more cohesive as a whole.

    We could also discuss trends in the community, and things would could share to help better each others sites so that we can BEST serve the community as a whole.

    So what I'm making this post for, is to gauge interest in this sort of thing, and to ask for any feedback or suggestions BEFORE HAND so that I can know what/how to plan this thing to actually make it a reality.

  3. That's stupid, Scott. It's an issue of rights. I don't have the right to walk into your house and take your shit - we live in a civilized world. Taking YOUR MUSIC and selling it, even if I do things to it, is another form of stealing as far as I'm concerned. The fees for mechanical licenses are dirt cheap anyway, so there's no excuse aside from logistics. Morally, there's no defending it, sorry. Armcannon and Select Start DON'T deserve every cent, they didn't do all the work.

    you make it sounds like-...like you walked up into his house stole his protools.

    its from a video game, idiot.

  4. Dude you can't say something like that and not elaborate on it for at least three paragraphs. :(

    Shit, I was actually going to reply to this, but I forgot. I had to redownload the whole lecture on Japanese color sympolism, but I COMPLETELY forgot...


    Red & White: Joyous occasions

    Pink: Kindness

    Black & White: Death and mourning

    Black: Completeness

    Yellow: child-like, immature, impetuous

    Blue: Dependability

    Navy Blue: Responsibility

    Green: Youth, life, tranquility


    So essentially how they taught it to us is...in KH1 Sora is really child-like, and whimsical, but he was at least a little responsible and dependable and was at least a little mournful, but when KH2 came along he was a lot more mournful because of all the Riku crud. As a result he was a lot less child-like, and a lot more dependable and complete...there was a ton of more detail than that, but honestly that class was like over half a year ago and I didn't play enough Kingdom Hearts to absorb enough information.

    They taught everything like that, though. EVERYTHING was a Star Wars, Advent Children, or LotR reference to make it easier to understand. I wish all classes were like that :(

    Our final was actually identifying the "Stages of Heroism" or something within Aladdin.

  5. I think better examples are...

    ...well ALL of the FF7. That thing has so many references to Norse mythology it's ridiculous.

    And well, the summons are a dead give-away.

    Also: Tyr's Hand in WoW....but other than that and Teldrassil I don't think WoW has anything substantial =P

    Oh...and Okami.

    I actually took a whole class about this stuff and games. The color symbolism used in Kingdom Hearts, I think is the most interesting, but...that's something I NEVER would've noticed had not been for that class. So it's really not tangential

  6. I love the new Facebook because I no longer have to see the 5 miles of screenspace of applications that some people have on their wall. I just never go to the applications tab and I'm happy.

    I love the new Facebook because it automatically imports all my information from Last.FM, GoogleReader, YouTube, AND MORE, makes it way easier for me to share links and crud, and makes it SO much easier to sort through all the crap that and get to what I want.

  7. I don't think your average college student's apartment and cellphone number is going to be in the phonebook.

    Mine wasn't...not as mine anyway. it was in there was Sunset Printing, a printing service that went under before I got their number. So I had to get my number listed so it wouldn't be listed as theirs...

    ...I still get phone calls from people looking to collect debt from their employees, but since I relisted my number I get a lot less.

  8. The founder of Facebook likes to send us garbage by changing the whole system of the site, and they made the 'new' wall ugly! :-x

    I love how much people cry about the new Facebook because they've taken absolutely no time to learn how to use it and completely ignore that fact that MAYBE, with a little...oh I don't know...TRYING? It's a better system.

    That, and no one's forcing you to use it.

    AND there was like a 4-5 month period where they were constantly posting screenshots, and asking for feedback. Not their fault you didn't give it.

  9. okay rama have fun losing to kilik

    Kilik? Sorry I'm not terrible at this game. Now Sophitia and Lizardman...that's a totally different story.

    ...DEFINITELY not Kilik, though. I know how to side step, get of range, and GI. kthx

  10. no it didn't but it did go to show that the game is not really balanced very well at all

    Yup. What? 5 characters? In a cast over over 30. Totally unbalanced. How could anyone ever hope to say this game is, in any way, fair? You're a master. You should put out a book. Maybe an eBook. You could make a real fortune teaching people fair and balanced arguments with hard, relevant facts that REALLY get your point across.

  11. oh no that sure proved me wrong!

    yea, and you saying that guest characters are different from unlockable characters when it comes to what's banned and what's not really helped proved that SCIV is a button-mashing, tournament unworthy game.

    Why didn't I think of that?

  12. unlockable versions of characters being broken does not absolve guest characters from being so as well

    Apparently you wrote the rules on video games. So ya'know what? You're right.

    Absolutely right.

    This discussion is going no where.

  13. The same is true for SC 4, except there is no engineering to be done. SC 3 was broken, and SC 4 has a character that cannot be grabbed, or even hit by some moves. They're not trying to make a tournament fighter, but everyone gets in a huff when you call it what it is: a button-mashing fanservice game. The guest characters and lack of apparent game testing seem to confirm that.

    Guest characters, Algol, and SW characters are tournament banned in SCVI.

    You mean to tell me nothing in SSBB is tournament banned?

    If Yoda is the only reason you got that SCIV is broken, you're gonna need to find something better.

  14. I've always said that SC is just a button-mashing T & A fest, and today I proved it. It was my first time playing SC 4, I went random and got Sophita (I think that's her name). Then I proceeded to mash buttons (specifically, the triangle button) until I beat the person who owned the game. There's no skill involved, just mash buttons, and you win in SC.

    And I appreciate T & A as much as the next guy, but it's just ridiculous now. Breaking armor leads to girls fighting in bras and panties? I'm no feminist, and I love big 3-D rendered boobs, but they're just trying to cover up shallow, repetitive gameplay with fan service, like another inexplicably popular 3-D fighting franchise.

    End rant, until I play that horrendous game again. Fuck Soul Calibur 4.

    try that against me

    we'll see how much of a button masher it is

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